Almost no one knows what TemTem is, it's not mass marketed, retailers are pushing it in your face, it's barely on TV if at all in terms of ads, and iirc it's steam exclusive.
Steam games are on PC, it's not a platform to forge an identity like proprietary hardware can, that's always been the case, that's why console gamers know little about computer gaming before 1999, and will take credit for things console devs took from computers and PC. You can associate games and identity with hardware, you can't do that with PC easily unless its a breakout hit in sales, or in a genre.
Or back in the day, associated with a tech advancement.
Consoles and handhelds don't have that problem, that's why a steam "competitor" to Smash or Pokemon won't work, just like a steam Forza or Uncharted competitior didn't work. It's that simple.
People want to simplify it as Nintendo having a magic something when that's not even the issue.
Temtem's early access was on PC. It released for all the major consoles at launch.
Buy Temtem | Xbox
Temtem is an online multiplayer creature-collection adventure. Journey across the lovely Airborne Archipelago alongside your Temtem squad. Catch every Temtem, battle other tamers, customize your house, join a friend's adventure or explore the dynamic online world.
Temtem for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Official Site
Buy Temtem and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.

Many of the biggest games on the planet originated in and are primarily played on PC. Platform is irrelevant if you make something compelling. Ignore temtem. Sony tried to capitalize on the success of Smash to no effect. Everybody tried to copy Mario kart with no lasting results. Copying Nintendo's most popular games is difficult because the success is directly a result of it being Nintendo.