My old roommate had nipples like that, I always called him "nips" :lolidahoblue said:
My old roommate had nipples like that, I always called him "nips" :lolidahoblue said:
WickedAngel said:The big deal is a bit more obvious on the left side of the pic than the right. It's not just the nipple; his peck has a soft slope on the bottom like a woman's breast would have.
It's not something that he could fix without surgery.
Replicant said:Yeah, I assume that pic is a before and after surgery?
titiklabingapat said:I have four nipples.
:lolkrypt0nian said:Greedy bitch.
(neutral) BitchTitsBitchTits said:Nipples come in all shapes and sizes, you're worrying about a triviality.
Mato said:Botox?
and then realize that you now have child porn in your registrytekumseh said:Turn your safe search off, then look for pictures of Traci're welcome....
EDIT: ARRRGH, beaten....:lol
jonnybryce said:Pierce them. Take piercing out. My friend says his are always hard now.
idahoblue said:
I'm convinced. Gotta find my CC now...Manmademan said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
from the link:
Benefits of natural male breast reduction
You'll be rid of the mental anguish & discomfort of a larger than normal chest, your body will look better proportioned, and clothes will fit you better. it may be four-six months before your breasts settle into their new shape, which is why it is recommended that you use Alexia Male Breast Reduction Pills for the full suggested six month term. Even then, their shape may fluctuate in response to your hormonal shifts, weight changes, and pregnancy.
WAT :lol :lol :lol
fallengorn said:Move to Alaska.
actually that's wrong. gynecomastia is literally breast tissue, not fat.Funky Papa said:Careful now. Gynecomastia is much more than just oversized nipples: is the accumulation of fat in a way that resembles women's breasts even with your nipples fully erect.
I also have a terrible case of puffies (definitely not awesome if you are a man), and my bitch tits dissapear once my nipples are excited. Welcome to the club.
Isn't breast tissue mostly adipose tissue (body fat)?demon said:actually that's wrong. gynecomastia is literally breast tissue, not fat.
Guybrush Threepwood said:Making fun of people with gynecomastia is no different than making fun of retards.
Good job guys.
i thought it was made of sand.Funky Papa said:Isn't breast tissue mostly adipose tissue (body fat)?
:lolvpance said:
Damn. I once dated a girl that could use that product. I gotta say, the inverted nipples are not very sexy. They'd come out to play with some coaxing .. . but inverted just isn't a turn on.sonarrat said:Five seconds of googling and you wouldn't have had to post this thread.
PantherLotus said:1. Wear a white undershirt underneath everything. You should be anyway. This will help smooth the nipple region as well as prolong the life of every shirt you own. It also helps you smell better.
2. At some point you'll have to accept who you are. Cool guys don't give a fuck if they have puffy nipples. Focus on things you can control, like your breath, hair, clothes, job, and diction. Women love guys who are confident but not cocky, who know they're flawed but don't care. Don't obsess over things like this.