You know that Housemarque and Eugene Jarvis met on the Assault Android cactus stand ?? true story ..I think it was at PAX
they probably were thinking out loud "i want to make a new game"

You know that Housemarque and Eugene Jarvis met on the Assault Android cactus stand ?? true story ..I think it was at PAX
Ah awesomeJust to add to what he said (and correct me if my math is wrong lol), for humans, I think you get 1000 points for each one. After your 10th human (and if you still have a chain going) each one you pick up after that is 10,000 points. That's why you need to stick with the combo if you want higher scores.
If your multiplier is at 20x and your combo is still going, you're getting 200,000 points added to your score for each human!
Seconding this recommendation. This trailer does a better job highlighting the game's features for anyone still on the fence.And if you like this kind of twinstickers, pls also try assault android is on ps4 and PC.[/URL]
Correct.Got this as a gift and I'm super hyped about it! I'm relatively trash at twin stick shooters (I can't aim...) but maybe this is my chance to get better!
How's the local multiplayer? Can you play through the campaign / main levels in coop?
So, my first instinct is to just rescue humans as fast as possible and then deal with enemies. However:
There is a human multiplier, where every time you pick up a human, a bar ticks down until you lose your multiplier. So you basically want to pick up one at a time and hold off as long as possible before collecting the next human. As soon as your bar gets yellow/flashing and close to a sliver you grab the next
The goal is to basically drag out the human combo as long as possible for entire levels and carry them over to the next. As your combo stacks higher it raises your score by a considerable amount
From world 1 I'd recommended trying to start stacking humans from level 3. Grab it right at the end and carry it forward from there
If you're confused just watch a replay of some high scores on the leaderboard and you'll see what I mean.
It's a much harder way to play than just blasting through levels, but it's worth it if you care about scores
To add to this for those wondering, you're not necessarily restricted by the timer either when attempting to squeeze as many points out of a run as possible. Each floor / level needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis with regards to ideal pacing: sometimes you actively do want to stretch it out as far as you can, whereas elsewhere it might not be a mistake to blaze right through the survivors. The reason for this doesn't have anything to do with the human chain per se, but the final score tally does keep track of overall time prior to calculating the multiplier bonus. Big points to be had in other words if you manage to optimize gathering humans and eliminating enemies simultaneously!Just to add to what he said (and correct me if my math is wrong lol), for humans, I think you get 1000 points for each one. After your 10th human (and if you still have a chain going) each one you pick up after that is 10,000 points. That's why you need to stick with the combo if you want higher scores.
If your multiplier is at 20x and your combo is still going, you're getting 200,000 points added to your score for each human!
Just downloaded update 1.04 on PS4, about 800 MB, does anyone know what this is about?
Patch is live for PS4, Steam and GOG. It's a quick hotfix which fixes a crash.
v1.04 0032.005 - June 23rd, 2017
Hotfix 2
* Fixed crash with Master difficulty during the boss battle
* Tweaked credits
Odd decision indeed, but I assume you can change the color of player 2's gunfire. In the main menu there's a button for opening an in-game profile screen (Start on controller) and that's one of the purchasable choices. You need to play a bit of Arena for coins, however.2. The player 2 character shoots pink projectiles, just like every other enemy in the game. WHY? It doesn't seem like this can be changed either, but I didn't put much effort into looking.
Odd decision indeed, but I assume you can change the color of player 2's gunfire. In the main menu there's a button for opening an in-game profile screen (Start on controller) and that's one of the purchasable choices. You need to play a bit of Arena for coins, however.
I feel the exact same way. Got to Architect on vet and picked up a fucking sword in error which deemed the whole run a bust.Made it to the level 5 boss in Veteran without much trouble, but died when he was literally one hit away from death. Couldn't get back on my feet with no abilities and burned through all 10 continues without even putting a dent in him.
It really feels like you have to 1CC all the higher difficulties, because dying and being stripped of your full arsenal really puts you at a disadvantage, especially if it happens at a boss battle.
I feel the exact same way. Got to Architect on vet and picked up a fucking sword in error which deemed the whole run a bust.
I feel the exact same way. Got to Architect on vet and picked up a fucking sword in error which deemed the whole run a bust.
Agreed.Sword is definitely the worst weapon available. The only saving grace is that it can clear away bullets in a pinch.
But my favorite has to be somewhere between the Powershot and the Laser. They're both just so good.
Apologies if this discussion has already been hashed out in the thread, I haven't read everything:
My first experience with this game was co-op with a friend, and I came away with the impression that Housemarque really didn't put much focus on the co-op experience at all.
1. Player characters aren't visible enough. This isn't an issue in single player (or when one player dies in co-op) because the camera keeps the character in the center of the screen at all times. You have hints from the camera alone about where you are. In co-op this goes out the window and it's super easy to lose your position with the tons of effects, things exploding, green arrows pointing at all the humans etc. etc.
Definitely. What's cool about the Powershot is that it unleashes a small explosive radius per shot that helps cover all other angles when enemies encroach on you:Agreed.
The Powershot is so satisfying to use on a large line of enemies, the voxels popping everywhere gives me that Dynasty Warriors high.
So is there just not Xbox one controller support in this? Picked up cuz of steam sale, and thought as something that looked like a twin stick shooter it would for sure have controller support.
Is that not the case?
It definitely has XInput controller support but it doesn't automatically enable the controller. Go into Options and change it.
It is. I am totally addicted. Plan was to play Nier the whole weekend. No I am trying to perfect Arenalevel 1 all day long.Okay I think I'm going to give in to the Nex Machina hype. It does look really fun.
So I see that Amazon now has digital codes that you can purchase for PS4.
Because of this, I want to gift an NA PS4 user a copy of the game!
If you have been on the fence about it, let me help push you over.
I'm in love with this game and to show my appreciation, I want to help get the word out.
First person to quote me gets it
Whether the code is for you or you have a friend that needs convincing...doesn't matter. All I ask is you give it a chance because it will be frustrating at times![]()
Wouldn't mind trying it on PS4.![]()
You got it. Will PM you now!
Just saw your edit. I'm assuming you've played the alpha/beta? Totally understand where you're coming from and I appreciate the honesty. I'm sure you would love to own the full game so I'll still go ahead and send you that copy![]()
Thank you!!! Actually, no I wasn't a tester. I just already bought the PC version is what I meant. But I was just reading that PS4 version exclusively has HDR, so I'm excited to see how it looks now.
Once again, thank you!!!
Thank you!!! Actually, no I wasn't a tester. I just already bought the PC version is what I meant. But I was just reading that PS4 version exclusively has HDR, so I'm excited to see how it looks now.
Once again, thank you!!!
I don't mean to get in the middle, but the copy was clearly meant for someone who doesn't own the full game, no?
What's cool about the Powershot is that it unleashes a small explosive radius per shot that helps cover all other angles when enemies encroach on you:
Real convenient in a pinch! Bonus points for adding an extra layer re: efficient positioning too.
Having some performance issues with this game.
Playing on PC with i7 6700k @ 4ghz, 1080 founders, 16gb RAM.
Settings are 4k, everything high, vsync on. I am not getting constant 60fps. Frequent drops even into the 40's at times.
Was playing on high difficulty where there is probably more on screen.
Any suggestions? Is my PC just not capable enough?
ALSO, anyone else have an issue with the mouse pointer not going away? I always have to manually move it offscreen when the game starts. This game still needs a bit of polish on PC I think.
Only two complaints I have about this game:
- all the visual noise sometimes makes it hard to see the hazards, and once in a while I'll die without seeing what hit me.
- the way you lose powerups basically means if you don't beat a boss on the first try all your remaining attempts will have to be made in your weakest state. I wish there were a way to earn powerups during the course of a boss battle like you can in normal stages.
Looks like both my speed run feats and trophies (storm runner) are glitched. None of these are unlocking. Sucks.
Hey thanks for the heads up
According to this thread, it's using a different timer? Whatever the case may be, It means you need to beat it a little faster to get the trophy.
They are aware of it and are fixing it.
I guess it was my fault for assuming when he said he played it before, he meant alpha/beta tester. If he said he already had the PC version on his first post, I wouldn't have sent a copy. So apologies for this.
Sometime this weekend, I'll try to gift someone a copy who hasn't played AT ALL! Lol
Don't want to derail this thread so I'll get back on topic.
I joined the Discord channel and I asked if there were any plans for letting us choose our own modifiers. They said there were plans (like Halo's skull system) but they decided to just have Arena mode instead.
They are able to change modifiers in Arena mode at any time, it seems. No need for a patch or update.
Looks like both my speed run feats and trophies (storm runner) are glitched. None of these are unlocking. Sucks.
OK so this is megaton for me: I just discovered (apologies if it was mentioned before) that you can view replays of other peoples's runs in the game. OMG some people are amazing.
It's incredible that you can watch full-fidelity replays of this. Just... amazing. I kept saying NO WAY to some of the skills people have.