A bulky samurai in an Assassin’s Creed game… Nah.That’s ignorant and racist.
Yasuke story has a great isekai potential. From not Japanese speaking black guy to samurai. That’s a dope idea.
Thank for they didn’t went with another boring same samurai stereotype
Let’s be real. It doesn’t matter if it’s a black, green, blue, purple guy. They should’ve focused on the ninja. That’s what everybody dreamt about with an AC game in Japan. Playing as a ninja. Can’t get more assassin that that.
Having the bulky samurai jump around and climbing walls and what not like an assassin is going to look ridiculous and not being allowed to do that during his missions would end up with the ’counting minutes until it’s over’ scenario.
Best case scenario would be to make it a player choice like in Odyssey.
1. Play as samurai and the ninja is the villain.
2. Play as ninja and the samurai is the villain.
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