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New York Comic Con 2012 lOTl Cosplayers, Video games, Comics, and Panels oh my!

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can we expect anything new from "the man of steel"?

Seems DC in general lacks much of a presence
No animation panels either
Though one for TDKR Part 2

Also.. most random and not very happy thing...
While at the Marvel Ur Game Booth.. some random Deadpool cosplayer started choking me... and I'm not quite sure why


Seems DC in general lacks much of a presence
No animation panels either
Though one for TDKR Part 2

Also.. most random and not very happy thing...
While at the Marvel Ur Game Booth.. some random Deadpool cosplayer started choking me... and I'm not quite sure why


So who's coming out to Beer Authority to get a final head count going? Please note I won't be able to properly have a list until after 5; on my phone plus have a class from 2-5. So far interested people are:

Penguin (not Beer Authortity but 1960s Batman show event)

Let me know folks. I'm so jelly of the Amano people. A free copy of his Art book is pretty damn good.

EDIT: I might have conflicting plans to hang out with some coworkers as well. I'll let you guys know what's up there as soon I know what they're going to do.



Line is pretty long now. Heard they're gonna start letting people in 15 min. I'm 30-40th on line :>

I can't get there before 6pm as it is


So who's coming out to Beer Authority to get a final head count going? Please note I won't be able to properly have a list until after 5; on my phone plus have a class from 2-5. So far interested people are:

Penguin (not Beer Authortity but 1960s Batman show event)

Let me know folks. I'm so jelly of the Amano people. A free copy of his Art book is pretty damn good.

EDIT: I might have conflicting plans to hang out with some coworkers as well. I'll let you guys know what's up there as soon I know what they're going to do.

I can make it to this

How is parking around the area? :C


Did i win a contest i don't know about. it shows me for 3 days? lolwut. never been here or any thread like this lol.

Whoops! I think I got you confused for WyndhamPrince. You guys have similar names. Thanks for pointing it. :D I'll correct the OP now.

Noshino, as for parking, I would say your best bet is to park somewhere around 38th between 8th and 9 ave. Whenever my brother's girlfriend would drive to midtown to shop around there, she would park around there since there's typically space around there, albeit next to a meter. I don't much else about parking otherwise.


I'm walking down to the Con now. Gonna hang out at the Crew lounge for a bit. If you guys still wanna meet up at Beer Authority, decide soon. I'm not going to have dinner though.

I'm gonna be here for a while.

Edit 2: I came out the lounge. I'm near the Show office near the steps if any one wants to come find me. Wearing a cream colored jacket and white and gray Sketcher sneakers. Too many people; it's like. A punch to the face.
Oh my. The female excibiters are drop dead gorgeous. Some are half naked too.

Sigh. Why must girls be hard to get. Time to fap!

EDIT- m0dus, i think i saw you once on the floor. Now i know who to stop tomorrow.


They weren't kidding about exclusive autograph signings. If you didn't have a ticket, they booted you out of the line, straight up. The experience was totally worth dragging myself up at 5am to get out there. Amano gave sketches to everyone and signed 2 things per person. He's a really generous and modest man.


Pretty good first day. Got to play a few demos, I didn't know there's a Marvel Diablo clone game, which seems has potential. Ni No Kuni PS3 is gorgeous, definitely a buy. I'll check out the rest on Sunday. Tomorrow's panel camping at IGN mostly.

And of course I got what I came for:


Also nice meeting you kisaya, Amano was super nice, hopefully you got a treat from him.:D

Couldn't meet up with you guys, caffeine crash after 18 hours ain't fun. Now I'm gonna take a shower and sleep for 12 hours.


I think it's going to be impossible meet up. ItNonetheless, I'll see you folks on the Show Floor. You guys know what I look like. Come on over and say hi.
I asked one of the numerous Banes I saw if he posts on NeoGAF and he give me a "???" face, so that wasn't whoever posted in here, hahaha. Come say tomorrow!! We shouldn't be hard to spot, look for the giant pink gun. :)


Oh my god, such a long fucking day.

BUT... I was able to get all that I wanted :3 Camped outside and got an autograph ticket for Amano, went to his panel, and got him to sign my poster and book :3 Couldn't be happier!!
And he told me I had amazing eyes, aaaahhhh ;___;

I would write a long report but I'm too lazy... It was really just a day of wandering and going from panel to panel to pass time till the private Amano autographing. Tbh I don't think I can do something like this again, haha.

Shadow780, it was great meeting you too! ;3 Sou, I won't be going on all the other days so it's too bad we couldn't meet ;___; my phone died at the middle of the day. I would post pictures but it's still charging >.<

Anyone get Amano signature today? He gave me free copy of his complete works.



I think it's going to be impossible meet up. ItNonetheless, I'll see you folks on the Show Floor. You guys know what I look like. Come on over and say hi.

I think the problem is service is spotty all over

Especially once off the show floor

Like don't see any of this in panels for the most part

Think works best, if we have a game plan at the start of the day


Decided to go in for a couple hours after work. It's as insane and as messy as its always been but it's still a lot of fun.

Bought the Evil Edition of Scott Pilgrim vol 1 in preparation for the signing tomorrow.

I think I'm undecided on Sunday right now, though. Man, just being there for two hours was draining enough, tomorrow is going to be nuts.


Pretty good first day. Got to play a few demos, I didn't know there's a Marvel Diablo clone game, which seems has potential. Ni No Kuni PS3 is gorgeous, definitely a buy. I'll check out the rest on Sunday. Tomorrow's panel camping at IGN mostly.

And of course I got what I came for:


Also nice meeting you kisaya, Amano was super nice, hopefully you got a treat from him.:D

Couldn't meet up with you guys, caffeine crash after 18 hours ain't fun. Now I'm gonna take a shower and sleep for 12 hours.

That looks so sweet, can't wait for Nov. Had mine preordered at Amazon the day they put it up, glad to preorders sold out quick.
That's too bad Kisaya!! :(( maybe next time!! Unfortunately m0dus and I are out on dinner after all of the hoopla I made about meeting up, but we'd still love to see any of you on the floor! We'll be there Sat and Sun.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
What a day! Didn't get to make the meetup since it was so exhausting... but anyways.

Anyone who went to the Amano panel... do you remember some guy in a Hatsune Miku shirt asking him how he got involved in the FF series (and relating an anecdote about his first exhibition in NY)? Yup that was me :p

Also, I did the geek speed dating thing... and I'm not sure yet (I will post a topic here in OT if so) but I may very well be on TV, met a match there and they specifically wanted to film our "date" at the con on Sun) :O

If anybody wants to meet up tomorrow, I have nothing going on (just gonna try and play WiiU) so hopefully tomorrow evening we may be able to do something.


Bitches love smiley faces
We should've done a pre-con meet-up. Anything during the con is problematic.

I asked one of the numerous Banes I saw if he posts on NeoGAF and he give me a "???" face, so that wasn't whoever posted in here, hahaha. Come say tomorrow!! We shouldn't be hard to spot, look for the giant pink gun. :)

SUPARSTARX has (as far as I can tell) a pretty accurate combat vest from the film. That being said, I probably saw a bajillion Banes without the vest. I'll keep my eyes out for it still.

Edit: Day 2 photos! http://www.flickr.com/photos/gluetree/sets/72157631756646612/


Like I said, I'm going to be swamped with work the whole day, so you guys will eventually have the pleasure of bumping into me no doubt, unless you guys actively seek me out. I'm a pretty tall dude at 6'3 so guys can't miss me. I have to be up in exactly 5 and half hours from now. :(

To distinguish myself, I'll be wearing two pins on my Crew shirt; one that has a 1 with a picture of a woman and a 2 with a picture of a black dude wearing a mask. As guys can see in the picture of my mug, I'm always wearing that spiky necklace as well as a silver Swiss army watch on my left wrist. I'll try to wear one other item to make myself stand out or customize my shirt slightly. I'll also be wearing silver framed glasses that look slightly crooked as well to help me see better/process the chaos.

Conversely, if I'm not on the Show Floor later in the day/night, then I'll probably get placed into either helping in one of the big panels or at the Break room at room 1B04; the one with the Authorized People only sign next to it near the bathrooms/the corner door. You guys can knock on the door since Crew always opens the door without knocking or do a pattern knock e.g. knock twice, then knock four times. I'll try to make updates on GAF to the best of my ability on my current location; the break room has horrible reception though as well as the notorious Show Floor as you all know.

I ended up going to Dave and Busters with some co-workers to shoot the breeze there. It was fun I suppose. Didn't drink or nothing. IGN had some kind of a party there I believe, but I think it was over long before we got there. No pictures for tonight until some time in the night after I get home.


Much more productive day today, as I ended the night with ~300 cosplay photos. Had to sleep for about an hour and overestimated my processing speed so getting them online will take longer than I'd like, but here's my shot of SUPARSTARX's Bane:

They weren't kidding about exclusive autograph signings. If you didn't have a ticket, they booted you out of the line, straight up. The experience was totally worth dragging myself up at 5am to get out there. Amano gave sketches to everyone and signed 2 things per person. He's a really generous and modest man.
I didn't get to line up yesterday, so I reaaaaally hope lining up at 5:30 won't be too late. @__@

Also, Rob Paulsen is one of the sweetest people I have ever met.


Unfortunately, you may be out of luck. Just heard back from someone I met yesterday who tried to double dip today for autographs. Line was 500 deep at 6am
Unfortunately, you may be out of luck. Just heard back from someone I met yesterday who tried to double dip today for autographs. Line was 500 deep at 6am
I managed to run over so I got in line at 5 and got an Amano ticket. Very happy about it. The guys next to me missed out on walking dead though.


I'm coming back in with normal clothes today. Will try to look out for gaffers.

My mask and pants are a bit out of shape. Because I used across to weather it, some flaked off from constant removal so I won't wear it back in unfortunately.

I'm going to have white Bruce Lee tee on that says "water can flow or it can crash, be like water my friend.." on the back. And I have just about no hair.
Currently settling in for the Aliens/Gary Whitta fan appreciation panel. I'm the guy in the tweed jacket who ISN'T cosplaying Doctor Who.


comic con was fun. i liked the cosplayers who gender switched harley/joker. Female Joker/Male Harley had really great interpretations of the costumes to boot. I'll upload the pics later.

Missed the Amano sig, but got my Peter Davison and Sean Astin sigs, so all is well. Peter Davison was an ASSHOLE to everyone on line (and he also disappeared for like 2/3 of the day, despite his 'schedule'), but Sean Astin was like overcompensating for Davison's assholeness or something (he was situated right next to Peter's line), because he was just excessively nice. Also while I was waiting in line for Sean Astin, he came in with his entourage THROUGH Lou Ferrigno's line, and took the time to shake hands with like half the Davison line and say hi to everyone in the nicest, most effusive manner. Really weird to see a celebrity THAT nice, reminded me of when I met Nicki Clyne in NYCC 2010 as she was walking to her line, and she stopped and had the time to have a long conversation with me and my sister and even told her agent to fuck herself and argued with her over when she could take a pic with us.

m0dus said:
Here is us, we will be there tomorrow, come find us!

I showed my sister and friends this picture, and they said they saw you. Dale said he commented to your girl about her gun being pink or something.


Really, really enjoyed nycc and am sad that its over for me. Got a lot of cool pics though and had a great time. Everyone is so friendly and cool to each other. Its a nice atmosphere even though its hella crowded.

Cosplayers are the greatest people ever. Theyre all such good sports.
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