Yes. And that is AT ALL FEASIBLE for a concrete machine.
Which consoles are.
But PCs are not.
So have your slider with ineffective code and get over it.
Crytek is an example of something NOT being optimized, to run smoothly. The main notable part of it was obnoxious hardware requirements due to it.
Currently you can run crysis 1 on 8-16 thread CPU, yet game will sometimes dip below 60fps. That's because game use only one or two threads, so of course there's a big room for optimization and performance improvement. However back then the vast majority of people still had dual core CPU's, so I can understand why crysis (cryengine 2) wasnt build to scale on multiple cores like for example crysis 2 or 3 did. But guys from crytek optimized their game the best they could with technology they had.
Crysis 1 was extremely demanding, but IMO requirements were justified. Game looked really amazing, and for me it was like a next gen experience. It took many years before other developers started making comparable games, and there are even some more recent games like for example ARK with worse graphics and much higher hardware requirements.
In 2008 I had Q6600 @ 3.2 GHz and 8800 Ultra 768MB. Crysis 1 run with around 30 fps in moded DX9 (unlocked DX10 details) 1680x1050, or around 40-50 fps at 720p. Basically speaking it was like console experience

. I could run crysis 1 with 60fps for example at med/high details, however I never wanted to, because even at 30fps game was really responsive to me (unlike crysis 3 in dx11, where mouse movement feels really slow and heavy even at 50fps) and very high details looked just insane. The only problem I really had with crysis 1 was memory leak. Sometimes after for example 2 hours of gameplay performance was cut in half, and I had to restart the game in order to play with 30 fps again.
Later on when I have finally upgraded my 8800U to GTX 680 2GB I have realized what the problem was. I had these memory problems. simply becaus game was using way more VRAM than 768MB. On GTX 680 2GB I have never seen memory leak problems, so again, I cant blame crytek for that, because I could lower some details on my old 768MB card, and game would also run without memory leak problems. Very high settings in this game were clearly build with future hardware in mind

My 3570 and 680 run crysis 1 at 1680x1050 with around 70-90fps for around 99% of time, so game was almost perfectly playable, because there were very rare dips below 60fps (my i5 4.5GHz single thread performance wasnt always enough to brute force engine limits). If crytek would port crysis 1 to their new engine and optimize it for CURRENT PC's, crysis 1 would run at 60fps all the time (probably even 200 fps), but that's not something they could do in 2005-2008.