It was not my intention that it seems that I do not consider some users and I am sorry for it. Undoubtedly I am very grateful to all of them. I am nobody but a simple human worker. And although I may be right in some data, I can also be wrong as a person when choosing inappropriate words. So my sincere apologies in case I have offended someone who shouldn't have.
I feel highly valued and respected by the vast majority, both those who respond to me and those who do not. And I am grateful to all of you.
And let me publicly thank
for giving me a month of Gold. I didn't have to, but it was an unexpected detail.
I do not know if I have finished understanding your question very well, but if not, excuse me and ignore the message.
If we talk about PC yes we could affirm (obviously) that if you buy a 1070 (base) you will not get better performance than if you buy a 1080 (base). Then it is true that you can buy versions with OC and better cooling that can increase overall performance. Still, the normal thing is that those cards are still less than 1080 (base). Although there could be rare cases (as a possibility).
But if we talk about consoles it is not easy to ensure that. You go to the factory and ask the manufacturer what technologies it has. And you choose a base. Then you modify that base to your liking in all aspects. Therefore, although both consoles start from the same base, it is possible that the final result (insurance) will be totally different. In the same way it is also possible that even starting from different bases (from the same cycle, such as a 1070 or a 1080), better results can be achieved in the 1070. But not because it is a 1070, but because once the customization is finished that it is no longer a 1070. It is something else. Because we are not talking about customizing the GHz or the amount of memory. We talk about customizing the entire architectural ensemble. Removing things, putting things, changing components, adding components, etc. Logically if one part of a 1070 and the other part of a 1080 and you do not customize them then the 1070 will always get worse results. But is not the case. Other than that this is just an example. And also, in the same way that one can customize a 1070, the other can also customize a 1080. In this case, the important thing is the "amount" of customization and the "intelligence / experience" when it comes to doing it. If you add to all this that you possibly have your own technology that you can add to those bases, the result is even better if you know how to combine it well without generating bottlenecks. So, in this case, it could be that it was indifferent from where you start. Always within limits, of course.
I repeat, all this has been an example, it is not the numerical reality. But I think it is understood.
For this reason it is absurd to try to compare these systems with supposed equivalencies on PC. It does not make any sense. Because you can start from a "low" base and get "high" results. If the job is done well, of course.