Goro Majima
Kitty Genovese Member
NBA-gaf refuses to learn their lesson. Get the thread locked, get us all thrown into the ghetto, etc. Prepare to move off-shore, friends.
NBA-gaf refuses to learn their lesson. Get the thread locked, get us all thrown into the ghetto, etc. Prepare to move off-shore, friends.
That was rude of me. I had promised myself I'd give Lakers fans time to grieve. I think, like kobe, the best thing is to take off all of next year and come back stronger than ever
That vudu 10 free movie deal is such a joke and scam smh, anyway I'm about to rent a movie on Prime thinking about the Dark Knight Rises or the Hobbit? Any suggestions? I literally haven't seen any recent movies in probably the last year or so. Just watched Hunger games earlier though
Can I retroactively make an RG3 thread?
Then, we would have to all become Patriot fans. That's not a life worth living.www.neogaf.de
Welp I'm watching Dark Knight now, had to stop for a second though.Hunger Games movie sucked. Book weren't amazing but fun.
I really liked both the Hobbit and TDKR, then again I am sort of a Batman freak so can't say I was unbiased.
Hobbit the movie I enjoyed better than the book even-though they put shit ton of stuff in to stretch it. I never cared much for the book so the movie was a much more fun adventure.
Then, we would have to all become Patriot fans. That's not a life worth living.
Can I retroactively make an RG3 thread?
Just go ahead and make it a community mega-thread, we're gonna use it a lot.
Thats going to be really special, McCoy said in a telephone interview. When I walked in the building in San Francisco, it was the same feel [as at UT]. Its a great organization, and their only focus is: We want to win, and we want to win now. Thats obviously different than some of the things that Ive been part of the last few years. I was really happy about that.
Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/0...tml#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy
Colt McCoy is douche
Hahah I can't fault him for some of the stuff he's saying, but yes he is. Him and his brother both.Colt McCoy is douche
Colt McCoy is douche
Colt McCoy is douche
Yeah but the Cleveland Browns though.
They were in no shape to seriously compete the last few years. Not our fault he was a sorry ass project that didn't develop in that time.
Colt McCoy is douche
Just go ahead and make it a community mega-thread, we're gonna use it a lot.
Man I cleaned out some of my cubbie holes for a garage sale next weekend and found some shit I forgot I had:
Final Fantasy I for NES
Promotional bundle for Space Channel 5 DC: calendar from 2001jnc), stickers and CD
A sheet of Sonic Adventure stickers from EGM
NeoGeo Pocket Color with SNK vs Capcom, Sonic and Metal Slug. Plugged it in and charged the Nyko wormlight and powerpack and fired right up!
Complete longbox PSX Street Fighter Alpha
Complete copy of ZOE 2 PS2
Lots more to.
did you find an N-gage
Did you find your balls?
I'm a Double Decker Taco man myself. Take a Crunchy Taco and stick it inside a flour tortilla covered in bean dip? Genius
I'm a Double Decker Taco man myself. Take a Crunchy Taco and stick it inside a flour tortilla covered in bean dip? Genius
double deckers are legit. never tried the "new" (not sure how new) double decker with nacho cheese in it. seems like that is asking for trouble
Bob McGinn has Travis Fredrick and Monte Ball as potential first round guys. Dunno 'bout that
Haven't see that. Don't eat much TB, but when I do it's the DDT. That seems like too much cheese to me. Like is it cheese inside the hard taco, or replacing the bean dip?
While thats not a professional thing to say, is it far from the truth?
Well it's the uh....3rd to last game ever for the Bobcats before they revert back to the Hornets! That's something!
We nearly shocked the college basketball universe but sadly I led you astray.
However, this time I am 100% certain we will shock the world. Join my war wagon, brother!!!! IT IS TIME!
I got an 86 on my midterm, fuck my life, totally not Asian of me.
Hey guys whatever happened to Noriega and Lunchbox?
Lunchbox is banned and Noriega changed his name to Nori Chan
Infinite done. I respect the intelligence of Fox far less than I did last week.