Netherlands stops Turkish foreign minister's plane from landing

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I'm glad Denmark has our back but silence from other EU-countries, particularly Germany, is super disappointing.

Apparently Turkey can just bully and blackmail a member country without challenge. Oh well, bring your empty insults, ineffectual sanctions and state-sponsored riots, Erdoğan. Our oranges can take it.

In the meantime Angela Merkel has said she supported fully the Dutch stance and that the language used by Erdogan is out of order...
I'm glad Denmark has our back but silence from other EU-countries, particularly Germany, is super disappointing.

Apparently Turkey can just bully and blackmail a member country without challenge. Oh well, bring your empty insults, ineffectual sanctions and state-sponsored riots, Erdoğan. Our oranges can take it.


It's about as clear cut as one could expect Merkel to answer.

Germany is always self interested first. They have a large Turkish population and have a deal with Turkey to stop refugees from crossing etc. No way they can afford to make them mad right now. These turkish morons in Netherlands are only going to increase the popularity of Geert Wilders. Just watch. It is crazy how persecuted these Pro-Erdogan Turks feel too. I remember in a past thread here, someone said it was historical Turkophobia when people wouldn't say shooting down Russian jets as a good thing.

Just btw. this is not a Germany-Turkey deal. It's a EU-Turkey deal.


The orange stabbing is hilarious, as in Dutch the name of the fruit and colour aren't even the same and we don't actually produce oranges, you might as well stab any orange object. Also, today I saw a video of protestors burning a French flag instead of a Dutch one, which is absolutely hilarious (same colors but French flag is vertical, Dutch is horizontal). Same with Hollande getting shit because they think he is Dutch, haha.

I'm glad Denmark has our back but silence from other EU-countries, particularly Germany, is super disappointing.

Apparently Turkey can just bully and blackmail a member country without challenge. Oh well, bring your empty insults, ineffectual sanctions and state-sponsored riots, Erdoğan. Our oranges can take it.

Merkel has said today she fully support the Netherlands on this matter and she found the statement of Erdogan regarding the Dutch ministers resembling Nazi-remnants completely off the mark.

But their initial silence makes sense, Germany has a huge Turkish community and obviously nobody wants to escalate matters quickly.
that escalated quickly ..

The police of the netherlands attacked akp-protesters with an atomic bomb :D You can't make this shit up .. but here we are.

It's fake.



So not worth it
First they stab the Sinaasappels, now they got our websites.


It reminds me of trying to argue with a seven year old around their bedtime.


First they stab the Sinaasappels, now they got our websites.[IMG]

It reminds me of trying to argue with a seven year old around their bedtime.[/QUOTE]Ability to burn objects - ✗
Grammar and spelling - ✗
What's next?

Edit: How do we know that it's truly the result of Turkish people and not just people trying to stir the fires?
Ability to burn objects - ✗
Grammar and spelling - ✗
What's next?

Edit: How do we know that it's truly the result of Turkish people and not just people trying to stir the fires?

You won't see any Turks that reject those acts could very well be done by the average Turkish citizen. That's the level of radical Islamism and ultranationalism Erdoğan has driven this nation to.

Us Turks are used to seeing this sort of conduct in many areas of life. Seeing people try to cut oranges to get back at the Netherlands is not something we'd put beyond Erdoğan supporters in the slightest. That's why there isn't much doubt of this being the work of provocateurship.


So not worth it
You won't see any Turks that reject those acts could very well be done by the average Turkish citizen. That's the level of radical Islamism and ultranationalism Erdoğan has driven this nation to.

Us Turks are used to seeing this sort of conduct in many areas of life. Seeing people try to cut oranges to get back at the Netherlands is not something we'd put beyond Erdoğan supporters in the slightest. That's why there isn't much doubt of this being the work of provocateurship.

It's okay dude, we know. The Dutch and the Turks are still good, we're sorry you have to deal with this shit and hope you'll soon be free of such bs.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Fyi "The Oranges" (portakalar) is the nickname of the Dutch National Football team in Turkey. They started calling them that from the Cruijf era onward (1974) and have been really popular in Turkey ever since, especially the Van Basten/ Rijkaard/ Gullit team in 1988. But that nickname is a Turkish thing, so that message won't come across. The stupidity of the AKP comars knows no bound.


So not worth it
Fyi "The Oranges" (portakalar) is the nickname of the Dutch National Football team in Turkey. They started calling them that from the Cruijf era onward (1974) and have been really popular in Turkey ever since, especially the Van Basten/ Rijkaard/ Gullit team in 1988. But that nickname is a Turkish thing, so that message won't come across. The stupidity of the AKP comars knows no bound.

It's actual nickname is Oranje. Which literally means Orange.

It's just that it only refers to the color orange, since the Dutch word for Oranges is Sinaasappels. It's an easy mistake to make... But it's still funny as hell to watch someone stab a random fruit as if anyone would care. :D


I'm glad Denmark has our back but silence from other EU-countries, particularly Germany, is super disappointing.

Apparently Turkey can just bully and blackmail a member country without challenge. Oh well, bring your empty insults, ineffectual sanctions and state-sponsored riots, Erdoğan. Our oranges can take it.

Merkel just said today that the netherlands have our solidarity. How much more do you want?

(I hope that site is okay. It was the first english article I could find.)

edit: Also a lot of our politicians have spoken out against Erdogan and the Turkish government in these last few days. It's rare to see such a consensus in german politics.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's actual nickname is Oranje. Which literally means Orange.

It's just that it only refers to the color orange, since the Dutch word for Oranges is Sinaasappels. It's an easy mistake to make... But it's still funny as hell to watch someone stab a random fruit as if anyone would care. :D

It's not random for them. The nickname is "the Oranges" as in the fruit, orange the colour is portakal rengi (colour of an orange) in Turkish. The dumb thing about this is that they think that the Dutch will get the meaning of them murdering oranges.


Unconfirmed Member
"Today I will show you the real terrorists"

*holds up a mirror to the audience*

*loud gaps as everyone realises they were the bad guys*

full EU membership granted on the spot


I just don't get it. Fascism? Terrorism? Is it so over the top that it loops back around and people somehow believe it? It's so goddamn dumb and stupid.

Funky Papa

So, speaking of Orban, here's one of the requirements for EU membership:

Why hasn't EU leadership caught up with Orban's fake, "illiberal" democracy and put pressure on Hungary to play ball?
Because the huge, all controlling European Union has no actionable tools to do so.

The Commission was close to deny Poland of voting rights on similar grounds just a few days ago, but the measure needed the support of all the other member states and Orbán, being the little shitbird that he is, said that Hungary would side with Poland there. Being already on incredibly shaky ground, the Comission refrained from moving against Poland in order to avoid another crisis.

One of the issues with the EU as it exists is that despite all the hoopla about its overreach, it has little capacity to punish shitty states once they become members.
I just don't get it. Fascism? Terrorism? Is it so over the top that it loops back around and people somehow believe it? It's so goddamn dumb and stupid.

erdogans follower see him as a legitimate elected state representative who actually could achieve circumstances to prosper the economy and reputation of turkey. they also simply neglect that erdogan tries to manifest his power to rule authoritarian. the failed coup, terrorist attacks in turkey, evergoing migrant problems in european societies, rise of right.wing politicians in europe and the islam are just fuel to accuse european countries fascism.
Merkel just said today that the netherlands have our solidarity. How much more do you want?

(I hope that site is okay. It was the first english article I could find.)

edit: Also a lot of our politicians have spoken out against Erdogan and the Turkish government in these last few days. It's rare to see such a consensus in german politics.

I jumped the gun, those statements came out half a day after my post - mea culpa but I really don't need more corrections on this matter.


So not worth it
Jesus, we went from fascists and nazi's to terrorists... We sure are some bastards over here in he lowlands.

German foreign ministry just issued a travel warning for turkey (similiar to the one the netherlands issued today) (german source)

RIP turkish tourism

Pretty sure it's dead, Jim.
Skimmed through the thread...

Has there been any mention so far of the Netherlands Police treatment of protesters during the riots?

Saw this on the BBC news last night.
Turkey has their opinion about it, in Holland nobody cares. No complaints have been filed also about the police that evening. Also, the police gave multiple warnings to clear the square, and after that the protesters know the risk.
Ayyy lmao.

So AKP (Erdoğan's dogs) tried to start a hashtag meaning "Europe's Fear of Erdoğan", and ended up with #erdoğansfearofeuropa.

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