Beat the first world on Rookie, love it, how do I unlock World 2?
Did you play in Arcade mode? World 2 should start up as soon as the first boss is killed.
played through on arcade on rookie to unlock the individual stages and this game is fucking incredible... you can really feel the eugene jarvis influence.
This may be stupid but how do you set a score on the leaderboards outside of Arena? My score for single world didn't register at the end?
No, I just played it in World Mode, and world 2 is locked even after I beat W1.
Going to stream for a bit. Might do Experienced 1cc or Veteran (trying to unlock Master).
You can enable or disable cross platform leaderboards. If you ever saw a symbol of a computer next to the date in the rankings, that means they got that score on Steam.
There's a little bar underneath the 5 powerups. That bar fills up when you kill enemies. When it's full, you'll gain a powerup or multiplier (if you've already gained all the powerups). If you get hit, you'll drop one of these powerups. Dunno if it's random or the last one you received.
Starting from the left, these are the powerups:
Weapon Range
Triple Dash
Dash Explosion
Weapon Spread
Weapon Range let's your bullets fly farther.
Triple Dash let's you boost 3 times. Since boosting replenishes so quickly, there's no reason you should be holding back. It gets you our of hoards and enemy bullet patterns.
Shield let's you take 1 extra hit.
Dash Explosion. When you dash, a small explosion happens when you stop.
Weapon spread makes you have a 3 way shot.
Going back to the above picture, the big, circular powerup can be 1 of the following:
Rocket Launcher
Personally (and from watching others stream) Smartbomb is the way to go. Press the trigger and a small radius of enemies die. Really helpful to get out of right situations.
The 2nd helpful one is the Rocket Launcher. Makes bosses much easier to deal with.
Before every boss battle, there's a powerup box in case you want to switch it up. You just have to wait till the powerup you want shows up. It goes in rotation. I'll use a smartbomb throughout the level them switch to the rocket.
The other ones aren't great, imo but maybe they'll be handy in certain situations. The Powershot has you charge up your gun and take out enemies in a straight line. The Laser makes you move slowww but kills quick.
Are you using Sweetfx ?
Thanks for the drivers, didnt know they released new one for this game.
Gotta play Arcade to unlock the later stages.
Ah, OK. Can you beat levels in Arcade and save your progress, or do you have to go through the whole game in one fell swoop?
You have to do it in one go (allowing bookmark saves would make it much easier to cheat the leaderboards). The full playthrough is pretty short.
Man this game is so freaking good. Much better than Resogun and I already liked that game too.
This is pure bliss distilled into video game form and I am in love.
Better than Resogun? Sweet jesus...
is kicking my ass. From 79 continues to 34 and I can't reach the final fase. This game is punishing.Supreme AI
I'm confused. Is there a way to beat this game? I went through like 6 stages in Arcade; only died once. I notice it unlocked more planets. Is the 'Single World' more or less the campaign?
Man this game is so freaking good. Much better than Resogun and I already liked that game too.
That boss is a pain. You NEED powerups for that fight. Triple Dash is a lifesaver.
Breezed through on rookie, then got brick walled by the level 3 boss on experienced. What is life
Fantastic game, though.
Good luck, because you ain't seen nothing yet. From there on the bosses get exponentially more insane.
Smart bomb clears the entire area around you (more of a panic button), rocket launcher destroys stuff in front of you onlyAm I missing something with the smartbomb? The blast radius seems so small. Why use it over the rocket launcher?
Need to manually enable vsync otherwise its juddery.
To my surprise not getting a perfect 60fps on an i7 with 1060gtx 1440p.
That's a bit worrying. In theory it should run 4k/locked 60 fps in your system.
I have 4690k with 980 Ti. I check my performance when I get back home.
Am I missing something with the smartbomb? The blast radius seems so small. Why use it over the rocket launcher?
Is there any benefit to the sword beyond short cooldown? Really seems useless compared to the others, especially for bosses.....
Is there any benefit to the sword beyond short cooldown? Really seems useless compared to the others, especially for bosses.....
How is this possible
How is it on a gsync monitor though? Smooth or juddery?
Crowd control.
I definitely pulled off some dashing sword strikes that felt pretty rad, but I think so far I've just been relying on the more AOE explosive stuff (probably too heavily)It was really potent for me when I had the triple dash and dash explosion upgrades. Dash straight into a group, wreck them and dash back out.
Damn, I completely missed this thread, so I guess I missed the preorder. Really hard to justify dropping $30 on this, not sure what the discount was in Australia.
Might just suck it up and buy it on PC, but I have a feeling there are more people I'd want to compare scores with on PS4.
For those of you that are interested here is an interview with Eugene Jarvis on the development of his first game Defender (starts at 3:10) and a bit about Robotron 2084 at 9 mins. The first 3 mins of the video is just talking about his quest to reach 1,000,000 points on Robotron 2084. I recommend the Defender interview as it gives a great insight into the development hell of arcade games when they were in their infancy and also an incredible insight into how popular arcades were.
Am I missing something with the smartbomb? The blast radius seems so small. Why use it over the rocket launcher?
What's the best way to contact the dev, last boss is some real bull shit without any upgrade and shitty camera zoom. And you can't even see shit.
Man this game is so freaking good. Much better than Resogun and I already liked that game too.