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Nigga and You: A Comprehensive Guide to the N-Word

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The moderators have discussed it, and we're not going to be using the word "coon" on GAF in the future. We consider it a racial slur, regardless of who is using it. Going forward, use of it --not just as a direct insult -- but applied to a group or a person whose behavior you disapprove of, will result in bans.

If you have questions or concerns about this, or other moderation policy, as always, feel free to PM a moderator.

Being British I can't believe you even need to post this. That word over here is every bit as offensive as any other racial slur


Not sure if it's been covered, but I wanted to know what you guys think about black people using the word to refer to white people (I've heard Kanye do this multiple times in his lyrics). I've also noticed this at work too.


When I say "if you have questions or concerns, PM a moderator" that means PM a moderator, rather than flood the thread with questions.
If they can say it, why can't I? Honky, pls..😏
The funny thing about white slurs is that they are all about whites being in a position of power over blacks. Cracker= crack of a whip, Honky = cop that picks up black prostitutes, Devil = self explanatory

A bit weird but I suppose it's because those slurs came from a lower class. I hear "Neanderthal", "Cave ___" and "Anglo Saxon" in a ice cube or dead prez song or in a coli thread but that's about it, they have no power for real, basically pointless. I think calling a white person racist will get a bigger reaction out of them than any of the words. It's funny to think about.
The funny thing about white slurs is that they are all about whites being in a position of power over blacks. Cracker= crack of a whip, Honky = cop that picks up black prostitutes, Devil = self explanatory

A bit weird but I suppose it's because those slurs came from a lower class. I hear "Neanderthal", "Cave ___" and "Anglo Saxon" in a ice cube or dead prez song or in a coli thread but that's about it, they have no power for real, basically pointless. I think calling a white person racist will get a bigger reaction out of them than any of the words. It's funny to think about.

Was actually talking about exactly this with my wife yesterday. She didn't know the Honky origin until I told her..


I knew one dude who told me to call him the n-word so that he could call me a spic(or rather "spica" which he thought sounded hilarious) without feeling bad about it. I assured him that while I appreciated both the intention and his permission, following through with it would likely have resulted in me getting a couple dirty looks.

I assured him he had permission to call me a spic, spica or anything else he wanted to but that I'd stay away from the n-word to avoid both being rude and asskickings in the streets. He understood my intentions and intended to buy me a beer for it. I'm more of a girly drinks kinda guy, so instead he bought me haagen dazs ice cream. I feel like I got too much for too little. I think that night ended in a lot of alcohol and the word "bro" being uttered more than it is likely legally allowed to.

I love that bastard, good friend.

I'm fucking dying here.


Understanding the history of the word and its retooled purpose to empower the Black community, I fully agree they should be the only ethnic group to use it. Yet, at the same time, the word even in its changed form is still harmful if used by non-black people, which makes me question if it really is as empowering as intended. It's not my call to make naturally, but in the end, I agree with posters arguing the word should be retired.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I think it's wrong to think the word has "evolved" into something endearing.

To me, it's a symbol for the marginalized, downtrodden blacks in NA who've inherited a cynical appropriation of an unequivocally hateful word.

The fact that it's still used today is telling of how far black people have yet go in NA society.
I'll preface my post in saying that I'm Asian American of the tanned variety being Chinese and Filipino.

With that out of the way I really enjoy the OP but for me, my personal view is that just don't even use the word, whether your black, white, asian, whatever. I just view the word and its derivations as ugly in both how it is pronounced and the historical connotation it carries. With that in mind I understand the power of taking back words such as the LGBTQ community has done with queer, faggot, and gay; however those terms originated as benign in its original definition being strange, bundle of sticks, and happy respectively (as for me I'm really only comfortable with 'gay' being taken back but that's another story entirely). With nigger/nigga there's no benign definition at origin, it was a specific term to label black people being a derived from Latin/Spanish root word of 'black' itself. I feel that there's no value in "redeeming" the word persay.

Now to bring my Asian heritage here, atleast within my social circles (which is fairly large with the stereotypical asian family), the derogatory terms of "chink(y)", "jap", "chinaman", etc. are not brought up in vernacular because they are deragatory and should be banlisted from modern dialogue entirely; if you utter said terms (even if you're asian) you would get shifty eyes at best and assaulted at worst.

Another disclaimer would be that I do recognize the differences of asian immigrants compared to black immigrants (ie asians were not enslaved) but the derogatory terms still were thrown out. But like I've stated, said words are essentially banlisted within the asian community and rightfully so.

I admit I'm biased and with all the disclaimers and prefaces I put up I still feel it wrong if a bit naive that people use the derogatory n-word (and its derviations) in modern vernacular from within the black community to people wanting to use the word whereas in my ethnic/racial case the best course of action is to not use it. But what do I know, I'm just a minority looking on a debate with no real stake so it's just my 2 cents.

Apologies if I came off as offensive.


Solid OP for the most part. Pictures were good.

Language policing is already done pretty good here at GAF. The vast majority of people IRL already know not to use nigga/cracker/etc. in public & work areas. Online is another story, as is convos between friends & family.

The moderators have discussed it, and we're not going to be using the word "coon" on GAF in the future. We consider it a racial slur, regardless of who is using it. Going forward, use of it --not just as a direct insult -- but applied to a group or a person whose behavior you disapprove of, will result in bans.

If you have questions or concerns about this, or other moderation policy, as always, feel free to PM a moderator.

This is good. This is progress. 👍🏾


I've got a copy of his book, thanks. Do you have an example of a view of his that you find particularly indefensible? I mean, he had a few. You can't find them ALL bad.

I'm confused also because "protectionist and elitist attitudes towards "serious" music" doesn't sound much like Frank to me. He wasn't at all precious or sentimental about compositional conventions. He believed you should do whatever the fuck sounds good to you, and if someone else likes it that's a bonus.

Here's him talking about that here: https://youtu.be/gYmIacqyKCg?t=2m58s (also an excellent documentary about his compositional methodology.)

By the end of the 80s he was talking about how Jewish people invented AIDs and that Blacks were a different species altogether. He was a total wreck.

His hatred of the popularization of soul music in the 60s and how garage rockers like The Beatles could go from the Cavern Club to namedropping Stockhausen and Cardew in a couple of years was evident from the get-go. John Cale has talked about this, and how the Stones and the Beatles upsetting the apple cart of formalized jazz snobbery and academia as a graduation to making high art music made Zappa frothing at the mouth. It completely destroyed his world-view.

His view was one of a garden-variety misanthrope. 'If people become aware of this thing, then this thing will inevitably begin to suck.'


By the end of the 80s he was talking about how Jewish people invented AIDs and that Blacks were a different species altogether. He was a total wreck.

His hatred of the popularization of soul music in the 60s and how garage rockers like The Beatles could go from the Cavern Club to namedropping Stockhausen and Cardew in a couple of years was evident from the get-go. John Cale has talked about this, and how the Stones and the Beatles upsetting the apple cart of formalized jazz snobbery and academia as a graduation to making high art music made Zappa frothing at the mouth. It completely destroyed his world-view.

His view was one of a garden-variety misanthrope. 'If people become aware of this thing, then this thing will inevitably begin to suck.'

I've never heard this about Frank Zappa...and being an admirer of his work, I tried to look into it and came up with nothing. Not to derail the thread, but can you show me some evidence of this? I'd toss out my Zappa records if you had some evidence of this. He worked with and sang the praises of Nicholas Slonimsky until his death; noting his brilliance. So, I doubt he hated Jews - but I'd be willing to believe it upon evidence.


I've never heard this about Frank Zappa...and being an admirer of his work, I tried to look into it and came up with nothing. Not to derail the thread, but can you show me some evidence of this? I'd toss out my Zappa records if you had some evidence of this.

I mean, from the jump everyone who's ever worked with him has talked about what a complete bastard he was. You're going to have to reconcile with that or separate it from his music.


I mean, from the jump everyone who's ever worked with him has talked about what a complete bastard he was. You're going to have to reconcile with that or separate it from his music.

Yeah, but I didn't ask if he was a bastard nor do I really care. I have a lot of records from dickheads. But saying Jews concocted AIDs and blacks are a separate species of man is much different. Where did he say those things?


Yeah, but I didn't ask if he was a bastard nor do I really care. I have a lot of records from dickheads. But saying Jews concocted AIDs and blacks are a separate species of man is much different. Where did he say those things?

I guess you'll never know.
I fail to see the difference between "technique" and "tone" then, but OK
Well, in general, tone policing is sort of chastising or admonishing someone for the vibe of their speech, like "you ought to be more sombre about this" or "stop being so serious". The technique of the post has to do with its structure and argument, and OP's approach is a sort of "the n word for dummies". Instead of telling people "never say this word", I think it would be more effective to say "you COULD say this word, but doing so is going to elicit these types of responses and give people this impression of you". It's the difference between telling a child no instead of teaching them why not.

I could say I don't care what tone or technique the OP makes, but that's not really true, because I share his purpose in educating and giving people tools to be more empathetic towards others.


By the end of the 80s he was talking about how Jewish people invented AIDs and that Blacks were a different species altogether. He was a total wreck.

Mate, this is complete and utter nonsense. Seriously, you obviously know fuck all about the man or his work so please stop.

I mean, from the jump everyone who's ever worked with him has talked about what a complete bastard he was. You're going to have to reconcile with that or separate it from his music.

Again, absolute shite:

Ruth Underwood.

George Duke.

Steve Vai

Terry Bozzio, Chester Thompson, Chad Wackerman, Ruth Underwood, and Ralph Humphrey.


Frank was a very demanding bandleader who hired musicians capable of playing his very complicated music. They were expected to work hard, partly because the repertoire demanded it and partly because Frank was paying them to do a job. He wasn't there to be their friend.

You will find few musicians who worked with him who didn't find the experience hugely rewarding. That's not to say he couldn't be a bastard, because he certainly could be but I think that's somewhat different to the character you're suggesting that only exists in your imagination.

His hatred of the popularization of soul music in the 60s and how garage rockers like The Beatles could go from the Cavern Club to namedropping Stockhausen and Cardew in a couple of years was evident from the get-go. John Cale has talked about this, and how the Stones and the Beatles upsetting the apple cart of formalized jazz snobbery and academia as a graduation to making high art music made Zappa frothing at the mouth. It completely destroyed his world-view.

His view was one of a garden-variety misanthrope. 'If people become aware of this thing, then this thing will inevitably begin to suck.'

Again, I'm not sure you know anything about Frank Zappa as this utter bilge.


The D.O.N.T. system, while great for conversation, doesn't apply to music. I'll be damned if I'm going to mess up my flow rapping with Kanye by censoring myself.


Mate, this is complete and utter nonsense. Seriously, you obviously know fuck all about the man or his work so please stop.

If you're going to defend him, you should probably start with how he destroyed conventional recording wisdom with the arrangements on Freak Out!, truly incredible for their time, but any defense of his bonkers and toxic worldview is some real sisyphus shit.


If you're going to defend him, you should probably start with how he destroyed conventional recording wisdom with the arrangements on Freak Out!, truly incredible for their time, but any defense of his bonkers and toxic worldview is some real sisyphus shit.

Yeah, you keep saying that but aren't saying what this toxic and bonkers worldview you find so indefensible is apart from something you made up.


If you're going to defend him, you should probably start with how he destroyed conventional recording wisdom with the arrangements on Freak Out!, truly incredible for their time, but any defense of his bonkers and toxic worldview is some real sisyphus shit.

You spend your time pulling fabricated rumors out of your ass to debase the name of a dead man. Has Zappa done anything that bad?


If you're not black don't say it.

Even of you're singing a song, don't say it

Your life won't be worse if you don't say it

Just don't say it
Ninja is corny, don't ever say it.

It has always felt like that person is wanting to get as close to saying the word without actually saying it.

That's another thread, dogwhistles. Predatory loans given disproportionately to Black homeowners were called "ninja" loans.


Aftershock LA
Senpai, I think I now finally realize why everyone wants you to notice them...

That was a great OP, and now I want you to notice me too!

Personally, I don't like saying "nigga." My family, and a lot of my friends use it, but I don't like the sound of it on my tongue, so I don't. I've just never been a fan of using it. If I had my way, the word wouldn't exist anymore. I'd just Q it out of existence.

But as it is, if other black people want to use it, and are comfortable with using it, I'm not going to begrudge them. I'm just going to continue to not use it myself.


I knew one dude who told me to call him the n-word so that he could call me a spic(or rather "spica" which he thought sounded hilarious) without feeling bad about it. I assured him that while I appreciated both the intention and his permission, following through with it would likely have resulted in me getting a couple dirty looks.

I assured him he had permission to call me a spic, spica or anything else he wanted to but that I'd stay away from the n-word to avoid both being rude and asskickings in the streets. He understood my intentions and intended to buy me a beer for it. I'm more of a girly drinks kinda guy, so instead he bought me haagen dazs ice cream. I feel like I got too much for too little. I think that night ended in a lot of alcohol and the word "bro" being uttered more than it is likely legally allowed to.

I love that bastard, good friend.
i feel bad for ignoring this gem when it was posted so early in the thread
I personally think the word "Nigga" should just be a Black American thing. I do know of some Afro-Latinos a few years back who uses Nigga and but can be very racist towards blacks. It was very puzzling me to be honest.

I personally just don't use the word, but I got a better understanding why some of my friends say it, which is due to reclaiming the harmful word and make it more of a positive thing. I still don't like it though.


Insane that this thread needed to be made, but some fantastic (should be) common sense displayed here.

Too bad some people have such a limited (dumb) vocabulary that they lose all respect for themselves as well as the black community just to seem "cool" (to themselves?)

So fucking cringeworthy when that happens. Like grow up, dude.


all good things
So I'm white and today I told the woman I'm dating, who happens to be black, that she offended me when she called another black person the n word, with an ER, to me.

Never thought that would happen.


Aftershock LA
Agreed on the sentiment, but yo, fuck this gif. Cuts from a sideways high-five to an overhand high-five. Bad edits get so clear in gif form. Also, is that Janeway!?

Yeah, that's Janeway!

Orange is the New Black has me torn. I think it's a pretty entertaining show, but I always get a little irked when a show revolves around the poor, put upon white woman having to deal with culture shock, and the minorities are often generic stereotypes purely designed to show "how wacky and different those silly minorities are, but look how this pretty white girl deals with the shenanigans!". I think Kimmy Schmidt rides that line a lot better. I get that's kind of the point of the show, but man, she is just not likable at all for me. I'm only in season 2, so hopefully she improves as a character. My wife hates the show, though.

Anyway, Kate Mulgrew is awesome on it, and the supporting cast is great, but Ijust cannot stand the lead. Not the actress, as she does a great job, but her character annoys the fuck out of me. Every other character on that show (except for the douchebag guard), is more interesting and entertaining than Piper.


Aftershock LA
No trolling here.

Multiple people have also said it is okay. I don't think you're trying to hear me out.
The conversation I'm speaking of didn't happen in this thread.

Maybe this will spell it out for you:

Treat the word "nigga" or "nigger" like you would a curse/swear word.

If you were at work, would you say, "fuck, shit, damn, cunt, bitch, asshole, fucker, motherfucker," etc, etc?

Would you say those words if you were a teacher? Would you say those words if you were giving a presentation in a boardroom? Would you say those words if you were at a church picnic or lunch? Would you say those words if you're a receptionist, answering a phone call and taking a customer's order/request?

If the answer is "No, I would never say those things in those scenarios," then you have your fucking answer. "Nigger" or "Nigga" isn't a cool word to say. Black people aren't saying it because it's cool to say. We're saying it as a genuine attempt to rob the word of its power. As I mentioned before, I don't like to say it, personally. I don't like the word, but it's not on me to try and police black people on using the word for the reasons they want to use the word. But it isn't cool for non-blacks to use the word. Yes, that sucks. But what also sucked was not being able to drink from the "whites only" fountain, or not being able to choose where to sit on the bus. Or being sprayed with water hoses and mistreated by cops because you're black. My mother (not grandmother, not great grandmother, my mother), had to endure all of those things, and then some, and be called "nigger" to boot.

It's not a word for you to say. Period. If you want to say it in your circle of close friends, by all means, feel free, but don't hem and haw and shuck and jive about using the word outside of that small circle of trusted friends. I have a white/persian friend who uses the word "nigga" all of the time. He grew up around blacks, and the vast majority of his friends are black, and they've decided they're okay with him using it. I don't mind either, because he talks the way he and his friends growing up talk, but he would never, ever, say "nigga" outside of that group.

But again, you're free to say the word whenever you want, however you want. But understand that, like all free speech, there will be consequences. I can't expect to call someone at work a "cunt" and not have repercussions. I know if I'm hanging out in public, and there are strangers around, not to be rude and disrespectful. Hell, I can be around a bunch of other black people that are complete strangers, and I can't imagine myself talking like how I talk with my close friends or my wife.

It really isn't that hard. It's very simple. Are you black? If no, D.O.N.T. Are you in a group of strangers? If yes, D.O.N.T. Are you at work, in a meeting, teaching children? If yes, D.O.N.T.

I personally try to conduct myself as best as I can. As a black man, that means walking on eggshells 99% of the time in America. It's stressful. Not being able to say "nigga" is hardly a burden. You aren't missing out on shit by not saying it, and saying it, even though it's your right to say whatever you want, can lead to consequences you may not want in your life. I try to avoid shitstorms when possible. It's served me well thus far.

Remember: When in doubt, D.O.N.T.

That's really catchy.

EDIT: To be frank, it's in your best interest not to say it in any of its variations. Just like it's not in your best interest to call your boss a "fuckstain" to his face. "Nigger" is an insult. Period. "Nigga" has a little more wiggle room, but not much, and definitely not much for a non-black person saying it. Very, very specific and special circumstances will crack open that door for you a millimeter.

EDIT 2: Sorry for the double post! I didn't realize when I pressed "quote."


Bookmarked thread for posterity.

This thread is going to find use for sure, for that one off gaffer that finds it racist to not find it acceptable for them to use a racial slur.


Growing up in the Tri State Area and also growing up around others who enjoyed Hip Hop, the most cringeworthy shit for myself BY FAR has been when other white cats think it is okay to use the word. I am both embarrassed for them but moreso embarassed for myself as I do not want anyone thinking for a second I am okay using the word since this other cat did.

The other reason it bothers me so much is there are so many more alternative words one can use for someone they are cool with. Now I will no doubt be dating myself with some of these, but there was...

My Dude
Ack (sp?)
And many more I am forgetting.

Those are the alternatives I was primarily exposed to growing up in the late 80's through the 90's for those of us who listened to Hip Hop here on the East Coast.

Now I am sure the words themselves have changed and there is a whole crop of new words out there the kids use these days, but there are just so many other options rather than this word. Even more reasons to D.O.N.T.

Disclaimer - You will get t looked at funny for using any of the above (or should I say their modern day equivalents) on someone you do not know. They are meant to be used amongst people you are already cool with.


The moderators have discussed it, and we're not going to be using the word "coon" on GAF in the future. We consider it a racial slur, regardless of who is using it. Going forward, use of it --not just as a direct insult -- but applied to a group or a person whose behavior you disapprove of, will result in bans.

If you have questions or concerns about this, or other moderation policy, as always, feel free to PM a moderator.

Does this include Cartman's superhero alter ego and his posse?
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