Come. The fuck. On.
CW to the rescue, then?
An NBC affiliate is killing off Hannibal.
Utah’s Salt Lake City station KSL TV posted on their Facebook page that it will no longer air the ratings-challenged freshman drama. “After viewing the past few episodes, as well as receiving numerous complaints from viewers, KSL TV will cancel the airing of the NBC show Hannibal on Thursday evenings,” the station posted. “This decision was made due to the extensive graphic nature of this show. The time slot will be replaced with a special edition of KSL 5 News at 9 p.m. NBC remains a valued partner to KSL TV. KSL is confident that with the proliferation of digital media, those who wish to view the program can easily do so.”
Sources say Hannibal will find a way into the market via the local CW affiliate. “We’re going across the street, as they say,” a source said.
NBC had no comment. The broadcast network, along with showrunner Bryan Fuller, previously decided to pull one of the episodes nationwide due to the hour containing disturbing subject matter in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. NBC then offered the episode online.
KSL is owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints and has a history of refusing to air NBC programming that it finds objectionable. Previously the station refused to run the vaguely risque short-lived drama The Playboy Club and tolerance-endorsing comedy The New Normal.
CW to the rescue, then?