I'm guessing she's the villain.
I've been wanting to see evil Twilight for a while.
I'm guessing she's the villain.
Considering how this Mary Sue discussion is upsetting people, we should probably drop the whole thing.
Tree: That's the one!
Twilight: My library!?
Tree: My, what an elegant lady. I'm the couscous tree
Library: What a great tree. I'm the library. (Note: It looks like Twilight is using her magic to project herself through the tree, to please the actual talking tree.)
That stinger made me very interested in what's next for EqG.
That depends. Rainbow Rocks didn't even need Twilight and after how it ended doesn't need her at all anymore. The magic's there now and with Sunset Shimmer around it doesn't need Twilight to unleash it anymore. EG Twilight will be their next plot device not only to introduce a new villain whether that's unleashing some evil or a new antagonist which should be an EG Discord but that same device to unleash a new friendship power. Sunset Shimmer will teach EG Twilight the friendship ropes to bring the whole beginning of FiM to EG. Then once the 7 of them get together then the real fun starts.
By the by, Rainbow Rocks was awesome and I was so glad that Sunset Shimmer didn't get off so easily with everybody else from the start so she could earn that ending. Good on you, girl!
Celestia and Luna Funko figures are coming next month. Hot Topic is running a special 25% off everything on their website, but it ends today. End up only being $14 each.
I hope it's just the angles and they didn't mess up and make Luna taller....
Now you guys have me interested in watching Rainbow Rocks and I didn't even like Equestria Girls.
Oh Dr. Forrester...
It's cute, but I don't really like the POP figures that much. I'd rather see a regular Funko release of Celestia.
I would guess Brad was a Hasbro mandate. He didn't seem like anything but a half-assed insert in the first film, and even less in the second. Someone probably ordered there be a love interest, and Meghan didn't want to, so she just did the minimal amount she could get away with.
I think that's obvious to everyone. I was arguing against the idea that Brad works in the role that Cheerilee claims he had; and really, more against what I've seen a few people claim online, that Brad and Twilight's romance is fine because it clearly wasn't a "one true love" thing.
Such a bad idea, and rooted in the core problem which was that Twilight should never have been in this second movie.
On another note, I usually don't post fan comics, but I really want this to happen in an episode now, especially that last panel (minus the typo).
I keep hearing this, but I'm not so sure. I think Twilight being there pulls double duty, firstly showing that she isn't a magic bullet that the CH world can expect to keep dragging in to solve their problems, and secondly in allowing Sunset a chance to step up and prove herself where Twilight herself failed.
I feel like framing Sunset's redemption in terms of being the hero that Twilight couldn't be worked pretty well, and it makes a sturdier launchpad for future EG content than a film that didn't address that might have.
I just now had the realization about the two names.
Twilight Sparkle.
Sunset Shimmer.
Twilight ≈ Sunset
Sparkle ≈ Shimmer
Yeah, I'm slow, okay?
This is a big part of why I don't like how they handled Sunset as a dark mirror of Twilight in the first movie, in that they really don't make her a dark mirror of Twilight except in her backstory. We don't even see Sunset use her own magic outside her introduction, and we don't get a "this could have been me" moment from Twilight. You can't introduce an evil counterpart as one of Celestia's former students after having already done so, so it feels like a waste, especially with Sunset being voiced by Twilight's singing voice and the mirrored nature of her name. The dark mirror can be a really effective cliche, so I'd still like to see it on the show, but I guess they'll have to do a dragon queen who had to throw her friendships away to rule, voiced by Tara Strong using a completely different voice, who is also Spike's biological mother, or something.
Somebody/pony give that dragon more candy!
*goes to a certain topic on the Gaming side*
... Huh. A heads up, but it looks like some people may be trying to inform bronies about ethics in game journalism.
I usually wouldn't bring it up here, but it's such a weird thing to say.
Desperation, maybe? They're running out of allies fast.Jesus christ. Why in the hell would they think that the MLP fan community would be a good place to find supporters? I know we've got our assholes like any other group, but isn't a bunch of people who like a show for girls kind of at odds with a group of people who don't like women?
Desperation, maybe? They're running out of allies fast.
Still, fans of a show with a mainly female cast of characters, each designed implicitly to show that there are many ways to be a girl other than the standard pretty pink variant that a lot of society pushes, is probably not a good place to find hardcore misogynists. I mean, sure, there might be some bronies who agree with GamerGate, but they've most likely already joined up.
I feel like the GG'rs would be the same guys going 'lol bronies are pedos'.
On another note, I usually don't post fan comics, but I really want this to happen in an episode now, especially that last panel (minus the typo).
I feel like the GG'rs would be the same guys going 'lol bronies are pedos'.
On an unrelated topic, I've been running a little project over the last week or so to answer the question of whether or not (and if so, to what degree) the mix of Slice/Adventure episodes has changed in MLP over the last four years.
Google Doc HERE.
Instructions and info are on the Welcome page. Would love it if anyone interested could join in.
I added a page. I listed nearly every episode as being at least partially slice of life.
And looking at ED... jeez, there has been a LOT of batpony art, and specifically Flutterbat art, hasn't there?
And looking at ED... jeez, there has been a LOT of batpony art, and specifically Flutterbat art, hasn't there?
Zoe's growing up so fast. I remember when she was just a baby ;_;I added a page. I listed nearly every episode as being at least partially slice of life.
Anyway, Baby Blues did two Halloween comics with MLP costumes. Like basically every newspaper comic about MLP, the punchline is that bronies exist.
And looking at ED... jeez, there has been a LOT of batpony art, and specifically Flutterbat art, hasn't there?
Now this I can support: Gurren Lagan-style interstitials for every single episode. Well, assuming the artist actually goes through with it.