It's been a hell of a busy/fun day for me. Had a massive nostalgia trip catching up with people. But nonetheless, it was a very chill day. While it's normally not my cup tea, being at the very front of the Ben Folds Five concert with them performing right behind us was pretty surreal.
Several select cell phone pictures from Day 1's festivities and activities:
Gonna have to pose for a picture in front of it on Saturday after we kick attendants off the Show Floor:
Fantastic pop culture paintings:
Commander Shepard decked out in full gear talks about her suit:
Ben Folds 5 Concert pictures:
I got super nostalgic here. So many memories of the Masquerade Parade from last year (we call it "Masquerade Massacre" whenever we refer to it)
Here's my mug in Crew mode ready to work:
I heard from many co-workers that attendees are jealous of our badge. Zombies are totally bad ass; it's a perfect fit for us since there's a ton of us. I love it. Also notice the neon orange shirt:
EDIT: Forgot to mention, that I have updated the OP with the latest people going so you guys don't think I'm slacking off.

EDIT 2: Penguin, post some impressions as soon as you can.