I want hotline mami
Umm. Yes. What else would a indie showcase be?
Nindies = Nintendo Indies
Expect Battlefront 2 Definiive Edition only on Switch preorder now.
I love indie games, I was just saying that what we anticipated was right but probably big publisher games support is still too thin for a dedicated direct while the indie scene clearly embraced the console earlier and with a more consistent bunch of products, enough for a dedicated direct
Curling up on the couch with Hotline Miami. I never realized how much I'd want this until now.I want hotline mami
As usual you are jumping to expectations in order to support your dooooom narrative.
Check back in a few weeks
I love indie games, I was just saying that what we anticipated was right but probably big publisher games support is still too thin for a dedicated direct while the indie scene clearly embraced the console earlier and with a more consistent bunch of products, enough for a dedicated direct
As usual you are jumping to conclusions in order to support your dooooom narrative.
Check back in a few weeks
are people still interested in Yokaa-Laylee?
not a troll but it seems like everybody played it on another platform and moved on.
Lol guys your will of critic my posts is really powerful
He was saying that he heard rumors about an incoming Nintendo Direct
We recently discussed about a possible Nintendo third party Direct incoming in MC threads, in the Ubisoft thread and in the Telltale thread
They actually announce a third party focused direct but it's not a "big publisher" one and instead an indie one
I love indie games, I was just saying that what we anticipated was right but probably big publisher games support is still too thin for a dedicated direct while the indie scene clearly embraced the console earlier and with a more consistent bunch of products, enough for a dedicated direct
You really love to jump at me...
BTW I really hope to see firm dates for
Steam world dig 2
Runner 3
9 parchments
Pocket rumble
Are Battle chaser and Sine mora considered indie? I would love dates for those two too
are people still interested in Yokaa-Laylee?
not a troll but it seems like everybody played it on another platform and moved on.
are people still interested in Yokaa-Laylee?
not a troll but it seems like everybody played it on another platform and moved on.
Three wishes:
- Dead Cells
- Stardew Valley release date
- New stuff in general
Seems like a good enough game to get on sale eventually.
It will be upsetting if all it is is dates for the stuff they revealed during the last one like six months ago. I was a few last minute 2017 surprises.All the hype for what?
Show me dates.
Runbow, Starwhal, Chompy Chomp Chomp Party, Toto Temple Deluxe, Pictoparty, all need to come to Switch from Wii U for some more multiplayer fun
Ooh I loved the first one. I hope we get more info on that "Medieval Advance Wars" game
I've been asking for Hotline Miami for months nowCurling up on the couch with Hotline Miami. I never realized how much I'd want this until now.
Runbow, Starwhal, Chompy Chomp Chomp Party, Toto Temple Deluxe, Pictoparty, all need to come to Switch from Wii U for some more multiplayer fun
I've been asking for Hotline Miami for months now
Gimme gimme gimme
As far as I can tell, I don't think Nintendo would try and make a Nintendo direct solely to promote larger third party offerings even if they had a lot of them, especially when those publishers would probably want to control the message themselves. This is opposed to this sort of Nindie Showcase where an indie title has everything to gain from being presented by Nintendo themselves.
If anything, larger third party would be part of an overall platform direct and not one specific to third party publishers.
Anyways something something doomed, my will to critique or whatever.
I don't think that's the case. They don't promote indies during Nintendo Direct anymore, it seems they instead prefer to do dedicated showcases. We've seen a lot of evidences that there are 3rd party games that need to be announced soon, so my guess is that there's a global Nintendo Direct coming this September.
I'd be surprised if we didn't get info on all of those. Maybe not all during the Direct, but in press release drops soon after. We got an update on Rive not too long ago and that release would be soon-ish.
If Klei drops a stealth Don't Starve Megapack release (seeing as it's out on PS4 and Xbox One in 2 weeks) then I'll quadruple dip without thinking twice.
Don't Starve Together plus the main game and Shipwrecked - perfect travel games.
Feed me, Klei. Feed me.
Mark of the Ninja, if we're hoping for stealth announcements.
Would LOVE to play that again on the Switch.
It's pretty awesome! Trust me I have a Vita lol.Curling up on the couch with Hotline Miami. I never realized how much I'd want this until now.