Resistance is fucking awesome.Naughty Dog has literally never made a bad game.
Insomniac has made an entire bad franchise in Resistance![]()
Resistance is fucking awesome.Naughty Dog has literally never made a bad game.
Insomniac has made an entire bad franchise in Resistance![]()
Oooh Look people we've got a hipster in here.Insomniac actually makes good games... Naughty dog used to make OK games up until the PS3 released and then became wannabe hollywood directors.
Spyro > Crash (BY A FUCKING MILE)
Ratchet > Jak (also by a large margine)
Resistance, Sunset Overdrive, Spider-Man > anything Naughty Crap did since Jak
lmaoResistance is fucking awesome.
"fun".... Any dev can make a "fun" game. Are you 6? Why is "fun" the only standard?Insomniac makes games that are simply fun to play. ND enjoys sniffing their own farts.
Why not both?
I mean there are all making GOTY AAA to you play.
Pretty much this.It's probably Naughty Dog but Insomniac suit my tastes MUCH better.
Naughty Dog might suffer from trying to be absolutely perfect. Insomniac seems to be willing to take more chances, and not chase perfection. Both are technically gifted. Naughty Dog excels at story, but I think Insomniac is more creative in their game design. Both are great. But I believe Insomniac has started to either narrow the gap or slightly surpass, punching above their weight now. Combined with being very productive in comparison.
It's a pity Insomniac and Naughty Dog didn't own Spyro and Crash Bandicot.
What Sucker Punch did with Ghosts, rivals both ND and Insomniac's efforts.
The good thing is you don't have to choose.. Both make good quality games.Naughty Dog might still spearhead Sony in technical terms to provide the most photorealistic games, but after TLoU2 I don't think they'll release games that I care about anytime soon.
Comparing to Insomniac seems unfair, as they only recently became a 1st-party studio for Sony. Why are Santa Monica and Guerrilla not part of the list?
Heck, even Bend might be a contender if they're fast and effective at adopting Unreal Engine 5 for whatever game they're working on.