Who plays Mueller in the movie adaptation?
Who plays Mueller in the movie adaptation?
You'd hope that the president being exposed as a traitor and the executive branch compromised by a hostile foreign power would galvanize the States and Congress to prevent it from happening again.I can't see any constitutional amendments of any variety passing in this current political environment.
I think De Niro could pull it off. Sorta looks like him too
Like seriously imagine how this scene could be played out in different tones:
House of Cards
Trump on TV: Mueller better not check my finances!
Mueller: Looks at TV and raises eyebrow
News Report: Director Mueller has now expanded the Investigation to President Trump's finances
Pain and Gain
Trump on TV: Mueller better not check my finances!
Men in FBI jackets start handing out subpeonas at Trump tower and all the relevant accounting firms, start carrying computers out of a door leading to the next scene where forensic accountant looking people start going to work on his finances.
Mueller goes from scowl to shit-eating grin.
Arrested Development
Trump on TV: Mueller better not check my finances
Ron Howard: Director Mueller then proceeded to check President Trump's finances
Trump and the rest of the Trumplings look on dumbfounded.
Narrator: Muller immediately began delving into Trump family finances.Mr. Trump said Mr. Mueller was running an office rife with conflicts of interest and warned that investigators would cross a red line if they delve into Trump family finances unrelated to Russia.
The movie adaptations to this are gonna be ridiculous. I am seriously wondering how serious a tone they are gonna play it? House of Cards seriousness? Pain and Gain levels of stupidity? Arrested Development?!?!/
Schiff said this? That would be great.
Trump and his whole family get RICOd cause of his racist need to undo Obama's legacy would kill me.Trump is going to get hemmed up on Rico charges. Which in turn, would completely avoid impeachment protocol.
You'd hope that the president being exposed as a traitor and the executive branch compromised by a hostile foreign power would galvanize the States and Congress to prevent it from happening again.
I wonder if they have gotten Trumps taxes yet. Obviously a lot of answers probably lie there.
I'm still curious about Flynn.
He needs to be indicted so they can start working out sentencing deals in exchange for testimony against Trump.
Flynn knows shit. He's willing to spill the beans for immunity, so he knows some shit. But don't give him immunity, just indict his ass for perjury and then make a deal for a lighter sentence so he can rat-out Trump.
Damn. I just realized Trump's "red line" he set for Mueller might be used to fire him..
http://www.inquisitr.com/4255310/do...ght-rico-charges-for-trumps-russian-mob-ties/Trump and his whole family get RICOd cause of his racist need to undo Obama's legacy would kill me.
As Robert Mueller
Law & Motherfucking Order, BITCHES!!
As Robert Mueller
Law & Motherfucking Order, BITCHES!!
Mueller will probably be fired by next Friday.
Who plays Mueller in the movie adaptation?
Might have to get this thing rolling then, de niro's get fuckin old.
The regulations were originally an executive order? So they weren't put in place because of a President being investigated?
*edit* Ah, it was created when there wasn't an active scandal, just memories of scandals.
After it's all over and Mueller takes down the entire Trump cabal I demand he be added to Mt. Rushmore. Only granite can do that mug justice.
Sam Waterson.Who plays Mueller in the movie adaptation?
Who plays Mueller in the movie adaptation?
They'd have to pad the shit out of his jawlineSam Waterson is nowhere near intimidating looking enough to play Mueller.
Yesterday. Either in a Twitter tantrum or his NY Times interview. Forget which.
Yesterday (today?) interview with NYTimes, think we have a thread.
Always Sunny in Philadelphia:
Dennis: They better not check my finances.
Cut to: Frank and Charlie are in a weird bondage basement full of different and occasionally gore-spattered ceramic piggy banks. "He's working a scheme, Charlie," says an excited Frank Reynolds.
you can't make a serious movie out of this. who is gonna play Trump and not look and sound like a fucking joke? it's not doable. even Trump's allies treat him like a baby, so all the dialogue between them would sound too silly.
hmm, maybe it could be done from the perspective of a more serious person, like Sean Spicer. explore his inner demons and such. MAYBE show a blurry Trump in the background in a scene or two.
I'm well aware of what he said and I still don't think he grasps that to "re-authorize" the Independent Counsel Act requires an actual vote in Congress.
Schiff said:If President fired Bob Mueller, Congress would immediately re-establish independent counsel and appoint Bob Mueller. Don't waste our time
Sam Waterson is nowhere near intimidating looking enough to play Mueller.
Only the Cloonmeister is fit to play Mueller
He just needs to put his Michael Clayton face on. I am Shiva, God of death.
I mean his tweet literally says that but sure...
He went ahead because Trump SPECIFICALLY told him not to?
Haha. Brilliant.
Only the Cloonmeister is fit to play Mueller
He just needs to put his Michael Clayton face on. I am Shiva, God of death.
Trump's presidency is like Charlie's Pepe Silvia conspiracy except it's all true.
HowThis kinda says to me that they haven't found anything yet.