I think Savitar was talking about the one that actually won. It is, indeed, an ugly ass flag. New Zealand fucked up.
that is the best one in the bunch, love the color scheme.
the Red Peak one looks like a hardware store logo
lol you literally picked the worst option from the short-list
you blew it, NZ
Hmm, still looks better than having a bloody union jack...That was my least favourite one of the lot. It doesn't look good. I'll vote to keep the current flag when the time comes and I really hope we don't settle for that shit as a representation of our nation.
I didn't think any of them were fantastic, but I would've gone with this one:
I didn't think any of them were fantastic, but I would've gone with this one:
that is the best one in the bunch, love the color scheme.
the Red Peak one looks like a hardware store logo
Oh, please. I did point out that yes, the silver fern has a lot of cultural meaning. I was referring specifically to the style of white fern on a solid black background being strongly tied to the all blacks to me personally as a reason why I find it not a particularly appealing look for a flag.
Your language of "to me and most NZers" reeks of argumentum ad populum. Speak for yourself, don't claim to speak for your country. Also, calling someone ignorant for their personal opinion on the desirability of a flag design is completely irrelevant to the argument at hand.
I think Savitar was talking about the one that actually won. It is, indeed, an ugly ass flag. New Zealand fucked up.
That flag is what happens when you try and please everyone.
I agree that the designs -- particularly having 3 of the 4 original designs include the fern -- probably weren't representative of the breadth of stuff available. And that the change seems to be largely being imposed top-down.
Hmm, still looks better than having a bloody union jack...
You had one chance NZ and you blew it.
The new one looks like it was designed by committe and compromises and it looks it. It won't age well. It's too busy and seems like it doesn't know where it wants to go so it tries to do everything, which is the worse thing you can do in a flag. A national flag should have no more than three colors, should be simple and a five year old should be able to draw it.
Most great world flags are simple tri-bars or less for a reason, or only has one element like the iconic Japanese or Canadian flags.
What I really don't like about the winning flag is that they basically just looked at the current flag, went "yeah the right half looks pretty cool, let's keep that" and then added a fern on the side and painted the top left corner black to go with it.
They should have just let go of the old design entirely and come up with some truly novel ideas.
The problem with that silver fern flag is the red southern cross. If you change that to white or remove it entirely, might look ok.
Lol "should have no more than three colours". Is there some kind of international rule about flag colours?
I couldn't care less if a child can draw the flag. I'd like to see them draw a perfect maple leaf for a Canadian flag or a perfect Union Jack.