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My dad’s dog bit off my nose — now I have hair growing on my face


They should enlist those dogs in the military. Send them to fight wars.

“Unleash the hounds”, as a giant sea of storming Pitt bulls, Rottweilers, and other dangerous dogs go chasing after the enemy.

That’s better than killing them all.
IIRC this happens on a mission of STALKER Clear Sky
I don’t think they have a predisposition for going nuts. I reckon what makes them stand out from other breeds is their ability to cause serious damage when they do. There’s probably thousands of cases where prison dogs have bit their owners but it doesn’t get covered because they didn’t do much more than nip. The most aggressive dogs I’ve met are them little rat dogs. Nobody ever calls them things out
Chihuahuas and other smaller dogs are the worst. Fucking despise these little shits.

They're not predisposed to going nuts, it's just the dog assholes get. When I was kid, people were calling for a ban on rottweilers, then it switched over to pitbulls, in a while it's gonna be another breed.
Can't be both or neither every fucking time. They're a shit breed bred for violence. They're a loaded gun with zero trigger discipline. They should simply be allowed to go extinct.
Well they account for 40% of euthanized dogs and is the most abused breed in the united states. Might end up extinct someday.

Being starved, mutilated and injected with steroids does kind of have a certain effect on anyone, animal or not.

But yeah, rescues, nope. Read above
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I don’t think they have a predisposition for going nuts. I reckon what makes them stand out from other breeds is their ability to cause serious damage when they do.

Thought about this some more and had to follow up on it. Let's say that your guess is 100% correct.

People get scratched by cats all the time, it's just not a big deal because they don't cause that much damage. If you had a big cat like a tiger that bonded with you since birth, maybe it would have the same incidence of scratching as a normal cat. But because a single occurrence of that could kill you, well, that's why you can't have a tiger as a pet.

So how does it make sense to have some sort of leveled up dog that causes massive damage every time it does by chance get pissed off? You just laid out exactly why pit bulls should not be pets. If your guess is correct that is.


Gold Member
This is why I NEVER believe people when they say "oh don't worry, he doesn't bite!"
Yeah, I like dogs aesthetically but I can’t trust them. Very emotional and unpredictable creatures, even the most trusted ones have lost control some time or another. Food, noise, fast movement, children, tension in the air, anything can trigger a dog’s unexpected aggressiveness.


Fuck the Pitbull hate brigade in here. Bunch of correlation = causation nonsense being spit just to feed yalls confirmation bias.

Dealt with a whole plethora of Pitbulls in my life. Some of the nicest dogs ever. Even saved one stray once and brought him back to owner. Nothing but love and gratitude from him even know I was a stranger.
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They're negligent you're delusional. What can you do 🤷 Every pitbull attack is a "bad owner" it's never the goddamn breed. But then every attack is "so out of character."

Can't be both or neither every fucking time. They're a shit breed bred for violence. They're a loaded gun with zero trigger discipline. They should simply be allowed to go extinct.
"So out of character" is cause there an animal. But keep with this BS. You lack nuance.


There does seem to be a big correlation with getting pit bulls along with other compensating "look at my balls" stuff like giant pickup trucks, guns and shaved haircuts. I've even seen the effect within my own extended family.

Maybe I like small dogs and 4 cylinder cars that are good on gas because of my large dick.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I don’t think they have a predisposition for going nuts. I reckon what makes them stand out from other breeds is their ability to cause serious damage when they do. There’s probably thousands of cases where prison dogs have bit their owners but it doesn’t get covered because they didn’t do much more than nip. The most aggressive dogs I’ve met are them little rat dogs. Nobody ever calls them things out
There's a good argument in there - that pitbulls are uncontrollable by the majority of people when they do snap and the results can be horrific for families keeping them as pets or people and other animals who are unfortunate enough to be nearby. So perhaps, when choosing a pet, just pick one that is less likely to kill or maim when it snaps.

Personally, I don't see any argument for allowing people to continue having pitbulls. I don't know how difficult it would be, but I would have thought the way to deal with it would be to make it illegal to have an un-neutered one. And then with time they would just fade away.


There does seem to be a big correlation with getting pit bulls along with other compensating "look at my balls" stuff like giant pickup trucks, guns and shaved haircuts. I've even seen the effect within my own extended family.

Maybe I like small dogs and 4 cylinder cars that are good on gas because of my large dick.
I get what your saying. I have seen a whole bunch of woman pitbull owners as well. Some people know there unwannted bye many so they make sure they allways have a home ready.


No its a acknowledgement that there extremly strong and tough so when they do get aggressive they can do a whole lot of damage quickly......but no of course it allways means what ever is most benefical to your bias.
You can say that again, first result on google "pit bull bite incidents were 213% more likely to be severe than other breeds".

It's just not a breed that should be allowed in homes, period. Naturarly you can find perfectly fine pit's, you can also find tigers and lions that can cohabitat with humans, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Fuck the Pitbull hate brigade in here. Bunch of correlation = causation nonsense being spit just to feed yalls confirmation bias.

Dealt with a whole plethora of Pitbulls in my life. Some of the nicest dogs ever. Even saved one stray once and brought him back to owner. Nothing but love and gratitude from him even know I was a stranger.
Sounds like you have your own confirmation bias.


You can say that again, first result on google "pit bull bite incidents were 213% more likely to be severe than other breeds".

It's just not a breed that should be allowed in homes, period. Naturarly you can find perfectly fine pit's, you can also find tigers and lions that can cohabitat with humans, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Yes 2x. Sounds about right and...
Pitbulls not attacking people is still the norm no matter inconvenient.


Sounds like you have your own confirmation bias.
No its the opposite. I wasnt afraid of the stray dog because of previous "reallife" experience. The exp is one of many I have had with these dogs. I doubt any of you have even been bitten bye one. Or have even gotten to be aquainted with any.
No its the opposite. I wasnt afraid of the stray dog because of previous "reallife" experience. The exp is one of many I have had with these dogs. I doubt any of you have even been bitten bye one. Or have even gotten to be aquainted with any.
Well no I am alive and not disfigured. I won't put myself in that situation. Can't do much about a stray though. We'll see.


Any dog is capable of attacking with poor training
But how many would do this much damage?

Its not about being more agressive than other breeds, its all about the damage

I had an yorkshire that had some PTSD from when he was young that he didnt allow anyone to leave the house without going batshit insane. He would bite like crazy. But he was a little shit, so eh.

Now, if he was a pitbull, I dont think that I would have my leg today

"Oh but its all about the owners", do you really think that the dog would live 15+ years without ever loosing his temper once? Sure.
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Pitbulls need to be completely eradicated. I read a story a few days ago of 2 pitbulls mauling a military vet to death and attacking his wife. Firefighters had to fight them off with axes.

These dogs were literally bred to take down bulls and bears not be household pets. Being aggressive and vicious is in their DNA, they were literally bred to do that. It has absolutely nothing to do with the owners treatment. When golden retrievers get abused or corgi's do you read stories about them mauling people to death? No.



Hope it's not ban worthy, but if it is : seenya in some time guys!

Oh and fuck pitbulls, my childhood friend had nasty scars after he was attacked unprovoked. He never trusted any dogs after thst and became more withdrawn around animals


They are more aggressive than some breeds, but less aggressive than others. The real issue is they are considerably higher in population in the US than other breeds that can be aggressive
Most bites are lab/mixes because those are the most popular dogs in the US.

This thread is insane. Y’all want to regulate breeding and owning of a dog. How would that even work?

Are you guys going to go around and genocide these dogs? What if it is a mix? Who’s administering the shots and taking the risk of taking dogs from owners?

You will literally start a civil war doing raids like this.
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Simps for Amouranth
Yeah I ain't going ever going to be around anyone with those sort of dogs, I don't give a shit how responsible a person you are, I view pitbulls and staffies like some cunt at some 3rd world zoo showing off a "tame" chimp... It looks cool but if it goes off ain't a fuck ton you'll be able to do to stop it killing

Kev Kev

Am I the only one who's sadder about the dog?
Those fuckers shot the dog, when it's their fault for not raising it properly and starting an heated argument in front of a defense dog.
Agreed. Pitties are my favorite breed, and I'm especially partial toward rescues. Dog owners need to be educated and perhaps consult a professional dog trainer at least once when they acquire a pet, in order to help learn what they should and shouldn't do. Pits are actually one of the friendlier, more docile breeds compared to other dogs. Smaller breed dogs tend to be the most aggressive and actually contribute to the majority of dog bite incidents every year in the US.

Word to the wise: these threads never fail to bring out low IQ individuals that can't comprehend the idea, or those just trying to trigger others because they know it's a touchy subject, so don't take them seriously. There's no such thing as a broken dog.


I don’t think they have a predisposition for going nuts. I reckon what makes them stand out from other breeds is their ability to cause serious damage when they do. There’s probably thousands of cases where prison dogs have bit their owners but it doesn’t get covered because they didn’t do much more than nip. The most aggressive dogs I’ve met are them little rat dogs. Nobody ever calls them things out
Plenty of dog breeds that could do just as much or even more damage but simply don't because it's not really in their nature. You will not hear many stories (if at all) like this about golden retrievers despite having more than enough jaw strength to fuck you up just as good.

Pitbulls are frightingly unpredictable. And I have actually witnessed two instances of pitbulls going berserk over nothing. Including one that ripped open my dog's back and my grandpa's leg the second the owners thought he could walk around without a leash. ''He's never done this before! We don't know him like this at all, in all the twelve years we've had him''

Euthanize all of them. Killing machines should not be pets.


Fuck the Pitbull hate brigade in here. Bunch of correlation = causation nonsense being spit just to feed yalls confirmation bias.

Dealt with a whole plethora of Pitbulls in my life. Some of the nicest dogs ever. Even saved one stray once and brought him back to owner. Nothing but love and gratitude from him even know I was a stranger.

Also, something the media never reports is the vast majority of these cases involve dogs that weren't neutered or spayed and/or also chained up in the backyard with little to no human interaction. If people don't understand the impact of those scenarios, they shouldn't have dogs in the first place.

Airbus Jr

Im so sory to the ladies and what happened to her

Not advised to have pitbull if youre not well trained, pit bull arent for everyone

If you want big dog just pick german sheperd, golden retriever, husky, saint bernard, or great dane
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Airbus Jr

That's what you getting for having a bunch of piercings up your nose along with a nose ring and a ugly ass putbull. She already looked ugly as sin, the dog decided to finish the job and make sure it stays that way. Good doggo, I approve.

EDIT - This is meant as a silly sarcastic joke post simply because I dislike nose piercings and can't stand pit bulls. Please stop taking things seriously.
Found this comment distatefull and highly innapropiate

I mean what the fuck is wrong with you

Piercing or not this isnt how to speak in this situation

Your latter apology doesnt excuses what you said earlier
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