dead souls
I just.
It hurt me a little bit to type that, but I couldn't resist.
I just.
Bryan Fuller is gonna quit Hannibal and Ryan Murphy will take it over.
About time. Maybe now the show will be good.
Shame on you people. Did you fools watch American Horror Story:Coven? Because I did. And it was terrible.
It hurt me a little bit to type that, but I couldn't resist.
But don't you want to see Murphy effortlessly transform Hannibal into a not-at-all clunky and crass allegory for the gay rights movement?Shame on you people. Did you fools watch American Horror Story:Coven? Because I did. And it was terrible.
AHS:Coven is the best single season of television this entire decade (so far, though let's be honest it will never be topped).
A true masterpiece that any fan of television should worship.
I don't think it hurts you that much. I think you kind of believe it. Deep down. What turns your fears propelled you to write such inanities.AHS:Coven is the best single season of television this entire decade (so far, though let's be honest it will never be topped).
A true masterpiece that any fan of television should worship.
not having the rights to clarice starlings character killed this show
her arc couldn't even exist yet either lmao
Bryan Fuller is gonna quit Hannibal and Ryan Murphy will take it over.
About time. Maybe now the show will be good.
Yikes if true.Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Says random customer service representative who has no involvement whatsoever in whatever ongoing negotiations Amazon may or may not be in?Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Okay, idk if that confirms anything, I know nothing about the site and the level of quality of the things they post but it is just a customer service rep answer.Amazon has passed on Hannibal... sigh...
Already not looking good for my favorite show on tv.
Fair enough, but it depends on how available it is, the duration of each episode, and how long the series has been going on as well. Some people just don't have time (or don't want to make it) :\
"Amazon studios is focusing on developing and producing original content, and isnt seeking already-produced material that is ready or has already been on the market." Jenn M., customer service representative. Whatever that means.
Calm down, everyone, and in the future please actually read links before posting hearsay that will rile people up.
Just based off my own anecdotal evidence, I think what really didn't do the show any favors is being on Amazon instead of Netflix. I've been telling many friends about the show, and the conversation always went like so:
I gush about how awesome the show is.
Them: "Sounds like a good show, is it on Netflix?"
Me: "Only on disc there, but it's availble for streaming on Amazon if you've got a Prime subscription".
Them: "Eh, I've only got Netflix, so I guess I'll catch it if it ever goes up over there."
Every single time.
I suppose it's because I haven't worked in customer service before but it seems like such a definitive statement to make for customer service rep to say unless they were informed by higher ups to say such a thing. I would think customer service reps are at least partially responsible to well...rep the company and their stance on an issue. The only other explanation is that this isn't the first time someone has asked to add another show aside from Hannibal to their programming and that this is for that.
It's clearly a stock reply to discourage exactly this type of fan-campaign spamming. If the boilerplate response were even somewhat modest, something to the effect of "Amazon has not announced any plans regarding..." then it would just embolden fans' hopes of the possibility.I suppose it's because I haven't worked in customer service before but it seems like such a definitive statement to make for customer service rep to say unless they were informed by higher ups to say such a thing. I would think customer service reps are at least partially responsible to well...rep the company and their stance on an issue. The only other explanation is that this isn't the first time someone has asked to add another show aside from Hannibal to their programming and that this is for that.
"Amazon studios is focusing on developing and producing original content, and isnt seeking already-produced material that is ready or has already been on the market." Jenn M., customer service representative. Whatever that means.
Calm down, everyone, and in the future please actually read links before posting hearsay that will rile people up.
There is no reason not to jump into Hannibal at this point. They've treated every season as its own story. Each finale works as its own series finale. And even though season 4 is very likely, season 3 should work the best so far as a series finale. It's not like Thomas Harris wrote Red Dragon as the beginning of a series. It's a self contained story. By the end of season 3 the show will have gone through 5 distinct arcs: Season 1, Season 2 Part 1, Season 2 Part 2, Season 3 Part 1, and Season 3 Part 2. There's a hell of a lot to enjoy about the show on these terms.
Jump in now, support the show. Support it where every its new home is.
Netflix actually runs Hannibal in Canada. Not sure if that really settles that question... Just saying US streaming rights for Hannibal season 1-3 aren't a whole indicator of how this thing could shake out.So if Amazon passed on it (and that's if that thing is even close to legit), is it possible for a company like Netflix to take it and not run afoul of any rights that Amazon still holds?
Isn't Amazon Studios just the development arm of Amazon that focuses on original content? It isn't really the right department to ask about picking up Hannibal.
In the recent past Amazon has picked up cancelled shows. The BBC's "Ripper" show is an example. So there is a precedent.
Please redirect all of your dismembered human body parts from our "Save Hannibal" campaign to "Jenn M.," please and thank you.
I understand what you mean, but I firmly disagree that without the rights to Clarice the show was doomed. Fuller's original plan was that of they didn't get the rights, they would still follow the approximate beats of the story, they'd just manipulated it enough to avoid the rights issues. Clarice's character doesn't need to be named 'Clarice', and they're not restricted from inventing new characters. Not having the Silence plot was an issue (and what Fuller has said of his plans for season four is worrying to me), no doubt, but it wasn't fatal in any form.thats not what i meant
you can only tell so much of hannibal and will until it gets boring and its definitely on the verge of becoming boring. i think after season 3 they could have wrapped up this will and hannibal plot and introduced starling
I love the show but let's be realistic. It's completely impenetrable for someone jumping in at this point. The style it's developed is now extreme, you need time to be walked into that stuff! Add to that the first two episodes I've seen are confusing as hell if you haven't seen the previous series, there's zero context to what's happening.
Edit: Would be a real gift for Netflix though. Drop all the season 4/previous seasons episodes at once, I think they would bend over backwards to grab and re market this, it completely fits their brand.
im pretty sure all those other examples are copies of him. Graham is the OG FBI profiler from like almost 40 years ago. Thats kind of like complaining that Sherlock Holmes is just another detective in a long list of detectives that can spot things everyone else misses.I didn't watch this show because the first few episodes were Criminal Minds esque trash.
Oh, a smart but socially awkward guy is able to think like killers? Never heard that before
CBS' whole business model would beg to differ.I didn't watch this show because the first few episodes were Criminal Minds esque trash.
Oh, a smart but socially awkward guy is able to think like killers? Never heard that before
I know I know I know before you scream at me Ive heard it gets better, even amazing. But it was never going to grow an audience with first episodes that are so generic
I didn't watch this show because the first few episodes were Criminal Minds esque trash.
Oh, a smart but socially awkward guy is able to think like killers? Never heard that before
I know I know I know before you scream at me Ive heard it gets better, even amazing. But it was never going to grow an audience with first episodes that are so generic
I know I know I know before you scream at me Ive heard it gets better, even amazing. But it was never going to grow an audience with first episodes that are so generic
CBS' whole business model would beg to differ.
Yeah, and those people already have Criminal Minds/whatever procedural they are into.
Why would they go to a show that at the outset is the exact same thing.