You understand he wasn’t all that wealthy when he walked away from that $50 million, right? Because it doesn’t seem like you do. And when he walked away from the money, there was literally no way to know whether he would get another shot at a deal like that again. He just as easily could’ve faded into obscurity. So, yeah, he wasn’t a bum when he left all that money on the table, but he also wasn’t in the position he is today. He also basically fell off the map for several years afterwards. What you are saying is essentially revisionist history.
What's wealthy in your books? 1 million, 2 million, 10 million, perhaps more?
They didn't offer him that level of money if he wasn't already a multi-millionaire by that stage. He could afford to turn the offer down and still be live comfortably and did. Then came back and made even more with Netflix when he wanted to.
He could afford to do that by the time the offer was presented to him. I tried to find his net worth at the time but tough to get an exact figure. Did get this link right now but not sure if it's a reliable source and only mentions finances after he returned;

Dave Chapelle Net Worth - The Success Bug
Have you ever wondered what the net worth of Dave Chapelle is? Well, in this post we show you exactly how the comedian achieved his wealth.

He wasn't poor is my point. A poor man doesn't walk away from that amount of money. He could take the hit and still live a fine life.