For better or worse, Equestria Girls dolls have been selling extremely well, outselling both Barbie and Monster High, IIRC. Bit of a shame in the case of the latter, I feel, since from what I've seen, Monster High dolls are simply the superior product.
If thats true, fine go for it. I just didn't want it to be a me too situation, and they could probably have more success in another place. But if its working out ey who am I to say anything. I still think there are places they could make some serious money, but I have no investments in hasbro and I don't feel like being a businessman right now so. I'mma just let it be.
In the process of rewatching season 4 with my family. Watching "Magical Mystery Cure" and then immediately following it with "Princess Twilight Sparkle" really does make for a satisfying experience.
They really found Rarity's groove in season 4. She is consistently the best pony of the season, especially when she really goes full-tilt diva or hams it up. Hammy diva Rarity is best Rarity.
In the process of rewatching season 4 with my family. Watching "Magical Mystery Cure" and then immediately following it with "Princess Twilight Sparkle" really does make for a satisfying experience.
Eh, not really. I thought Equestria Girls was decent enough when I first watched it, but I have no interest in rewatching it. And while I'm able to get my family to watch MLP, Equestria Girls is a step too far for them.
Eh, not really. I thought Equestria Girls was decent enough when I first watched it, but I have no interest in rewatching it. And while I'm able to get my family to watch MLP, Equestria Girls is a step too far for them.
I couldn't even make it beyond when she met the human versions of her friends.... I didn't even have the dislike for the show that other people had either. I wanted to give it a chance, but I just didn't care for it when it wasn't about ponies...
Side A:
Twilight's Failure Song
Love is in Bloom
The Flim Flam Cider Song
Becoming Popular
May the Best Pet Win
The Art of the Dress
Ballad of the Crystal Ponies
Side B:
Find A Way
Raise this Barn
The Laughter Song (Giggle at the Ghosties?)
At the Gala
Make a Wish
Side B Luna Exclusive:
Winter Wrap Up
The Smile Song
Side B Celestia Exclusive:
Apples to the Core
Babs Seed
A rather odd selection. Only one song from "Magical Mystery Cure" and it isn't "True True Friend"? Only one season 4 song? Also, while I like "Apples to the Core" and "Babs Seed" well enough, Luna's disk having both "Winter Wrap Up" and "Smile" as its exclusives seem to make it far more favorable to fans.
A rather odd selection. Only one song from "Magical Mystery Cure" and it isn't "True True Friend"? Only one season 4 song? Also, while I like "Apples to the Core" and "Babs Seed" well enough, Luna's disk having both "Winter Wrap Up" and "Smile" as its exclusives seem to make it far more favorable to fans.
Also you ever see a fan art where someone turned a thing into a pony and you believe its the best shit ever , but you have to hide your powerlevel because gaf isn't ready for your avatar to be that.
Also you ever see a fan art where someone turned a thing into a pony and you believe its the best shit ever , but you have to hide your powerlevel because gaf isn't ready for your avatar to be that.
Also you ever see a fan art where someone turned a thing into a pony and you believe its the best shit ever , but you have to hide your powerlevel because gaf isn't ready for your avatar to be that.
It mostly depends on whether you think it'll affect your standing here or not. If like me you're not outspoken/outrageous/crazy enough to be really noticed around GAF, just go for it!
I was pretty amazed to see that in the film. I mean, if you wanted to send the message "These girls are good friends", that's neither the pose nor the facial expression you'd use. Kudos to whichever clever animators/directors got it in there!
I'm pretty sure EviLore will be much quicker to ban (and perma at that) if you argue with him with a pony avatar. At least, that's been my impression from a couple of the threads in Off-Topic... I can only go by what I've seen though so maybe people say stuff in pm that is what gets them banned...
If you want to wear a pony avatar, it's best that you don't argue with a mod (or at least be careful which mod you argue with)... I just know that EviLore has been pretty outspoken in his dislike of Bronies...
I'm pretty sure EviLore will be much quicker to ban (and perma at that) if you argue with him with a pony avatar. At least, that's been my impression from a couple of the threads in Off-Topic... I can only go by what I've seen though so maybe people say stuff in pm that is what gets them banned...
If you want to wear a pony avatar, it's best that you don't argue with a mod (or at least be careful which mod you argue with)... I just know that EviLore has been pretty outspoken in his dislike of Bronies...
It mostly depends on whether you think it'll affect your standing here or not. If like me you're not outspoken/outrageous/crazy enough to be really noticed around GAF, just go for it!
I was pretty amazed to see that in the film. I mean, if you wanted to send the message "These girls are good friends", that's neither the pose nor the facial expression you'd use. Kudos to whichever clever animators/directors got it in there!
I hope that's actually the case , you would be surprised how much of that kind of stuff comes out on accident, and the the person is like " no I legitimately didn't mean to do that " . And then people are disappointed, also the pressing your face together whilist you sing isn't exactly uncommon in cartoons. It would be neat if it was, but don't bet on it. There are some cartoon characters I would bet on though
I hope that's actually the case , you would be surprised how much of that kind of stuff comes out on accident, and the the person is like " no I legitimately didn't mean to do that " . And then people are disappointed, also the pressing your face together whilist you sing isn't exactly uncommon in cartoons. It would be neat if it was, but don't bet on it. There are some cartoon characters I would bet on though
I seem to recall someone on Twitter saying that "You guys knew exactly what you were doing there, didn't you?" to a few of the production folks, and one or two of them just retweeted it without saying anything. Not really a solid confirmation, but it's probably as close as they're allowed to provide.
I seem to recall someone on Twitter saying that "You guys knew exactly what you were doing there, didn't you?" to a few of the production folks, and one or two of them just retweeted it without saying anything. Not really a solid confirmation, but it's probably as close as they're allowed to provide.
If it is , thats cute.
Although that would call other stuff in both shows into question, and thats a trip down the TV tropes hole I do not want at the momento
Who says because you want to rock a cool pony AV that you can't?
Given history however I do understand your reluctance but I'm in the camp of doing what makes you happy. So if hiding your power level from the GAF scouters is what does that then do it. If rocking cool thing you like is what makes you happier then do that.
The eagerly-anticipated sequel-series to Transformers Prime, "Robots in Disguise", just got a loose date (early 2015), and it's ditching The HubDiscovery Family, and moving over to the Cartoon Network (the previous happy home of Transformers, before Hasbro abruptly ripped them away because The Hub needed their assistance).
No word yet on The Hub's other Transformers series, "Rescue Bots", which was just recently shown next to MLP in a Discovery Family commercial (after reports that both shows would be saddled with terrible timeslots, as penalty for being the product of the previous administration), and this report said that Discovery Family now intends to skew more towards young girls, but there is definitely some shakeup going on, and Hasbro Studios definitely isn't 120% committed to Discovery Family like they were to The Hub. Transformers Prime and MLP:FIM were the Hub's top two shows, and one of them just jumped ship to a better home at the first opportunity.
I'd say that the possibility was theoretically very obvious, but now the possibility is quite real (which doesn't necessarily mean it'll happen).
It seems likely that both TF and MLP could do much better on other networks. Better ratings = More money. Better ratings = More toy sales. More toy sales = More money. More money = No more 13-episode season 3's. No more 13-episode season 3's = Better ratings. You get the idea.
Transformers got shaken up by the switch from TFrime to TF:RID, so they're going to have to recapture their audience. Might as well do that from the position of a new network. MLP is actually kind of comfortable with where they're sitting right now. Is it worth the effort of standing up to change the channel, even if that means you can get another drink and some more popcorn?
If Discovery Family effectively tries to push lazy MLP out of their chair by rolling it into the janitor's closet because they hate them, does that make it worth standing up and finding a new chair? Is Discovery still even planning on doing that? It was mentioned that Discovery is planning to skew the network towards younger girls, which might be considered to be the same as offering to bring MLP a drink (and part of the reason why Transformers bailed). Will MLP's drink be delivered to the closet? So many questions.
Also, Transformers had an obvious place to move to. The last time MLP was popular was on syndication in the 80's. They can't go back there, so it's a bit of a question as to which network is right for MLP (although Hasbro knew that almost anyone would be better for them than The Hub, but stayed for other reasons, and Discovery Family is worse for Hasbro than The Hub was).
Littlest Pet Shop is in their mid-season break on The Hub/Discovery Family. I would expect them to pair up with MLP. Wherever one goes, the other won't be far behind.
ED has the concept arts backed up in case the above album goes down. It's interesting seeing various designs for characters like Owloysius and Philomena, though it was a bit disappointing seeing so much other stuff already finalized. It was interesting how they would straight up draw over existing pony models to create new designs.
The original source for the images, which is actually from last year. That's quite a delay. The post appears to have even more that weren't in the album. I'm not going to bother looking.
A supposed leaked description of episode 501, but it's completely unhelpful because it literally is just the first minute of the Comic Con preview described in the vaguest way possible.
My post about Transformers: Robots in Disguise going to Cartoon Network from the thread about it:
Interesting to see that this is going to Cartoon Network after all. The Hub, where Transformers Prime aired, has been turned into Discovery Family and Hasbro has lost a great deal of control over the network, so it was unknown what would happen to this and the Hub's other big two shows, My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop. It seems like those latter two will still be airing new episodes on Discovery Family, but this does open up the option of them going over to Cartoon Network later. Though there is the entire "girls show" factor with them that Cartoon Network would probably find unappealing, despite how popular especially My Little Pony is.
Yeah. Cartoon Network is apparently #1 in "boys" ratings, so it's great for Hasbro to get an in-road with them, and Transformers will do well there, but they cancelled Paul Dini's show for attracting too many female viewers (regardless of how many male viewers it had). They don't even want that Frozen money.
Sucks to be them. Disney will take it.
Even if those incompetent network executives have been ground into Torgo's Executive Powder by now, MLP and LPS will be better served by going to a different network that gets better ratings with girls.
Just read comic issue #24, and I'm torn. On one hand, the art was really cute and there were some fun gags. On the other hand, I really don't like how they revealed that Discord had multiple friends throughout time, with Discord even referring to
the butterdragon
as his "last friend before [Fluttershy]". It's one thing to have some odd continuity issues, but this contradicts Discord's entire character arc! Also, though I was fine with it, some people may not like that there is some pretty heavy (for this series) shipping between Fluttershy and Discord, with
an implied past love interest getting jealous of Fluttershy, and Fluttershy getting so upset about that love interest in particular when she yells at Discord in the end that she faints after flying for only a bit
Just read comic issue #24, and I'm torn. On one hand, the art was really cute and there were some fun gags. On the other hand, I really don't like how they revealed that Discord had multiple friends throughout time, with Discord even referring to
the butterdragon
as his "last friend before [Fluttershy]". It's one thing to have some odd continuity issues, but this contradicts Discord's entire character arc! Also, though I was fine with it, some people may not like that there is some pretty heavy (for this series) shipping between Fluttershy and Discord, with
an implied past love interest getting jealous of Fluttershy, and Fluttershy getting so upset about that love interest in particular when she yells at Discord in the end that she faints after flying for only a bit
Fluttershy/Discord here; the bit where Fluttershy faints didn't read like it had anything to do with Baast to me.
It did seem kinda out-of-the-blue though, so maybe I'm wrong.
The whole thing did seem like kind-of a weird backstory for Discord, painting him as a bit of a happy-go-lucky adventurer rather than the scheming enslaver of innocents we'd seen in the past. They were leaning kinda heavily on the Doctor Who stuff this week though, so that can maybe be chalked up to the writers just having some fun.
As for Discord being friends with
the Butterdragon,
that was actually a little surprising given that
Baast explicitly mentions Discord not having any friends a few pages earlier!
Overall this seemed very much like a "Don't think about it too hard" kinda issue. Discord having instantaneous access to
unrestrained time-travel
is a big enough problem before we even get to any of the others.
Huh, that's a coincidence with the Fluttercord statue. I think I'd actually prefer a version where Discord looked less sinister (with pupils, perhaps), but it's still pretty neat.
As for this My Little Pony series continuing for years to come, I do unfortunately get the feeling that season 5 will be the last. Popularity is one thing, but network and studio conflicts also do a hell of a job at canceling shows. However, I think that where Friendship is Magic falls, we will get a new show on Cartoon Network, continuing exactly where the show left off with the exact same cast and crew, but it will be called My Little Pony Adventures or something, and the only changes will be a slightly greater adventure focus and a few token efforts to appeal more to little boys that Cartoon Network would want to draw in.
And it will canceled after two seasons because Cartoon Network will be absolutely shocked that so many girls are watching
EDIT: I like these humanized designs (link 1, link 2). You can find a bit more with the mlp tag.
As for this My Little Pony series continuing for years to come, I do unfortunately get the feeling that season 5 will be the last. Popularity is one thing, but network and studio conflicts also do a hell of a job at canceling shows. However, I think that where Friendship is Magic falls, we will get a new show on Cartoon Network, continuing exactly where the show left off with the exact same cast and crew, but it will be called My Little Pony Adventures or something, and the only changes will be a slightly greater adventure focus and a few token efforts to appeal more to little boys that Cartoon Network would want to draw in.
And it will canceled after two seasons because Cartoon Network will be absolutely shocked that so many girls are watching
I'm a little more optimistic than you are, but I can't attribute that to facts so much as general hopefulness. The brand seems so strong at the moment, I'd hate to think it might get knocked down over something like scheduling.
Yeah, I hear you brother. I got into in the early part of January 2013, thinking that this was going to be a mere fancy for a short bit. Nope. Still love it, still follow it, AJ is still the best.
Yeah, I hear you brother. I got into in the early part of January 2013, thinking that this was going to be a mere fancy for a short bit. Nope. Still love it, still follow it, AJ is still the best.
If you'd told me back in May 2012 that two years from now I'd be talking pony on two different discussion boards, checking news sites daily, downloading song remixes, buying comics and books and writing thousands of words rationalising the placement of events in the timeline of the show, I've no idea how I'd have reacted.
I still can't say exactly why I'm here, but here I am nonetheless. Still having fun too, so who really cares?
I don't play the "best pony" game, but Applejack is and always has been amazing and anyone who says otherwise is just a bad person.
As for this My Little Pony series continuing for years to come, I do unfortunately get the feeling that season 5 will be the last. Popularity is one thing, but network and studio conflicts also do a hell of a job at canceling shows. However, I think that where Friendship is Magic falls, we will get a new show on Cartoon Network, continuing exactly where the show left off with the exact same cast and crew, but it will be called My Little Pony Adventures or something, and the only changes will be a slightly greater adventure focus and a few token efforts to appeal more to little boys that Cartoon Network would want to draw in.
And it will canceled after two seasons because Cartoon Network will be absolutely shocked that so many girls are watching
Hasbro was handcuffing their shows in order to promote The Hub, so now that they've lost control over that, the best way to spin it as a good thing is for them to get more ratings and toy sales.
I'd expect them to introduce themselves to a new network with a blitz of reruns, before getting into the "all new" season 5 episodes, and an exposure blitz should push even more toys. If that works, I can't see Hasbro wanting to end/reboot it right there, at the height of their game. If nothing else, they'll probably want MLP to stick around to help establish LPS.
I don't believe I've ever posted my pony rankings on this board.
1. Twilight - The long stretch of season 4 episodes where she was in the background and just acted generically levelheaded did a number on my interest in her, but "Twilight Time" brought it back a bit and with "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3", it came back in full. Fun fact, before I started watching the show and only knew the character from animated avatars on I believe this very board (before animated avatars were banned), I assumed that Twilight was going to be part of an "ineffectual villainous underlings" group as the sarcastic one... kind of like that one girl from Rainbow Rocks, actually. Imagine my surprise when the one with the dark color scheme turned out to be the main character.
2. Rarity - Like with a lot of people, she took time to grow on me. I liked "Suited For Success", particularly with how it treated Rarity's dressmaking as an actual career, but I think it was really "Dog and Pony Show" and "Green Isn't Your Color" that made me like her. Like how I thought Twilight was a villain before I started watching, I assumed Rarity was the main character, because of her white coat and the fact that she didn't appear in as many gifs as the others at the time (the main character is always the boring one, you know).
3. Fluttershy - There are times when I get annoyed by how many positive attributes she is given, like how "Return of Harmony part 2" implied that she can fly faster the Rainbow Dash (largely disproven by "Hurricane Fluttershy"), how she is so kind that she can turn Discord good, etc., but she has a lot of great episodes and, what can I say, she's just adorable.
4. Applejack - Really, the bottom three are ranked more by how often they annoy me, since I definitely don't dislike them but I also don't particularly like them more than each other. Applejack doesn't annoy me and has fun moments, so she's at 4. Before I watched the show, for some reason, I thought Applejack was a little kid character. I don't know, the gifs I saw just made her look smaller than the others, somehow.
5. Pinkie Pie - Lots of funny moments, but also lots of annoying ones.
6. Rainbow Dash - She has her jerk moments, but even when she's being characterized well... I admit, I don't really like her voice.
Speaking of my issue with Twilight in season 4, I wonder if having the episodes in this order would have made things better, shifting up "Twilight Time" and "Testing Testing". Bolded are the episodes where I remember particularly liking Twilight's scenes, to show my logic behind the change.
3. "Castle Mane-ia"
4. "Daring Don't"
5. "Flight to the Finish"
6. "Power Ponies"
7. "Twilight Time" - moved up from 15
8. "Bats!"
9. "Rarity Takes Manehattan"
10. "Pinkie Apple Pie"
11. "Rainbow Falls"
12. "Three's a Crowd"
13. "Pinkie Pride"
14. "Simple Ways"
15. "Filli Vanilli"
16. "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3" - moved up from 22 (using production episode list)
17. "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"
18. "Somepony to Watch Over Me"
19. "Maud Pie"
20. "Trade Ya!"
21. "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils"
22. "Leap of Faith''
23. "Inspiration Manifestation"
24. "Equestria Games"