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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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from someone that work as a broker in Montreal (me) for games store. Yes the next console’s are listed but the 500$ stuff and accessories are just place holders, one of my stores have PS5 listed since 2018 at 500$ And just so u know it was the same for ps4 in 2013.. at 500$ well we all kno how it turn out.

place holder

But PS4 was $500, wasn’t it? I mean in Montreal/Quebec, at launch

Controller at $70 is nothing new to me, too, so we could expect them to be $80+ this time around in Qc? God damn...


You’re absolutely right which is why my post above yours said I can see the consoles and camera being priced differently but am worried about the controller. Most people aren’t buying an extra $70 dollar controller day 1.

Can't they just use their old DS4 (+30€ if for some reason they need 2 extra buttons)?

The Shift

Yeah Baybeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grease yo shit up :messenger_8ball:


But PS4 was $500, wasn’t it? I mean in Montreal/Quebec, at launch

Controller at $70 is nothing new to me, too, so we could expect them to be $80+ this time around in Qc? God damn...

2013 high oil prices gave Us canadian dollar = us dollar. Now, a $70usd controller is $100 Canadian.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
With the coronavirus outbreak, do you think it'd delay the launch of both next gen consoles this year? due to production delays?
When does production normally start? I think actual production starts right before the summer or during the summer. By then this will all be over.
Baggsy the free one :messenger_grinning_squinting:

Proelite is just butthurt that he's clearly wrong about PS5 being 9tfs, guess he's currently emerging at stage 2 of fanboy, having been stuck at stage 1 far too long.

did i miss something that completely debunked the github leak? Because thats still the most credible leak so far, more credible than any forum insiders or journalists
That's fine. Doesn't really bother me. I get trolled anyway for telling people what they don't want to hear.. I'm not looking for any attention or any celebrity status. I've had that fun already in the film industry.
Some people in these places troll you because their illogical mind is far too dense to accept anything with pure logic behind it. They've been clinging into the 12 TFLOPS hype train ever since Phil talked about the 2x the gpu performance thing at TGA and the digital foundry analysis of the project scarlett soc which might very well the soc in the devkits not the final console, remember that Richard has the Scorpio engine (Soc) encased in a slab of glass, the devkit which had compute power in the 7-ish tflop range, not the 6 tflops the actual console ended up having. This might very well be case with the soc pic phil's using as his profile pic on Twitter with the soc in the pic being the one used in devkit. People are thirsty for details at this point and will chew everything, even points with no logic behind them. My assumption is that the ps5 will have a gpu with a compute in the 9.7ish tflops range and the series x, a full 10 tflops. I don't mind if I'm proven wrong, we'll see. I'll just stick to those numbers for now.
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The consoles are almost PCs. If VR suddenly becomes successful, i think MS could just make a deal with Occulus or Vive.

1. It's not straightforward making a deal otherwise it would be there already with One X
2. VR as an afterthought through a 3rd party won't be able to match a proprietary experience that has informed the design of the hardware it's running on, like PSVR on PS5.

Also, if Series X runs VIVE/OR, again the question is why not just use on your PC which has specs that are way above it (VR users are not budget users, so tend to have faster cards, like 2070 and above by the time Series X launches in Nov).

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
Also, if Series X runs VIVE/OR, again the question is why not just use on your PC which has specs that are way above it (VR users are not budget users, so tend to have faster cards, like 2070 and above by the time Series X launches in Nov).
Because not everyone is a PC gamer... I know PC gamers don't understand this, but a lot of people just want plug&play. No hassle.


what is this github leak people are on about? how is that credible? what is it saying about ps5?

it showed a chip that could mimic the exact clocks and CUs of ps4 and ps4 pro, so chances are it is ps5. It stated ‘full chip’ was 36 CU and max clock @2GHz. Upshot is absolute max tf 9.1, and that is only achieved with lots of heat and reduced yields. Basically, a chip that means sony is down 30-40% in power vs x1s.

edit, it came from amd intern who did not secure his github acct.

did i miss something that completely debunked the github leak? Because thats still the most credible leak so far, more credible than any forum insiders or journalists

nothing has debunked it. people like me who prefer sony have theories as to why it might be wrong, or at least not the whole story. But I am fully prepared to drop playstation if they deliver a sub par console at $700 canadian.

I mean, designing a chip whose sweet spot in terms of power vs clocks is in the 8tf range and then having to clock it high because your competition has a console that is 50% more powerful (8 v 12) seems like a cock up; esp given the noise complaints around ps4pro.
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These are FACTS

Gamestop has a temp SKU number for the PS5 its listed in the system NOW at a retail of $499:99. Their is also a SKU for SeX which is LOWER than the PS5 by $50:00 don't know why don't ask its in their and they are both temps. I have also KNOW some stores have jumped the gun and taken advanced preorders at these prices. Their is also a SKU for RE8, GodFall, Assassins Creed, (does not say ragnarok or kingdom)
hell blade 2,2k21 and broken filter no idea what it is its listed under ps5 titles and not accessories.
Accessories are priced way the fuck too high but again everything in the system at the moment is temporary. PS5 controllers are listed at $69:99 (there is no way that's right) and SeX controllers are $10 less. Their is a PS5 camera listed but it's $129:99 I didn't see one for SeX.

This is what I was TOLD
This is from a multi platform developer,"Neither system is less than 10, Period!" how is that for no riddles.

This Broken Filter can be a new Syphon Filter.
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Neo Member
I don't usually interact here BUT I have been reading articles & news etc about the next gen consoles, I found out that at least 70% of those who are working in the industry or some sort of insiders etc have been saying both consoles are above 10TF, I don't know why people still argue about that 9-10tf

Further more it's impossible to get Ray tracing enabled with 4k@60fps on a 9tf GPU, even the rtx 2080ti struggles to maintain the performance up to 45fps with RT enabled for the most games.


I don't usually interact here BUT I have been reading articles & news etc about the next gen consoles, I found out that at least 70% of those who are working in the industry or some sort of insiders etc have been saying both consoles are above 10TF, I don't know why people still argue about that 9-10tf

Further more it's impossible to get Ray tracing enabled with 4k@60fps on a 9tf GPU, even the rtx 2080ti struggles to maintain the performance up to 45fps with RT enabled for the most games.
But the PS5 has this magic separate component that renders Ray Tracing on its own, ensuring that 8k/120fps will work with Ray Tracing.


I don't usually interact here BUT I have been reading articles & news etc about the next gen consoles, I found out that at least 70% of those who are working in the industry or some sort of insiders etc have been saying both consoles are above 10TF, I don't know why people still argue about that 9-10tf

Further more it's impossible to get Ray tracing enabled with 4k@60fps on a 9tf GPU, even the rtx 2080ti struggles to maintain the performance up to 45fps with RT enabled for the most games.

can you link to some? The only ’number’ from industry is phil’s twice as powerful, which could mean 10 (effective flops) or 12 (mathematical flops).

a 10tf xsx would make sense of all the talk that the consoles are close. But lots of people also said x1 and ps4 were close in 2013, even after they launched.


Might need to stop sniffing glue


Neo Member
There was a github leak of test data without definitive context that made some people jump into conclusions.
Yeah I know that, but that could be anything & as far as I'm concerned it seems Sony is very secretive about the PS5 so I don't think anyone could leak such a thing easily.

As for the ray tracing it's overrated & it kills the performance, imo this gen isn't ready for this tech yet.


These are FACTS

Gamestop has a temp SKU number for the PS5 its listed in the system NOW at a retail of $499:99. Their is also a SKU for SeX which is LOWER than the PS5 by $50:00 don't know why don't ask its in their and they are both temps. I have also KNOW some stores have jumped the gun and taken advanced preorders at these prices. Their is also a SKU for RE8, GodFall, Assassins Creed, (does not say ragnarok or kingdom)
hell blade 2,2k21 and broken filter no idea what it is its listed under ps5 titles and not accessories.
Accessories are priced way the fuck too high but again everything in the system at the moment is temporary. PS5 controllers are listed at $69:99 (there is no way that's right) and SeX controllers are $10 less. Their is a PS5 camera listed but it's $129:99 I didn't see one for SeX.

This is what I was TOLD
This is from a multi platform developer,"Neither system is less than 10, Period!" how is that for no riddles.

Thank you!!! No system under 10tf Alot of psuedo arm chair analyst/console engineers are going to eat Frank's once the consoles are unveiled in the double digits. That github leak is going to get thrown in the console warriors faces 😊


Permaban bet? The fuck is this? Kindergarten?
That's Xbox Fanboy (I repeat, fanboy, not fans) pathetic mentality for you. Never change. It's like TimDog is posting.

Like I said before, permaban bet or lifetime gold bet over teraflops if anyone is up for it. :)

@ DJ12 DJ12 , Agnostic2020 Agnostic2020 , @demigod
Unless you're all bunch of pussies without a clue.
You know what? I hope the PS5 has more TFs just to piss you off, with that childish attitude of yours.
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Neo Blaster

I am so conflicted, I want there to be no February event so all those fakers die on their hill but I also want there to be an event so all those fakers die for good because there is nothing left to speculate about. Though who am I kidding, the dGPU rumors and last minute CU activation BS would go on until after launch.
Don't worry, if Xbox had a second GPU in the power brick, DirectX 12 and 'powa of da cloud' are an example, BS will just go on.


people like you are the reason others don’t share. It’s tiring. Insulting actually, I’m 41 currently work in the film industry have a wife three kids and lifelong friends in both film and the gaming industry. All of that can be verified or checked easily. I worked at GameStop long enough to be in charge of every store in a state and got to go to several conferences and meet even more reps and devs. I originally started working at GameStop because I got tired of going to buy shit and knowing more than everyone that worked in the stores.My family has owned a prominent real estate company since before I was born. I’ve given away games on this forum that we’re given to me by Gamestop and some of the very developers that I still talk to. When the new systems come out I’ll still get a free Sony and ms machine and still buy one of each to give the free ones away. Believe me or not I give less than two fucks but your attitude and others like it is the reason two developers left this forum and you all will most surely run off @BGs as well. Wasn’t going to post again until after the reveal but checked that fake ass Gamestop post for you all because it was something that I could easily go to the store talk to a buddy of mine and get done. Already saw more ghosts of Tsushima and got to watch more of the same video that the game engine designer is working on but why share anything? You will see it when you do.
Don't take us wrong. Most of us are glad to have you here. Ignore the trolls.


I don't usually interact here BUT I have been reading articles & news etc about the next gen consoles, I found out that at least 70% of those who are working in the industry or some sort of insiders etc have been saying both consoles are above 10TF, I don't know why people still argue about that 9-10tf

Further more it's impossible to get Ray tracing enabled with 4k@60fps on a 9tf GPU, even the rtx 2080ti struggles to maintain the performance up to 45fps with RT enabled for the most games.
Based on Phil Spencer statement and XSX SoC photo I dont take 10TF leaks seriously. 10TF Navi simply cant fit his description if we really want to take into account architecture gains because MS need at least 10TF Navi (25-30% boost compared to GCN Polaris) to match 2x xbox x 6TF, and 8TF at most to match 8x xbox one consoles (GCN Tahiti is nearly 50% slower compared to Navi RDNA1). So either insiders have wrong informations, or simply Phil Spencer has lied to us. I think Phil Spencer is aware people have concluded 12TF Navi based on his statement and he even promote articles that mention 12TF. If XSX would be indeed 10TF or slower I think he would want to tone down expectations.
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for fellow sony bros who hope for a great ps5, here is a recap of the reasons not to believe github:

1. The leak is about a chip intended for 2019 launch, which has been superseded by a more powerful 2020 design.

2. The leak is about a chip intended for 2020 launch, but it's a "Lockhart-like" low power SKU, and there's another more powerful design.

3. The leak is about the only chip, but PS5's RT hardware (not tested) is additive to the stated graphical power, not included. Thus the design is more performant than seems apparent from CU count and clock.

4. The leak is about the only chip, but it's solely BC testing. Thus as with PS4 Pro, some amount of CUs are disabled in this mode/ When enabled for PS5 games, the chip will be more powerful.

my preferred theories as to why github isnt ps5 final form are 1 & 4.

But a 9-ish ps5 is totally possible because Sony is cheap as fuck and run by old conservative Japanese men. I try not to be too pessimistic in life, but yeah, I am not betting the farm on ps5 being competitive with xsx TF wise.

I love me a good mystery.
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Or RT is talking way more than people believe.
Estimates are using the size increase per CU from nVidia to RT that can be complete off.

Let’s say RT increases in 30% the size of the CU... you can’t fit 60CUs in 400mm2 anymore.
And there is also the secret customizations that both may have, like the ones to make use of the SSDs, other chips for the OS,... who knows.

How could your source know the price of the PS5 this far out from launch? The individual would have to be high up in the Playstation ranks to have access to this kind of information?
Now when it comes to raw power, yes i understand that information you can squeeze out of a developer at this stage but the information regarding the price and launch strategy to is fishy
Go check his post history, in the next few posts he says in one of them that wasn't confirming dates, and then that doesn't know prices... After saying in first post my sources 100% confirmed this.

The problem is anyone who has or claims to have info are always going to get some things wrong. I don't doubt they hear small bits of information but dev kits change, 2nd hand info can be slightly off.. the mistake people tend to make is announcing stuff to the internet because people would crucify someone if they get 10% of stuff wrong but the other 90% gets labeled as "easy to guess". If I had information I would never share the shit on the internet. In terms of foxy and tidux I wouldn't say it was unrealistic that if sony have the lesser GPU then they did all they can to make sure they have better SSD,RAM,Bwidth. I just don't get all the focus from people on Sony releasing PS5 info in Feb, they have a killer line up this year to talk about first.
I couldn't agree more with you, but History tells us other wise: PS3 still had TLOU and GT6 to release in 2013, and still Sony revealed the PS4 in the February PsMeeting.

did i miss something that completely debunked the github leak? Because thats still the most credible leak so far, more credible than any forum insiders or journalists
It wasn't completely debunked, but if you do some digging, you'll find that people immediately pointed flaws in it (even in this thread) like missing data on the tests, unprofessional stuff in the writing, things like a shopping list that thong belong, and even typos like this one:


... fishy nah?


Gold Member
Scary thing that virus is. I pray for those infected and in danger of being infected now. That is more important than any of this. If a show or game console get delayed or whatever, so be it.
According to medical professionals, it's less lethal than any regular flu virus at its current iteration, but it might mutate to something more lethal (like the spanish flu did).


These are FACTS

Gamestop has a temp SKU number for the PS5 its listed in the system NOW at a retail of $499:99. Their is also a SKU for SeX which is LOWER than the PS5 by $50:00 don't know why don't ask its in their and they are both temps. I have also KNOW some stores have jumped the gun and taken advanced preorders at these prices. Their is also a SKU for RE8, GodFall, Assassins Creed, (does not say ragnarok or kingdom)
hell blade 2,2k21 and broken filter no idea what it is its listed under ps5 titles and not accessories.
Accessories are priced way the fuck too high but again everything in the system at the moment is temporary. PS5 controllers are listed at $69:99 (there is no way that's right) and SeX controllers are $10 less. Their is a PS5 camera listed but it's $129:99 I didn't see one for SeX.

This is what I was TOLD
This is from a multi platform developer,"Neither system is less than 10, Period!" how is that for no riddles.
Damn, so SeX is going to beat PS5 in power and price..and price of the accessories..
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