Lots of things happened this week-end.
We spent from friday evening to sunday evening together, and it was tremedously fun.
We went to my pal's book presentation where i was able to dazzle her with all the might of my socializing skills, then we went to the jam session where of course some bum was monopolizing the keyboard doing shitty off beat stuff, making it hard for everyone to play nice music. No matter we still managed to have fun.
The second day, we were supposed to work, but we never got to it

. We talk the whole afternoon and evening (yes like goddam highschoolers), and then went to eat at a nice turkish restaurant at 10pm, not far from the place we were going after. We then arrived at the party, which was a post pride parade romp (it happened this week-end in France) so i don't have to tell you how wild and good things were there. We stayed until 2am, grinding and what not, and then got back to my place and we got it on til a early morn', because good gals like her just turn me on

We spent a lazy sunday the next day, and just went out to have coffee and so i could show her a small vegetable garden we share between neighboring tenements. We came back to my place, kept enjoying each other company for some time and she went back to her place just when i was starting to think i wouldn't mind play a bit of PS5 before having to prepare to go to work the next day

, so everything went great for me
Next date will be "at worst" (as she said) friday the 16th, she brings me to an italian themed festival with nice bands playing, and yes she pays for the tickets

it is
la dolce vita (for now)
I guess a brilliant analytic mind would summarize this with the word : "cuck" or some lazy wanking gif
If she is fucking other dudes without asking your permission first then its not poly. Same if you fuck other women. Being poly isn't being single, its being in a relationship with multiple people. Full disclosure is essential. You're just friends who fuck around at best. You're most likely just an option for her until she finds somebody better.
We are quite upfront talking about what she wants in this relationship (because it is one in fact, just one that doesn't imply being always there for the other and putting the partner above everything else). I told her that what i care is the time we spend together, and that if we go somewhere together (a party, clubbing, etc.) i would not be happy (quite the euphemism) if she went home with somebody else, woman or man. She told me that it was the same for her. I guess we'll see how that holds up. Basic trust in each other and to keep one's word is the minimum i ask. She told me also that she wouldn't mind if i brought back a girl for threesoming purpose, i told her i did not want her to bring home a dude if she's with me, she seemed to understand and agreed, we'll see.
She doesn't ask my permission for the stuff she does without me and i find it normal, just as i find normal not having to wait for her agreement to do stuff on my own.. As long as the few basic rules described above are followed. I think what you are refering to is an non monogamous relationship where two people are in a couple but go see other people. I think what she means by polyamorous is having multiple relationships with different guys without having to commit more with one or the other. I think she want to have a few boyfriends because just one must bore her (i'm kind of the same actually, but i used to just gtfo when bored).
For now i can go with that, but also she spent most of her two last "childless" week-ends with me so i can really enjoy her company, might be that when the passionate flame of the beginning fades, she will not want to see me as much. If i start wanting to see her and she's not availlable, or not as much as now, it will frustrate me and that will be another clue for me to stop that train, and follow the Stepping Razor's lead.
Lol, poly will destroy you even/especially if you aren't in the actual relationship. Not saying you can't be poly or be in a poly relationship but holy shit can those get messy and weird and not even the cool type of weird.
Sometimes humans want something stable and reliable, just make sure you understand and the other people understand what's going on with needs and emotions as well.
You're right and i think everyone fear being the fifth wheel of the carriage, just like everyone fears being the butt of the joke. As long as i don't feel this way (meaning as long as she's "available" and i can see her and talk to her at a frequency that satisfies me, and i have fun during our encounters), i won't even think about being the fifth wheel of the carriage. I think within the short time i started seeing her i realized that whatever she does outside of her time with me doesn't matter for me, it doesn't affect me (cue all the std jokes here). Just as whatever i do without her doesn't affect her. If anything she does when i'm with her upsets me however, i'll end the thing. And my will is stronger than my dick, you'll see.