Gold Member

Mod users
- Added support for the new mods folder. New, REDmod compatible mods should be placed in the \Cyberpunk 2077\mods folder. The game still supports loading old mods from the archive folder, but please keep in mind that they will not appear in the REDmod menu. New, REDmod compatible mods should be added using the new mods folder for the best experience.
- Added -modded command line parameter to run the game with mods. This parameter also allows you to enable and disable mods using REDlauncher and GOG Galaxy.
- Expanded the telemetry functionality to cover mods-related data.
Mod creators
- Added the ability to load modified tweakdb.bin and .redscripts files.
- Added the ability to load mods.json descriptor for user's installed mods.
- Added a separate audiothread for audio modding.
- Fixed some issues with TweakDB memory allocations.
Hey chooms, remember that these are just the highlights. There's a lot more improvements and fixes in this patch, so go and check them out in the game!