Those shrug set character designs put the Equestria Girls ones to shame.
For those of you who missed the news in the PonyGaf IRC and don't check Off Topic much, I have some bad news to share with you.
Hitokage has passed away.
Terrible news, really, and only 31 years old.
I sort of feel like we, as PonyGaf should do... something. In the early, rockier days of PonyGaf, Hitokage was the one mod we knew we could count on. I dare say, that PonyGaf as it is right now probably wouldn't exist without him. And now he's gone. And Gaf is lesser without him.
It might be... I don't know... but maybe we, as PonyGaf should make a joint statement? Would be a nice little tribute, I suppose. Just tossing it out as an idea. We have plenty of art skills here if we wanted a drawing of sorts, but I'm not sure if that would be... proper. I'm not really thinking right right now.
Anyway, just wanted to give a heads up to those of you who missed it.
Rest in peace Hitokage. You will be missed.
Yeah, we should probably not post a pony in that thread. Would be improper. But an "On behalf of PonyGaf" thing might work. I don't know. Tired and a bit overwhelmed by the news. Not really thinking straight.
This.Or just, go there individualy and post. IT doesn't have to be pony related at all.
Anyway, this is pretty neat. The Hub's new promo is the opening theme... without any ponies in it (no Discord either). So Spike visits a ghost town where apples roll right up to rabbits for them to eat, and sends a photo to an empty throne room to show just a nice hill he found.
It's now canon.
Well what a coincidence that we saw Daring Don't today.
I miss Twilight 1.0
Sorry to bring that back up
Then maybe you shouldn't have in the first place.
I think Twilight's wings look nice, particularly when they're unfurled.There needs to be more humanized Twilight (not Equestria Girls) art with wings. Same applies to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. And everyone, really.
Compilation of Andy Price commissions. A lot of these I didn't see before.
Is this older Princess Twilight, do we think?
I think it's supposed to be Fausticorn, cleaned up (she's normally frazzled because she works too hard).
Compilation of Andy Price commissions. A lot of these I didn't see before.
That sucks. Tenumi shall be missedFirst of all, unfortunate reminder that talking back to a mod while having an MLP avatar gets you permabanned--RIP Tenumi.
First of all, unfortunate reminder that talking back to a mod while having an MLP avatar gets you permabanned--RIP Tenumi.
And in lighter news, Hasbro put up an Equestria Girls (movie 1) music video with a new version of the theme song called "My Little Pony Friends" (not the same one as from My Little Pony Tales). Could this be the theme song for Equestria Academy?
First of all, unfortunate reminder that talking back to a mod while having an MLP avatar gets you permabanned--RIP Tenumi.
Hello PonyGAF, Id like to join this merry band if you would allow me the honour!
I'd like to do a longer introduction, but I'm not sure if that would be off-topic so I will refrain.
Up until this point, I haven't really tried anything beyond the TV show and I want to change that; any suggestions would be appreciated.
@Kryptonlogic actually MLP friends was written a couple years back as the end titles for EG1, but then put aside in favor for FFL ultimately