
Sony didn’t “simply incorporate” an AMD RDNA 2 GPU into the PS5, it helped build it
Not just a PC part, but now we're expecting something pretty damn similar on PC...

It's really so hard to believe Sony employee can make mistakes? It's easier to believe in some conspiracy theory? Odium wasnt fair to Leondardi, but I refuse to believe he would photoshop everything just to make fun from you guys.
Never underestimate the dopamine rush of internet glory. No matter how short lived.What really bothers me is that O'Dium is a developer. As a developer im pretty sure he's very familiar with non disclosure agreements. So by releasing that PM to us he risks the career of that person and also that person can get sued due to this.
Why did he post it so quickly on Gaf without consulting first if it was ok to release that information?
What really bothers me is that O'Dium is a developer. As a developer im pretty sure he's very familiar with non disclosure agreements. So by releasing that PM to us he risks the career of that person and also that person can get sued due to this.
Why did he post it so quickly on Gaf without consulting first if it was ok to release that information?
Never underestimate the dopamine rush of internet glory. No matter how short lived.
What's even more odd is he doesnt even have a xsx or ps5 devkitWhat really bothers me is that O'Dium is a developer. As a developer im pretty sure he's very familiar with non disclosure agreements. So by releasing that PM to us he risks the career of that person and also that person can get sued due to this.
Why did he post it so quickly on Gaf without consulting first if it was ok to release that information?
Looking neat.
What's even more odd is he doesnt even have a xsx or ps5 devkit
I dont know who that is, if theyre some sort of trusted insider and theyre claiming that's their own conversation then it might have more credence, but from reading the last couple pages it seemed like the picture just popped up somewhere
i believe the real message ended once he said "Im legally binded to say nothing that is not already public"
I found this quite amusing from Gavin Stevens tweets aka Odium. Seems to contradict himself....
The other day he said PS5 works like a traditional system aka loading in a full texture. Read from 11-13.
To admitting PS4 could do the old version in hardware so why would you say PS5 loads the whole texture knowing this and that PS4 didn't have to. Then goes on to say of course PS5 can do it but.... this , that the other RDNA 1, 2 etc.....
Unless of course he is just reacting to our discussions on here where it came more to light that PS4 had this? Strange....
Read the whole tweet chain for apparent discussions with both Microsoft and Sony.... and other tidbits....
In short, I wasn’t clear enough or was confusing in my original statements and changed them when it was mentioned, yes. PRT is a hardware based version equivalent to SF that was working on PS4, however future iterations on par with SFS have not been confirmed to have dedicated hardware to support them *yet*. Hence why I asked for clarification.
As for RDNA, I just quoting what the guy who worked on it said to me.
Wow, so the RDNA 1.5 rumours are back, I thought it was done and dusted after the Mark Cerny Tech Talk as well as Lisa Su's comments. RedGamingTech (who's usually biased towards Series X) even mentioned how Sony played an important role in developing the RDNA 2 architecture and that he heard this from a reliable source. Cerny also mentioned that it was important for the PS5 GPU to be very efficient in terms of power consumption and performance and that AMD achieved this be "re-architecting the GPU" and that this was also an important criteria for PS5's GPU. The ray-tracing implementation is also the RDNA 2 implementation through the intersection engines, same as the Series X. So I'm just not buying this whole RDNA 1.5 thing, and anyone saying that Sony bolted on these features last minute then that is utterly laughable.
I knowww. He said he's excited so I wanna know if that means games, something related to services, BC with ps2-3 (very low chance), ps5 BC upgrades, or the UI. They have yet to talk about so much still.
so convenient that xbox fanboys talk to this PS guy and he is so fine to break NDA and go against what cerny and amd and Lisa su have said. I don’t know now which to believe . Fucking lolapparently it was said by someone working At playstation, so not exactly rumours
It reads more along the lines it has features from both with custom hardware. Therr is good reason for keeping older hardware features in your new hardware for compatibility reasons and ease of use for developers who may not of developed engines to make use of new feature sets.apparently it was said by someone working At playstation, so not exactly rumours
"With the PS5's SSD, there will be virtually no loading screens," he said in a new video from PlayStation. "In an open-world game like Horizon Forbidden West, if you open up the map and fast travel from one end to the other, restarting from a check-point will be super fast. And when you boot up the game, you're right there--in the action."
so convenient that xbox fanboys talk to this PS guy and he is so fine to break NDA and go against what cerny and amd and Lisa su have said. I don’t know now which to believe . Fucking lol
I also see people arguing over the PS5 load times based on a flimsy gameplay segment from a pre-loaded game on the PS5. When we have a developer from Horizon Forbidden West saying:
PS5's Horizon Forbidden West Has "Virtually No Loading Screens"
The developer of the PS5 game talks about how the power of the next-gen console will nearly eliminate load
Errr that would look really bad for him if he did this just for kicks. Somebody's career could be jeopardized with this.
I agree to an extent, virtually is a vague statement, but I'm expecting something between 2-4 seconds on the PS5 and Series X following closely.virtually, is not the same as literally, so there we can expect some loading times, tbh. if Could get all games to load from system to the game within 10s I will be very happy.
You don’t be concerned about anything related to PS5. U just go play x1x2 .cheershow the hell can you know what is in this guy NDA? Someone else mentioned in here that exact quote from Cerny is something in lose that rdna2 is the foundation of the ps5.maybe we are reading too much into this?
I am more concerned with mentioned lack of ml in ps5 (not even Sony mentioned it)
I also see people arguing over the PS5 load times based on a flimsy gameplay segment from a pre-loaded game on the PS5. When we have a developer from Horizon Forbidden West saying:
PS5's Horizon Forbidden West Has "Virtually No Loading Screens"
The developer of the PS5 game talks about how the power of the next-gen console will nearly eliminate load
I agree to an extent, virtually is a vague statement, but I'm expecting something between 2-4 seconds on the PS5 and Series X following closely.
You don’t be concerned about anything related to PS5. U just go play x1x2 .cheers
Its RDNA2. A 5700XT cant do 4k with RT
If we find out any of this is fake than someones gaf account should be at stake as well.
100%, when I say 2-4 seconds, I am being very conservative, but everything that has been said by developers and Mark Cerny all seem to be consistent with the fact that the loading times and fast travels will be "so fast that you'll miss it if you blink". I don't see how this is controversial, this is the result of a SSD which can output 5.5 GB/s of raw data uncompressed.Na even less for me, PS5 should load entire game ram in aprox 1.5 seconds, maybe quicker with oodle texture and if games don't use full ram capacity or have partial loading bits.
But also the process may be slowed down for less shock for players. This is the only problem for Sony, when they do there will be more accusations of lies from lunatics despite evidence of other games doing it in a second.
Im pretty sure that engineer is probably already aware that the DM was shared. Let's see how he reacts to this.
Hes already saying those can be edited so whether he said anything or not hes covering his ass.
Fair enough, maybe I did. It was a while back to be fair. Bit sad you actually searched through the post to one up me, but hey, good show.
He didn’t, that was an edit I made to show how easily and quickly one can do fake dmsHes already saying those can be edited so whether he said anything or not hes covering his ass.
He didn’t, that was an edit I made to show how easily and quickly one can do fake dms
If he actually said the Rdna bit it may be that he doesnt consider it a breach of NDA, perhaps for all intents and purposes it is rdna 2 but with a few rdna 1 features, hence “in between”
Here's how it came about.
But in my reply to his post you can see what was there and the message he posted...
Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD
And they couldn't have just sent him a DS5 along with a link to download his personalized demo to his PC? The fact that the full game (not the demo he played) will be pre-installed on every PS5 does not mean that the only way to let him play it is by shipping him a PS5. He says in the
A question, usually does this type if stuff require any checking from mods? Not sure what they could have checked but...
Gavin Stevens was definitely talking to the sony guy on twitter.
RDNA4+ confirmed
Knowing the source I do feel more inclined to believe it, though I still find the dm wording questionable.
If he really did say that with full knowledge of NDA it’s likely just an inconsequential technicality that people are reading too much into
(Two seperate devs refusing to spill the beans)
I'm confused. Does the PS5 have hardware dedicated RT cores or not
Yes Ray tracing is obviously capable and evident in Ratchet and clank, and GT7, but whether or not it Hardware accelerated RT makes a huge difference in performance
(Two seperate devs refusing to spill the beans)
I'm confused. Does the PS5 have hardware dedicated RT cores or not
Yes Ray tracing is obviously capable and evident in Ratchet and clank, and GT7, but whether or not it Hardware accelerated RT makes a huge difference in performance
RDNA4+ confirmed
Indie dev? That dude is an untalented fuck. There are a lot of modders with more skill in one hair than that trashWho do you want to believe. Some indie dev (who I blieve doesn't have access to dev kits) or Mark Cerny and the PS5 games that were showcased?
Maybe some of the Muppets in here will like this
Damn, and we were expecting Cerny...
Now that's an unexpected downgrade.
Maybe the dev guy edited half of the message?Lol no sane person would break nda and be proud in such tough economic times to face fine and be let go of job . This whole thing smells fake from xbox discord as per usual . The have done it too many times to believe anything from those guys which odium is a part of .
Maybe some of the Muppets in here will like this
As far as i am concerned, he's already lost his job. I dont think he deserves it but i think Sony is not going to tolerate NDA breaches like this.If he wasn't breaching NDA then I would say that people are interpreting this wrong. If it was really such a bad thing do you think that it wouldn't be part of an NDA?
If something happens to him we will know if it's an NDA breach.
And I hope nobody here prays that he loses his job.
I've heard for months 12tflops is the most important metric next gen (despite every dev and his dog saying the SSD is the biggest thing about next gen).
Now MS is releasing a 4tflop console (rumoured) we're being told to ignore teraflops as 'the CPU in Series S is more powerful than PS5's'...
Lol please.
Ceo of amd called it rdna2.
Lol a potentially fake message by one guy who might make a mistake vs ceo of amd .
Tough choice who yo believe.
Lisa su or bunch of xbox fanboys who haven't played a video games in god knows how long![]()