Explosive Zombie
Okay commie.
Literally my line, I've called two people commies in the last 24 hours in 2 different Cyberpunk threads. I am harder right than you and I can do it while enjoying The Last of the Lesbos.
Okay commie.
Not him/her, but I think UC4 the only decent game naughty dog has made. I just thought shooting elements were bit poor in UC2-3, dropped the game completely when those mutants became regular enemy and UC4 has much better shooting mechanics and animations. This is coming from a guy that played UC4 first and then UC2 with remastered. Set pieces were fine both UC4 and UC2, but its not something that particularly makes one game better over other, since I am more of core gameplay guy, instead of "additional" game mechanics dude. If that makes any sense.Curious on your thoughts as to why? The change of pace enemies were bad but the shooting felt vastly superior to the original and I think it has the best balance of set piece bombast in the series. U3 by comparison just felt exhausting.
I don't care about ND but I want another Kain game made in my lifetime.Btw just want to add Amy Hennig is a goddess among gaming.
She really helped ND get where they are.
I miss her. Really wish she was able to get back on Legacy of Kain.
She's simply one of the best damn developers out there.
I think it's a shame that this kind of interactive movies, that don't really innovate or push boundaries of interactivity, are so celebrated and receive such huge funding, when video games could be so much more interesting than just trying to be mediocre movies and look photo-realistic. Not to say that I look down my nose at them, I have enjoyed their work at times, but I wish they weren't held up as the best in class studio that everyone wants to emulate.
I think it's a shame that this kind of interactive movies, that don't really innovate or push boundaries of interactivity, are so celebrated and receive such huge funding, when video games could be so much more interesting than just trying to be mediocre movies and look photo-realistic. Not to say that I look down my nose at them, I have enjoyed their work at times, but I wish they weren't held up as the best in class studio that everyone wants to emulate.
The biggest most profitable games in this industry are gameplay and fun focused thankfully. Believe me someone looking from outside the industry doesn’t see TLoU2 but Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty, GTA online.
That's all fine, I can enjoy that too sometimes. But to me, the biggest and best games shouldn't just be about doing repetitive linear combat and then a pretty cutscene as reward. I want games to push things like systemic interactions, dynamic worlds that react to your actions, immersive worlds that require you to pay attention and make careful decisions. ND games are very simple in their design but extremely expensively made and polished, which makes them sell very well and be showered in awards and that pushes the industry to keep making similar stuff.The cinematic segments and looking great is just a small piece of the pie for me when it comes to the quality of these games. It's really about the engaging combat, how good that combat becomes on higher difficulties and how things like the fluid animations and ease of switching from stealth/melee/shooting gameplay enhance it so much.
Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty, GTA online.
That's all fine, I can enjoy that too sometimes. But to me, the biggest and best games shouldn't just be about doing repetitive linear combat and then a pretty cutscene as reward. I want games to push things like systemic interactions, dynamic worlds that react to your actions, immersive worlds that require you to pay attention and make careful decisions. ND games are very simple in their design but extremely expensively made and polished, which makes them sell very well and be showered in awards and pushes the industry to keep making similar stuff.
Not him/her, but I think UC4 the only decent game naughty dog has made. I just thought shooting elements were bit poor in UC2-3, dropped the game completely when those mutants became regular enemy and UC4 has much better shooting mechanics and animations. This is coming from a guy that played UC4 first and then UC2 with remastered. Set pieces were fine both UC4 and UC2, but its not something that particularly makes one game better over other, since I am more of core gameplay guy, instead of "additional" game mechanics dude. If that makes any sense.
My worry is that everyone wants to be ND. Most of Sony's studios are heavily influenced by whatever ND does. And I'm sure Xbox studios are also trying to make ND style games as we speak. New AAA single player games are few and far between, (as everything is becoming either a live service game or a an offline MMO), and I don't want a scenario where the only big budget narrative focused games that can get green-lit have to ape the latest ND game to make the money men happy.They tend to feature mini combat arenas, I don't see them as linear, though the overall game structure is linear in design most combat encounters have plenty of options for how to deal with them. I also prefer games the way you're saying but if games are going to exist that string together fun combat mini-arenas using high production scripted sequences it's nice that some of them are as good as ND's output.
Judging from their post history, they must not pay very well; they’ve been posting this drivel for months on end.By smash hits actually, and by the looks of it, he is rolling in cash.
You need to be deprogrammed.Literally my line, I've called two people commies in the last 24 hours in 2 different Cyberpunk threads. I am harder right than you and I can do it while enjoying The Last of the Lesbos.
My worry is that everyone wants to be ND. Most of Sony's studios are heavily influenced by whatever ND does. And I'm sure Xbox studios are also trying to make ND style games as we speak. New AAA single player games are few and far between, (as everything is becoming either a live service game or a an offline MMO), and I don't want a scenario where the only big budget narrative focused games that can get green-lit have to ape the latest ND game to make the money men happy.
You need to be deprogrammed.
Uncharted 4 GOTY? Are you high? Lmao. That game is so boring that nobody even remembers it. The only good thing that Naughty Dog has done is The last of us, nothing more.
But you're literally describing my experience with TLoU2? Even more so than every game i've ever played?I want games to push things like systemic interactions, dynamic worlds that react to your actions, immersive worlds that require you to pay attention and make careful decisions.
I feel like the people raving about the latest 2 games didn’t have a PS3 and are now raving about ND games without understanding what made them great in the PS3 era.
If that were true, you wouldn't accept Cuckmaam's swill.I spent one semester in a community college before the migraines it gave me made me quit. My brain won't accept the conditioning! I'm too much of a far right shitlord!
If that were true, you wouldn't accept Cuckmaam's swill.
I also wish Sony would make different kinds of games. Seeing them make Demon's Souls a big part of their launch and buy exclusivity on Deathloop and Ghostwire gives me hope that they intend PS5 to not be just a cinematic TPS machine.I get that worry but for God of War it was a huge step up to plagiarize ND, honestly. I would like more diversity in SONY first party, though. Where my shoot bang games? No, not third person action/adventure games with occasional shoot bang... I mean Resistance 3, Killzone 2 shoot bangs!
Only a woke cult member makes excuses for wokeness.Only a Sith deals in absolutes
But you're literally describing my experience with TLoU2? Even more so than every game i've ever played?
This is TLoU2 gameplay..
Only a woke cult member makes excuses for wokeness.
I guess I'm just more of a "right wing shit lord" than you are.
As long as they play like this or Ghost, keep them coming till the end of time i'd say.a cinematic TPS machine.
But there's nothing "simple" about TLoU2 fights, and you always get the feeling there's the literal hell behind the scenes in ND games ever since that collapsing Hotel in U2..That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about systemic A.I and physics driven games with focus on player choice and complex interactivity with the world. CPU heavy games in other words, with lots of clockwork stuff going on behind the scenes, rather than just a simple but beautiful combat scenario right in front of you.
They're irrelevant to actual gamers.
Uncharted had no business getting 3 more games.
My Survivor run ended at close to 90 hours..If u like 25 hours
You're escaping Biden by burying your head in a woke game? Bullshit.You're really helping the cause by being mad at a video game. Maybe if you guys got as mad about election fraud as you do video games we wouldn't be heading into 4 years of Biden. I gotta bury myself in games to escape misery like that, and 90% of the gaming industry is woke, even CDProkekt Red has caved to woke demands.
Nobody cares (or probably even knows) about any of this stuff apart from nerds on a video game forum.A studio so progressive they forced a woman out of her job.
A studio so wonderful to work for that 70% of its staff quit during development of TLOU2.
A studio co-president so mature that he makes passive aggressive tweets on Twitter that rile up the fandom against him.
Make no mistake, TLOU2 was the tipping point for ND. They are in decline and the sales of their next game will show it.
They pissed off their fans, and they will not return.
I meant tlou as a franchise. Tlou 1 was for the most part.lf.the game, really boring. It gets gold after the snow level but that's almost.at.the end. Gameplay is really boring just like uncharted's.uncharted 2 was better, and less repetitive in it's gameplay loop than the last of us.
dont forget UC2 set the trail a blaze first.
the rest of the uncharted games sucked though. Uc2 was the masterpiece, then tlou was second best.
although gamers feel mature and hardcore more by tlou lol same with dark souls, the first game that didn't let gamers play on normal and now they think they are hardcore for liking it.
That's obviously a typo, it meant to say with, not white.The last of us has amazing Ai and to drop in white wtf do u mean
Quit gaming FFS u need glasses
U prob like cod and halo where ai never moves and stands and shoots on one spot,
Maybe you like Skyrim where ai is so fucking stupid they run off and stands behind a rock waiting for you to enter it's spot again.
If you are a ms fan that's wanking over its companies it's buying up just get this
None of the games they have had in catalogues has topped charts for years
And Sony naughty has set a lot of bars over the years
From story telling graphics and gameplay.
Just a shame some of you are easy pleased
Or racist or sonyphopic and or gayphobic
First class studio.
Uncharted 4 was shite though.
Nobody cares (or probably even knows) about any of this stuff apart from nerds on a video game forum.
You’re delusional.
A tiny percentage of them, yeah.The people who play these games are the nerds on forums, you pillock.
You aren't really understanding me. I'm talking bigger picture. The action can be very well made but the overall game design is still moving through a linear environment, killing everything that moves and then triggering the next cutscene; and rinse and repeat. I'm referring to games that give the player a lot more choice in the what, how and where of their actions.But there's nothing "simple" about TLoU2 fights, and you always get the feeling there's the literal hell behind the scenes in ND games ever since that collapsing Hotel in U2..
But i think i get what you mean.. something more like Portal?
And other people do. You don't speak for everyone.A tiny percentage of them, yeah.
And a tiny percentage of that percentage probably gives a fuck about this petty rumour shite.
I certainly don’t.