Anexanhume from Era found this, looks is related to PS5 (maybe the geometry engine ?)
The same reason why people don't round SeX 12.155 up to 12.2. Most people just call it flat at 12.Why do people like you round down like this??? You say 10.2 TFs when you know it's 10.28 or basically 10.3 TFs. It's just weird and annoying.
You can only do so much with a 399 budget and a release in 2019, he did a excellent job in that regard, to bad that component pricing rose because of the complicated design.I think he clearly mentioned that the drop would be 2% and it depends on cpu usage as well. Most gfx card uses something like 95% to 98% most times. So I think this 9.2tf is BS. It is also obvious the use of running at higher clock speed. If you can have both it is great. I guess most people prefer lower clocks because of heat issues. So as long as Sony has good cooling and heat dissipation. I do not see any problem. Though going with only 36cu was really surprising. But he was giving reason for the design choices which is completely fare.
Read my post here on project Acoustics and the Tempest Engine:Yeah and Tempest can probably do ray tracing because it started as a RDNA GPU CU and was then customized by Sony. So on Xbox devs will still likely need to use the GPU if they want to hardware audio ray tracing. But PS5 Tempest SPU might allow devs to move some of that work off the GPU to the Tempest SPU, freeing up more of the GPU to accelerate ray tracing for lightning or something else. I think.
Please stop this nonsense. Audio is crucially important for game immersion and many people have high end headphones and surround sets for this reason. Unfortunately in the past generation - like Cerny already explained - it was not given the attention it deserves.Another dev praising the audio lol which nobody cares about. I think Sony messed up putting so much focus on something that the casual audience doesn't care about. This is going to be another Kinect situation.
Wow! AMD is bullying Microsoft into making better contracts, yet some think they have the upper hand. Not to mention that Cerny and on the video it's said that Sony actually helped them shape their RDNA2. That's something. And again, the Tempest Engine will offload the audio calculations, and XSX doesn't even have fiber optic audio out
Seems like a lot of FUD in that "our most powerful console".
I always felt audio was the most important part!Please stop this nonsense. Audio is crucially important for game immersion and many people have high end headphones and surround sets for this reason. Unfortunately in the past generation - like Cerny already explained - it was not given the attention it deserves.
This will be fixed with the PS5 and I am very happy that they are doing this! The audio with the PSVR is amazing, you should experience that some day.
You’d expect so. Waiting on someone with the proper know how to confirm.The advantage scales with clocks. So just like resolution, in theory there is a 16% difference. Nothing major.
Also makes the console run loud as butt. How am I supposed to dream like that?No, $39,99
I just want to get us talking about the games. Yeah one is note powerful than the other. A complete reverse of this gen but let's see them games.
Personally I'm looking towards to Forza and Gears on Series X and on PS I want to see Gran Turismo, God of War and Horizon 2.
Do we know for certain the XSX has 80 ROPs?![]()
They had 512MB of unified Ram, a bigger and superior GPU in the 360 era... didn't pull of Uncharted 2 or 3, or Gran Turismo 5 or 6. Not any other PS3 looker.
Forza Apex on PC at it's highest settings doesnt look as great as GT Sport on PS4 Pro. etc
The excuse was always down to coding to the metal and DX as an API. I dont always believe it's art direction, sometimes as great as their new DX APi Is.. ICE team is one step ahead with tools. I expect that will continue next generation.
if it's 10.08TF under most extreme situations then why didn't cerny locked the clock the GPU to get 10.08TF ? Fixed clocks will always be better for consoles than variable clocks
I think what's really exciting is that Xbox still have megatons to announce about the hardware. They started with the Xbox being more powerful than the PS5, next they'll announce that it's the same price as the PS5 and finally they'll announce Lockhart that's a full $200 cheaper than both. The next few months are going to be crazy.
The same reason why people don't round SeX 12.155 up to 12.2. Most people just call it flat at 12.
Most people don't get mad at 0.1 or 0.2 decimals.
No actually a little less, because of the 'meta data' tax that all SDD have (just like USB flash)Ok so usable capacity is 768GB in retail units?
I'm not mad. It's just silly. If you are going to use the decimal, at least get the rounded number right.
Yes, the way I understand it is that the technology is now new. There is a new hardware chip in the XsX specifically for project Acoustics, though.I thought project Acoustics was an engine which can run on pc, xbone and sex
Read my post about what they are:It is a software engine.
Some Xbox fans it is the same than the hardware Tempest engine on PS5.
Read my post here on project Acoustics and the Tempest Engine:
It might be that the tempest engine allows for audio Ray tracing but so far they haven't really made this clear.
It's actually 7nm+ so wattages are a little down (I think XsX is 180W total) .. but like the data shows it's literally 2x power going from 1.8 to 2.1+GHz . Guessing around 230W (instead of 265W)to me this confirms the fact that the ps5 gpu is probably 9.2 tflops and the variable clocks are mostly likely never hit.
i am expecting at least a 30% difference in resolution, and maybe even some ray tracing sacrifices.
looking at the simulating gonzalo chart, a 2.23 ghz gpu would be over 250w by itself on rdna 1.0. on rdna 2.0, thats 165w. thats the entire power consumption of the x1x minus 5w. this is before the cpu, before the ram, the ssd and other items on the board. we are looking at a 265w system. xbox on the other hand should come in around 100w for the gpu, and 200w for the entire system. 2.23 is a pipe dream.
no one in their right mind would release a console that consumes 65 more watts and offers 20% less performance.
No. SDD are built in chunks of 256/512/1024 GiB etc (GB binary) - they report less (in GiB) because of "over provisioning", "wear levelling data structures" and other OS specific data structures that take up memory. Windows uses GiB but says GB, other OSs may be differentActually both uses the same mensure.
Samsung 1TB = 931GiB (it shows that on Windows).
What the guy is trying to say is a bit confuse yet.
No they don't, Not for SSD. (for spinning HDD yes) - see the tomshardware link about - has a teardown - explains the literal chips inside and what capacities they areHD manufatures uses base 1000... all of them.
I always get one at launch as my "main" console, last time I made the wrong choice with the Xbox One![]()
Xbox Series X to PS5 Power Difference 'Quite Staggering'
An ex-Sony game designer shares that he's heard developers say the Xbox Series X advantage over the PS5 is 'quite staggering.'
Couldn’t care a less. I’ll be getting both at launch.
Please stop this nonsense. Audio is crucially important for game immersion and many people have high end headphones and surround sets for this reason. Unfortunately in the past generation - like Cerny already explained - it was not given the attention it deserves.
SO fellas, i dont care much for console war etc, but what type of graphical leap are we looking at with ps5 specs? can we expect photo mode level graphics?
In the Road to PS5 presentation there is a slide during the ray tracing segment that shows an icon for audio. Cerny also mentions audio ray tracing during his closing remarks.
Also, during the Tempest section he mentions support for convolution reverb which is what simulates sound signature of environments. Project Acoustics is essentially convolution reverb + ray tracing.
But early data leaks showed they did test at a higher bandwidth but decided not to go there. Hopefully this means they found a less costly way to work around the 448GB/sec issue and it won’t bottleneck the system. Someone on era pointed that the most significant thing about the SSD is that Sony had the prototype since 2016. They’ve had all this time to build their entire console around this component and hopefully they got the most out of it.You're right, sorry to have gotten your hopes up. Doesn't do anything to ease concerns. I'm not going to concern myself about it though. Any closed system will have a series of compromises. This might be a big one, and it's a shame it's not the 512GB/s but cost cutting makes me hopefully they're able to hit 399 which is the most important thing to me.
Ignoring that we are comparing "max" to "sutained":A 16% power difference is ‘staggering’ LOL
That fast ram is groovy as long as the other ram doesn't get used at all. As soon as the other one gets hit, avg starts dropping over the course of time.Ignoring that we are comparing "max" to "sutained":
12,6 / 10, 28 = 1,1828 => ~18%
And it gets more complicated, as XSeX has 10GB of faster than PS5 RAM and 6GB slower than PS5 RAM.
I'd bet graphics resources will sit in the faster 10GB, increasing the gap a bit further.
That is more than a difference between 2070 super and 2080 super.
How "staggering" is the difference between the said 2 cards is, is subjective of course.
That fast ram is groovy as long as the other ram doesn't get used at all. As soon as the other one gets hit, avg starts dropping over the course of time.
I'm still scratching my head on this one, no idea how it will work out.
Ram will be better on PS5. SSD will handle OS as PS5 SSD can hit 22+gb/s for OS functions. thast faster than DDR4 at 15 GB/s. so PS5 will be using more ram for games. sorry to busrt your buble bro lol .Ignoring that we are comparing "max" to "sutained":
12,6 / 10, 28 = 1,1828 => ~18%
And it gets more complicated, as XSeX has 10GB of faster than PS5 RAM and 6GB slower than PS5 RAM.
I'd bet graphics resources will sit in the faster 10GB, increasing the gap a bit further.
That is more than a difference between 2070 super and 2080 super.
How "staggering" is the difference between the said 2 cards is, is subjective of course.
an actual xsx engineer confirmed audio ray tracing on a podcast with Major Nelson.
so this isnt some sort of major ps5 advantage. both will have it. MS just hasnt talked much about it yet because its not a main selling aspect but Cerny felt the need to make a massive deal of it because he had nothing else to talk about
How so?Ram will be better on PS5.
Yes, it is. That doesn't help GPU much.SSD is 220% of XSx.
Oh, please stop the "2070 and 2080 and maybe even 2060 are the same" talk.X1x was 45%more GPU, 35%more ram, 30% more bandwidth 10% on CPU and yet we barely noticed the difference other than few games.
As visible on the first pages of thsi thread, my expectation from consoles were "between V56 and V64" and gradually moved to "perhaps 5700XT-ish or so".sorry to busrt your buble bro lol .
It's not that, the issue lies in contention - imagine playing a game for an hour. If 50% of the time during this session the slower ram gets used for o/s, video, or game - doesn't matter; the higher ram cannot be used for more than 50% of the time. It's one or the other - they cannot be used simultaneous.We have at least 2GB reserved for the OS, instant replay crap etc. Those will certainly be in that 6GB.
Now, for a game that is using 14GB, how realistic it is to have UI assets that are bigger than 10GB? (given that we can load 2.5GB/sec uncompressed from SSD) I'd say, game devs will be fine with 10GB limit on graphics assets.
i told you how man. PS5 will have most of the 16 gb allocated to games due to their SSD hiting 22gb/s which is more than capable to handle OS functions extremely fast(usually they use ddr4 for OS which is 15 gb/s but PS5 doesnt need that as SSD can hit 22+gb/s) VS for XSX 10gb for gpu for games and 3.5 gb for cpu and low level graphical tasks for games and 2.5 gb os.How so?
PS5 - 16GB 448GB/s
XSeX - 10GB 560GB/s, 6GB 335GB/s
As far as GPU is concerned, all stuff residing in 10GB is the most likely scenario.
Yes, it is. That doesn't help GPU much.
Oh, please stop the "2070 and 2080 and maybe even 2060 are the same" talk.
As visible on the first pages of thsi thread, my expectation from consoles were "between V56 and V64" and gradually moved to "perhaps 5700XT-ish or so".
Read my post here on project Acoustics and the Tempest Engine:
It might be that the tempest engine allows for audio Ray tracing but so far they haven't really made this clear.
Yes.An how may I ask if something need to be "power by x"
Kib is 2E10 b (since bit can have 2 stages)
KB is 10E3 B
they know what they r doing.its called console warz haha. just like darkinsitnct was saying sony will never say its RDNA2 and when they did he said they r lying . lol ok thenCerny: this is a custom RDNA2 GPU
Everyone: sounds like RDNA1
I don't know what to think anymore.
Huh Okay so the next gen games better stay approx. the same size -> Textures getting crazy big but also removal of repeated stuff should balance each other off for a good while. 1st part games might get big though with crazy amounts of stuff, better animation and whatnot.No actually a little less, because of the 'meta data' tax that all SDD have (just like USB flash)
Where is that patent, is there a link? I just saw some drawings based on it but never the actual thing.It's actually 7nm+ so wattages are a little down (I think XsX is 180W total) .. but like the data shows it's literally 2x power going from 1.8 to 2.1+GHz . Guessing around 230W (instead of 265W)
Makes we wonder about that Sony cooling patent. The SSD patent seems to have made it into the console. I never thought they were serious about through chip cooling, now I'm not so sure.
SSD doesn't help the GPU much but it helps to eliminate any potential bottleneck, that what Cerny talked about in his presentation. SSD also helps in less pop-in, loading times & change game design. there are many benefits to the SSD. You're talking is like the GPU is everything.How so?
PS5 - 16GB 448GB/s
XSeX - 10GB 560GB/s, 6GB 335GB/s
As far as GPU is concerned, all stuff residing in 10GB is the most likely scenario.
Yes, it is. That doesn't help GPU much.
Oh, please stop the "2070 and 2080 and maybe even 2060 are the same" talk.
As visible on the first pages of thsi thread, my expectation from consoles were "between V56 and V64" and gradually moved to "perhaps 5700XT-ish or so".
i told you how man. PS5 will have most of the 16 gb allocated to games due to their SSD hiting 22gb/s which is more than capable to handle OS functions extremely fast(usually they use ddr4 for OS which is 15 gb/s but PS5 doesnt need that as SSD can hit 22+gb/s) VS for XSX 10gb for gpu for games and 3.5 gb for cpu and low level graphical tasks for games and 2.5 gb os.
There is no such thing, that can eliminate "any" bottleneck.eliminate any potential bottleneck
Both consoles will have SSD and we have yet to see a use case, when one SSD will work, while the other won't.there are many benefits to the SSD. You're talking is like the GPU is everything.
its from cerny in the road to PS5 for the 22gb/s figure and even devs who are working on the PS5 dev kits here likeI can't find reason in your statements.
Where does that 22GB/s SSD come from?
How is 2.5GB/s (uncompressed) not enough to dynamically load assets?
Why would anyone with 14GB budget (at most) use more than 10GB for graphics assets?