It's almost like disenfranchised groups with sympathize other disenfranchised groups

It's almost like disenfranchised groups with sympathize other disenfranchised groups
While I sympathize with the main message behind BLM, I really feel like some of their practices hurt them. Blocking interstates being the main thing I'm thinking of. If I was late for work, trying to get to the hospital, trying to catch a flight etc, and some protestors forced me to come to a complete stop on the interstate, I would be absolutely furious, and would be way more predisposed to despising the protestors and whatever it is they stand for.
Also, I feel like the BLM movement is somewhat separated from the overarching racial issue in America. As in, some people who don't approve of BLM specifically, still support racial equality overall. Anecdotally, I know a good number of people who aren't fans of BLM, but would never say that they disapprove of racial equality.
Just my two cents.
It is also a country where the percentage of the population over 65 increases every year.
While it is convenient for your point of view to blame this entirely upon racism that doesn't cover all of it.
It's almost like disenfranchised groups with sympathize other disenfranchised groups
Understandable. As a black person, I'm not a big fan of the movement myself.
I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just giving an opinion on how I think some people view BLM.
I just think people are less likely to support a group if that group does something to make them mad. Having to divert and take a longer route to work is a trivial thing, completely insignificant in the course of life, yet it will annoy people. All I'm saying is, I think those people will be less likely to support BLM because of that annoyance. Perhaps that's the fault of the annoyed person, but it is what it is.
It's the same argument I hear against feminism all the time.
"Do you consider yourself a feminist?"
"I don't think so."
"All it means literally is that you support female equality."
"But I don't like the label. I consider myself an equalist."
Also, what the fuck is wrong with the name? It's super fair, not preachy... it's like the smallest push.
I liked Michael Che's special when he talked about it.
The problem with the name Black Lives Matter is that "Only" is written on before with magic ink that is only visible to 57% of people.
Just kidding. The issue with the name Black Lives Matter is that it makes a simple statement that many people disagree with, but don't feel they can state their disagreement with outright because it's a horrible position to have.
It probably would have helped to have had clear actionable goals from the very beginning. As someone said before, "stop killing black kids" is a great message but going from a guy sitting in his underwear watching TV to that is not a clear path. If you just tell someone they need to do something to fix a problem but don't really lay out ANYTHING to go from A to B, they are going to just walk away after saying some platitudes.
Even the BLM website has basically nothing
"Get involved in the fight for black lives. Contact a local chapter, make a donation, make a purchase, find resources and actions."
What the heck? What kind of action plan is that?
Contrast that with Campaign Zero, which has advocated for years now on reducing police violence and has EXTREMELY clear and direct policy goals that anyone can get involved with if they want, such as community oversight and talking points during election cycles. Many communities ARE doing a lot of these things, it just takes a lot of time and involves finding bad cop 1, kicking them out, finding bad cop 2, kicking them out, etc and is met with huge resistance and inertia from the police department.
Campaign Zero is a great example of effective protester organization and action.
I've always advocated BLM's message, but at the end of day screaming and yelling and blocking traffic, etc, while not actually doing anything productive is only going to lead to the result we're seeing in these polls.
I think a lot of the "extreme left SJW" types (mainly on the Internet and social media tbh) are contributing to a negative image towards all contemporary progressive groups. People seem to only look at the bad apples.
Well, this is what happens when you have white billionaires throwing money at an organization with decentralized leadership and policy goals that aim at a wider community with a little focus beyond a couple policy goals they outlined. Too much time lending their megaphone to other causes
Which is why always donate to the NAACP instead.
But let's leave the critiquing of the organization to other people who actually have skin in the game rather than disingenuous and hypocritical Caucasoids
The irony is half of those comments come from bots straight outta the russian propoganda machine lmfao
Speaking of which, why does Putin need all this money and power for?
World domination?
60 percent of white voters said the system is fair to minorities.
So you are a freerider then...Understandable. As a black person, I'm not a big fan of the movement myself.
Nah, fuck this noise.
It's more rationale to be able to think of the issues on both sides of an argument.
This isn't about ignoring both sides of an issue. My point is: if, after thinking about both sides, you're going to resolve to the "moderate" shit, then you haven't thought carefully about both sides.
The sides have a clear distinction, and so the middle is not a legitimate position because it's essentially contradictory.
I kind of don't understand how the civil rights act was ever passed at all.
I kind of don't understand how the civil rights act was ever passed at all.
Johnson kept leaning over people and exposing his massive penis to them.I kind of don't understand how the civil rights act was ever passed at all.
Side A: Black people should be shot down in the street like dogs
Side B: Black people should be tried fairly
I kind of don't understand how the civil rights act was ever passed at all.
I kind of don't understand how the civil rights act was ever passed at all.
I doubt it would pass today
You proud of yourself?Im black and I dont even know wtf BLM even is lol
It felt like we were so close to seeing the tides turn before the shooting here in Dallas. It was really frustrating to listen to listening to conservatives starting to admit something was up to backsliding.
65% of whites opposing a group with a message as basic as "Black Lives Matter" makes me queasy.
We need a radical transformation of American society to upend the structures of white supremacy. Proactive measures need to be taken to challenge prejudicial attitudes among everyday Americans and our criminal justice system needs to be dismantled and built anew.
When the news that people tune in to every day is dedicated to demonizing the group it's hard to gain much traction towards reform. Given the messaging that is out there these numbers fail to shock me.
That's what happens when your nation's most watched news network exists purely to demonize the opposition, I guess. The most frustrating part is that I see no way to change this course America is on.
People who do not understand BLM movement are dense or straight up racist.
"hur hur ALL LIVE MATTER!!" yea no shit but apparently in reality they (black people in the US) are treated like shit and even when they are killed, those killers get no jail. No justice is served. But go ahead and be an ass about it and tell me otherwise.
Yep. Blackness is the foil by which non black people measure their humanity. Anti-blackness is ubiquitous.the point of a protest is to make the intended target feel powerless and allow the people protesting to be heard
It sure does, because y'all are messed up in the head. Justifying slavery and devaluing a black persons life more than a damn animal (agriculture industry is just as bad anyway)
takes a profoundly sick civilization and y'all are sick.
Jews being racist is quite literally the single most hilarious piece of Irony I've ever seen.
Almost as bad as those italians and iraqi catholics getting deported after they voted for the Donald.
Oh and Gandhi. Lmao. Delusional fool.
But blackness is the stick that every culture measures a stick against because at the heart of it people care too much about what other people think and are scared of being treated badly.
In reality, being black truly is a gift, because it teaches you how to be strong, something a lot of you folks with different types of privilege have yet to learn.
Anti-black prejudice is so ingrained and latent that there's always going to be some initial push back against any social movement with the word 'black' in it, plain and simple. It's a statement that's so direct and to the point, that even the most kindly liberals will be taken aback by it.
Ironically (or maybe not) there's quite an overlap between people who object to the phrase and those who complain about "PC culture". I thought we should tell it like it is? Black lives matter.
America realised how deeply fraudulent it looked barking about the evils and tyranny of Communism in Europe and Asia while images went out of its own citizens receiving night sticks to the head, firehoses to the chest and attack dogs at their heels for wanting to sit in the same diner as a White person.
There was real fear that the USA's enemies at the time would exploit its racial conflicts to America's detriment.
Nah, fuck this noise.
It's more rationale to be able to think of the issues on both sides of an argument.
Nope. Independents are the people that sat their asses home back in November. I'm surprised that the number isn't larger.That's pretty staggering considering the huge amount of evidence to to contrary.
So what's up here, straight up ignorance or "fuck you I got mine".
Why do I suspect the polling mix to be a factor. I strongly suspect that "Independent" post 2016 means someone who voted for Trump yet doesn't want to admit to it.
LolNah, fuck this noise.
It's more rationale to be able to think of the issues on both sides of an argument.
Side A: Black people should be shot down in the street like dogs
Side B: Black people should be tried fairly
More disingenuous noise.
Black people shouldn't be shot in the street and they should be treated fairly, but we all know how African Americans tend to treat each other.
That is the issue which is far bigger than anything related to police.
An example, Last weekend in Baltimore was dubbed 'Nobody kill anybody', and it didn't work. Strange there wasn't a topic here on it.
More disingenuous noise.
More disingenuous noise.
Black people shouldn't be shot in the street and they should be treated fairly, but we all know how African Americans tend to treat each other.
That is the issue which is far bigger than anything related to police.
An example, Last weekend in Baltimore was dubbed 'Nobody kill anybody', and it didn't work. Strange there wasn't a topic here on it.
More disingenuous noise.
Black people shouldn't be shot in the street and they should be treated fairly, but we all know how African Americans tend to treat each other.
More disingenuous noise.
Black people shouldn't be shot in the street and they should be treated fairly, but we all know how African Americans tend to treat each other.
That is the issue which is far bigger than anything related to police.
An example, Last weekend in Baltimore was dubbed 'Nobody kill anybody', and it didn't work. Strange there wasn't a topic here on it.