Another generic cookie cutter JRPG by Square done by some Btier team and bunch of interns.
Imagine if they did a brand spanking new Tactics Ogre or a brand new Final Fantasy Tactics. Naaah!
They? Who are you refering to exactly?
Not sure what that graphics engine has to do with anything, or the generic cookie cutter JRPG some Btier team at Square or Silicon Studio is making.
Okay.Yes, that's all fine and rosy.
The point is that there's plenty of generic cookie cutter JRPGs on the Switch (some of them with pretty high production values like the DQXI),
and this annoucement really doesn't add much to Switch lineup outside of whatever fanbase there is for Bravely.
A brand new FFT or brand new Tactics Ogre would have done an order of magnitude more to variety and oomph of the Switch lineup than another generic JRPG. But again, it's Square and having expectations of anything good from them are a guaranteed disappointment.
A new Switch game was announced.
This is the only one that really comes to mind.Did Nintendo ever use Game Awards to drop major bombs or not so much.
Bruh, that studio (whose works I love, btw) didn't even cross my mind while I was typing that post, LOL.Avatar bet: When Monolith Soft finally reveals its new open world, medieval fantasy action-rpg ip, people will forget about nextgen consoles for a couple days.
You're being unfair and wrong dismissing Nintendo's #1 ambitious studio.
You do not knowThere's no such thing as expectations for a true Nintendo fan.
You do not knowOutrageousFacts then, he is the most excitable Nintendo fan I know. And his expectations are always high. Personally, I expect a 2020 with zero new good games by Nintendo (one of which Animal Crossing).
Or else Nintendoomed.I just love the title of the thread “Nintendo better have the biggest, most epic January Direct ...“
Or else, what? OP is going to fly to Kyoto and spank the entire Board of Directors?![]()
I just love the title of the thread “Nintendo better have the biggest, most epic January Direct ...“
Or else, what? OP is going to fly to Kyoto and spank the entire Board of Directors?![]()
I don't know why people who appear to be longtime Nintendo fans expect Nintendo to suddenly start behaving differently than they have all along.
Ghost of Tsushima is worth a 100 Bravely Defaults :/
Ok, you wanna do this? I'll give you my *perfectly reasonable* 2020 expectations for Nintendo Switch. If you call thst 'expecting too much', I don't know anymore:
January: TMS (censored),
February: Brain Age
March: Animal Crossing
April: Xenoblade Chronicles DE
May: Pikmin 3.5
June: Fire Emblem remake
July: Splatoon Adventure (bridging the story between 2 and the future 3rd game)
August: Monolith Soft's new IP
September: Mario Party 2
October: Fatal Frame 6
November: Pokemon (remake)
December: BotW2
So let's take a look:
3-4 old games
2 casual games
3 cartoony family-games
1 horror-game
2 ambitious enthusiast games
Is *that* expected too much?! Please ...
Did Nintendo ever use Game Awards to drop major bombs or not so much.
I wouldn't expect the bolded since we haven't heard anything about them. Splatoon might be a once a generation thing and I don't think they'll make a spin-off for it this soon. Fire Emblem remake isn't happening next year, from what I gather they tend to space mainline Fire Emblem game out every 2 or 3 years, plus they already have Tokyo Mirage Sessions releasing in January and the big story DLC for Three Houses. Maybe replace them with Bayo and that'd be more realistic.Ok, you wanna do this? I'll give you my *perfectly reasonable* 2020 expectations for Nintendo Switch. If you call thst 'expecting too much', I don't know anymore:
January: TMS (censored),
February: Brain Age
March: Animal Crossing
April: Xenoblade Chronicles DE
May: Pikmin 3.5
June: Fire Emblem remake
July: Splatoon Adventure (bridging the story between 2 and the future 3rd game)
August: Monolith Soft's new IP
September: Mario Party 2
October: Fatal Frame 6
November: Pokemon (remake)
December: BotW2
So let's take a look:
3-4 old games
2 casual games
3 cartoony family-games
1 horror-game
2 ambitious enthusiast games
Is *that* expected too much?! Please ...
Ok, you wanna do this? I'll give you my *perfectly reasonable* 2020 expectations for Nintendo Switch. If you call thst 'expecting too much', I don't know anymore:
January: TMS (censored),
February: Brain Age
March: Animal Crossing
April: Xenoblade Chronicles DE
May: Pikmin 3.5
June: Fire Emblem remake
July: Splatoon Adventure (bridging the story between 2 and the future 3rd game)
August: Monolith Soft's new IP
September: Mario Party 2
October: Fatal Frame 6
November: Pokemon (remake)
December: BotW2
So let's take a look:
3-4 old games
2 casual games
3 cartoony family-games
1 horror-game
2 ambitious enthusiast games
Is *that* expected too much?! Please ...
A new Switch game was announced.
How many times are people gonna say they expect Metroid Prime Trilogy and get disappointed when it doesn't get revealed before they finally get the hint that's its not guaranteed?
I'm torn, because I, personally, don't think that's a lot. However, I know how Nintendo tends to space content, and I just can't see them nailing every month with a release. They treat their stuff like it's pure gold, even retro content. I think you should expect half to two thirds of that list.
My opinion: I'd forget about June's and July's items. Forget September's.
My extended opinion: It's probably expecting too much to expect another Pokemon game this year. Did we ever learn anything more regarding The Pokemon Compoany's Creature's Inc. being removed from Game Freak's website? I suspect there could be a growing rift between Pokemon and Game Freak...
The rest of the list is good: TMS, Brain Age, Animal Crossing, Xenoblade Chronicles DE, Pikmin update, Monolith Soft game, Fatal Frame, BotW2. Annnd... I expect to find out about some new games coming out later this year and early next year. That will sum up 2020 for the Big N.
How many times are people gonna say they expect Metroid Prime Trilogy and get disappointed when it doesn't get revealed before they finally get the hint that's its not guaranteed?
I'm just getting slightly annoyed that around every event now, everybody seems to expect Metroid Prime Trilogy based off rumors or conjecture and then getting disappointed when it doesn't show. It's like Mother 3 all over again.To be fair I think it would be pretty crazy at this point if Nintendo haven't at least been working on it for a while now.
Maybe it was never their intention but the fan demand has probably made them consider it.
It'd probably be a re-release. I don't see Nintendo having enough confidence in Metroid to put the money into remastering those three games.The real question for me is if it will just be a straight re-release with controls redone to work on the Switch or if it will be a remaster.
Either way I don't think it would be an "available right now" situation.
It would be interesting to see how the next gen might affect Nintendo's decisions over the next 2 to 3 years.
They could go all in for 2020 knowing that sales will slow down after the holidays when people are picking up the new consoles and everyone is hyped to see the next gen performance.
Or they could hold off knowing that the early period for the new consoles tends to be rough and a few solid Nintendo games in early 2021 could entice some people away from the big home consoles.
I think once 2021 hits the Switch will be really up against it and probably their best chance is to have games that can't be ignored.
On the other hand one of the big challenges for the new consoles in late 2020 will be the launch prices, any launch issues and availability at launch. They may well be able to shift a good few Switches if they have a couple of games that could sway people.
Once PS4 and Xbox SX get going into ate 2021, 2022 and 2023 I think it will be very difficult for Nintendo to maintain relevancy without coming up with new hardware.
This is another thing. I could maybe forgive it if it wasn't wishful thinking and made sense but people are expecting Metroid Prime trilogy to come out when Metroid Prime 4 is still 2 to 4 years away...People aren't going to realize the game is done but it doesn't make sense to push it until closer to MP4
You're not going to see a Xenogears remake by Monolith Soft since the IP is owned by Square Enix.You know, if Nintendo *really* wanted to shock the world, they'd announce that monolith soft is working on Xenogears or Xenosaga remake. And I really mean remake, not remaster. Featuring fantastic graphics with an artstye closer to the artworks or Disaster: Day of Crisis. It'd be a huge project, basically Nintendo's FF7R - except that Gears/Saga are much better games. ;p
Only difficulty would be Square Enix, who really hate to cooperare. But one can dream. Man, I'd be happy with a Xenosaga Trilogy Remaster done by Monolith Soft using XB2 assets, really ...❤
I feel we won't be seeing BotW2 again until well into next year, as I think it'll be more of an early Spring 2021 release like the original.
Thinking BOTW2 is gonna release next year.
There's gonna be a big popular game, and another Pokemon-remake is not gonna be that. want AAA western game from Nintendo?Ghost of Tsushima is worth a 100 Bravely Defaults :/
Yeah it's called Animal Crossing.
Didn't know March is the holidays season. The more you know!
OutrageousFacts You think a Pokemon remake will release next year? Thats probably not gonna happen, they still have to release the enhanced version of Sword and Shield.
Hasn't been a thing forever. Ever since Black/White they make full-sequels.
Btw i don't *want* any Pokemon remake (i think remaking Pokemon-games is super dumb, like remaking, say, FIFA 07), but Nintendo has a Pokemon-game every year, so .
Ultra Sun and Moon + Let's Go being remake of Yellow and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
I had no expectations for the game awards so i'm not really disappointed.
I wouldn't expect the bolded since we haven't heard anything about them. Splatoon might be a once a generation thing and I don't think they'll make a spin-off for it this soon. Fire Emblem remake isn't happening next year, from what I gather they tend to space mainline Fire Emblem game out every 2 or 3 years, plus they already have Tokyo Mirage Sessions releasing in January and the big story DLC for Three Houses. Maybe replace them with Bayo and that'd be more realistic.