Pre-backordered.My copy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has shipped!
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Pre-backordered.My copy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has shipped!
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Why would Pinkie ruin that poor man's sunbathing?
uh, that's a female pony
So what kind of extras do they have in there, besides the extended theme song?
This. I can laugh at myself and the fact that I'm a big fan of a little girls' cartoon, but that video was just lazy. Even the MAD TV parody, while unfunny as well, at least had some effort put into it.
uncensored version of The Last Roundup right? It will go great with my vhs copy of Aladdin.
My copy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has shipped!
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Your estimated delivery date is:
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I guess Shout Factory is following Google Maps' advice for deliveries and kayaking over the Pacific Ocean.My copy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has shipped!
Wait... there's more?
Your estimated delivery date is:
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames.
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames?
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames.
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames?
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames.
Hasbro gives a response to the Derpy fiasco.
Warning: Contains Gawker link.
So they did cave to the vocal minority. Oh well. At least "single episode" implies they won't change anything else.
First and I'm sure my last time posting in this thread.
Posted yet?
I thought it was funny, not that any of you are like this I bet but still laughed![]()
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames?
Super-heroine human ponies on art nouveau frames.
oddly enough, human Applejack is the best-looking one, by far
Man up and go buy it at a brick and mortar store, still only $10.
She's so awesome
It reminds me of Bahamut Zero from FFVII. So in a few seconds, she'll summon a giant beam of solar energy and blow up half a continent.Looks like a Final Fantasy summon.
funnily enough, that reminds me of celestia.It reminds me of Bahamut Zero from FFVII. So in a few seconds, she'll summon a giant beam of solar energy and blow up half a continent.
What if, if you do this, I comment about it?I would but that would involve me having to fly to America first.
As much as I enjoy ponies I think $10 + A Return Ticket to America is asking a tad bit too much.
If it included a Director's Commentary I would have thought about it.
nope, derpy was always derpy. she was drawn and named as such by faust herself for that charity auction.Amy Keating Rogers (writer of The Last Roundup) gives a big explanation for the whole Derpy fiasco
tldr version: Pony was originally Ditzy Doo, changed last minute to Derpy for fans. Got overwhelming positive response amid a minority of complaints. Hub trying to be fair toward complainers.
I guess it solidifies the fact that her name really was Ditzy. Personally I've always been partial to Ditzy being her name while Derpy being her nickname. I do hope there's a season 3 episode that can feature her in a prominent role, to show her clumsiness in a more positive light. And yeah I really like her new voice better.
EDIT: Damn beaten by Forrester
When will thnikkaman return? All the little thnikkamaniacs in IRC are abiding by your parting words of "To all my little thnikkamaniacs, say your prayers to Luna, take your vitamins, and you will never go wrong."
Amy Keating Rogers (writer of The Last Roundup) gives a big explanation for the whole Derpy fiasco
tldr version: Pony was originally Ditzy Doo, changed last minute to Derpy for fans. Got overwhelming positive response amid a minority of complaints. Hub trying to be fair toward complainers.
I guess it solidifies the fact that her name really was Ditzy. Personally I've always been partial to Ditzy being her name while Derpy being her nickname. I do hope there's a season 3 episode that can feature her in a prominent role, to show her clumsiness in a more positive light. And yeah I really like her new voice better.
EDIT: Damn beaten by Forrester
The voice has nothing really to do with Amy Keating Rogers, since she didn't request a specific voice (she just expected generic), and wasn't offended by the one provided. She's just bringing it up because she feels slightly compelled to defend Hasbro's censorship.Nothing new. Pony's actual name is Derpy. And yeah the voice in her head yadda yadda who cares?
Original voice > edit.
Calling her Ditzy wouldn't have solved anything, because a fraction of the fanbase will never be satisfied. We'd have people insisting on her fanon name. There are still people refusing to accept the names Hasbro put forward for other background ponies, or trying to claim that their "real names" are a combination of the two.I wish they went with the option to just change the name, though. The name is really the crux of all this. It's the reason why all the Goofy's, Ralph Wiggim's and Screwballs of the world are fine, but Derpy causes people to write letters. They could have kept the googly eyes and the lispy voice, but with the name Ditzy, no one would have given a damn.
Which is a shame too because the fandom didn't give Derpy her name in mean-spirited redicule. And we all know that and continue to use the name because we all love the character. But when it's put on TV for the general audience without the context of the fandom's love for the character, someone's going to assume the show's using the name in the less common derogatory usage.
There are still people refusing to accept the names Hasbro put forward for other background ponies, or trying to claim that their "real names" are a combination of the two.
My two complaints are the off sounding re-record of Rainbow Dash's voice, and the fixing of the eyes. Oh well.
Derpy was named Ditzy Doo in winter wrap up. Faust named her fan drawing derpy for the fan auction for fan items to be fan sold to fans. Fans.
Honestly I'm kind of sick of the whole Derpy thing at this point. It happened, everyone raged for a bit, we got an explanation. The new version exists on iTunes, the original s preserved everywhere else, including on the DVD. At this point it feels kind of pointless to keep arguing, it's so incredibly unlikely there will be any kind of change of heart, so all the arguing is just fans on various sides running around in circles. I don't like the change, but I'm ready to accept that it happened, and simply ignore the revision and keep watching the original (which is the best episode of the series IMO, with or without Derpy).
Isn't the real problem with the whole thing that Hasbro/DHX may kill the character (and any other "fandom" reference) from the series to avoid further problems?
Isn't the official stance on that possibility that it's not the case, and Derpy will continue her wall-eyed cameos as usual?
Amy Keating Rogers (Writer for The Last Roundup) responds to Derpy-Gate
tl:dr version:
Name was Ditzy Doo until she was asked to change the name.
Her scene was to have been longer, establishing how she destroyed Town Hall.
She has a mental handicapped child and was not offended when she saw the episode.
Got very few angry Emails, but could understand people being offended
Is glad the name was dropped based solely on that it could be associated with "retarded"
Said the new voice is closer to the voice in her head as she wrote the script.
Isn't the official stance on that possibility that it's not the case, and Derpy will continue her wall-eyed cameos as usual?
Yeah I don't know, maybe I'm trying to be too hopeful and positive about this, but I really doubt it'll go that far. There's nothing to indicate that this is anything more than one isolated change, jumping to conclusions that this means an end to all easter eggs and background references to the fandom just seems like too big of a leap.Isn't the real problem with the whole thing that Hasbro/DHX may kill the character (and any other "fandom" reference) from the series to avoid further problems?
Isn't the real problem with the whole thing that Hasbro/DHX may kill the character (and any other "fandom" reference) from the series to avoid further problems?
or maybe i'm being over dramatic
We need to call a moratorium on Derpygate at some point, IMO. It's changing nothing and every side has had fair points with the character extremely likely to persist (just read the Bronystate interview on Hasbro's involvement). The internet must let it rest, especially now Hasbro and the writer have had their say. Except for all those #savederpy fuckers.
Just because your willing to roll over and die on the issue doesn't mean everyone else is
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
If we let them win this time without a fight (and by that I mean peaceful petitions) that just encourages more censorship.
I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.