If Switch VR is happening, id expect simple games. Duck Hunt VR? Perhaps Wii Sports VR?
The thread about how great the start of the year looks like on PS4 made me aware that it was revealed that Tekken 7's release date will be announced in January and
Assuming the reference is to a "generic" event and not a Tekken-specific one...
RawmeatCowboy is a good guy, interested to see what this is.
I feel like the entire Switch presentation is gonna get spoiled at this rate.
Cool. Any track record from this guy?
Cool. Any track record from this guy?
It's been upa an hour, it's the info from OBe1s video and LKDI'm assuming it being today's big story indicates that "coming soon" means today?
It's up, it's the info from OBe1s video and LKD
The marketing/power question is simple i think.
We live in a world where people have access to information on internet and such, at least the group of people who will buy a next gen console in its first year.
For that group, the comparison will be the most important factor, except for the exclusives of course but the guys buying for exclusive first party games are already decided or for a camp anyway.
Switch is already out of that whole contest anyway.
I unfortunately doubt there is a large market (i can be absolutely wrong) for XBO/PS4 gamers who would like to play on the go, and don't already have also a 3ds. That means, of you have a 3ds already, you're part of the switch audience anyway, that's not a problem you already have a sony/microsoft console and a nintendo one with it so you're in the traditional Nintendo audience. What i mean is i'm not sure the Switch can gain a new market with that aspect. Cause the chance is, as you see a lot on this board, people who don't own a Nintendo portable, don't care for portable gaming. They are fine playing on their big tv.
The chance Nintendo has at a new audience, i think, is more associated to the local multiplayer. Cause there IS a new ground here. For strong community games, where people are in group of friends playing online. It can be a great occasion to have party and play (even outside in summer) together physically.
So the real strategy here for Nintendo wouldn't be to try to have all AAA big budget games on Switch (there is nothing wrong if they can have it of course) but rather all the community multiplayer games!! Overwatch, Destiny, even things like rts if possible etc.. All the big esport games to.
I'm hoping from their communication that they get that point.
I haven't seen it here yet but someone on Reddit made some rough comparisons using the UE4 settings found the other day:
I believe for the UT example (image 2) the high setting corresponds to Switch docked and medium setting corresponds to undocked, though at 1080p still.
Obviously these are just rough and unoptomized but it shows off the type of downgrades you'd expect when changing settings like these. Doesn't look bad at all honestly.
I meant that he must know what he's talking about, not necessarily the exact specs of Switch.
If these specs are true..........
sebbbi, Dec 20, 2016
*shrug* Wii JP had 17, and only Twilight Princess was a GameCube holdover. At least 12 more released during the next three months, maybe more if they did shitty enough to never chart.Some of you guys want 20 games out on launch.
Shit, by this metric Breath of the Wild is already out and Switch might have 5 releases in 2017 total.oti xero said:How much you've seen of a game is a sure indicator on how close to release it is.
It's still selling a ton of copies on those machines, so definitely not all those interested already have it.Neoxon said:But the problem is that most of us who would want, say, GTA5 probably already have it on our PS4s or XB1s (& that's just for current-gen systems).
We got spoiled by Nintendo emulating N64 at quadruple original resolution for the last 14 years.Vic said:Yall got spoiled by the Dolphin emu.
I bet RMCs thing is Bit.Trip Runner 3 coming to Switch... Or something along those lines anyway.
I bet RMCs thing is Bit.Trip Runner 3 coming to Switch... Or something along those lines anyway.
Actually, it's about...Switch advertising in Gamestop stores
Also says official BOTW pre-orders will go up soon.
RMC seems like a very upstanding guy. He's run GoNintendo for many years now. That doesn't mean we should believe everything regarding leaks/rumors though, as even the best can be mistaken at times.
Great post! I do think you're focusing a bit too much on what I would consider "core" gamers. Nintendo seems to be aiming straight for the crowd that values mobility and convenience over traditional power. There are millions of people out there who play smartphones games because they don't have the time or patience to even play console games.
When you think about it, console gaming has become quite daunting in recent years. Games have to install from discs, patches take quite a bit of time to download, and playing with friends requires a subscription fee. Local multiplayer games are also hard to find outside of indie games, and those are honestly hard to process for someone who isn't a "gamer". Then you have the idea that you're limited to playing in front of a TV. PS4 may be successful, but it certainly doesn't appeal to everyone who wants to play games.
I think it's extremely clear to see the audience that Nintendo "wants" with the Switch, but only time will tell if they can convince those people to buy.
I haven't seen it here yet but someone on Reddit made some rough comparisons using the UE4 settings found the other day:
I believe for the UT example (image 2) the high setting corresponds to Switch docked and medium setting corresponds to undocked, though at 1080p still.
Obviously these are just rough and unoptomized but it shows off the type of downgrades you'd expect when changing settings like these. Doesn't look bad at all honestly.
If advertising that Gamestop receive doesn't have an embargo attached, then I guess we'll know a little more prior to the January event.
I don't agree with the non traditional gamer part of what you say.
Cause if there is something somoene playing on his tablet or phone doesn't want, it's a second device, and even less a device with buttons and all that mess.
Also Nintendo communicates on Zelda, out of all games they have. You can tell me they show this one cause they didn't reveal the other ones but that would be the dumbest move ever. I mean, it was on Jimmy Fallon, for millions of people, for the first time, and they showed a nintendo gamer fantasy, that is absolutly not for casual at all.
They didn't communicated on any nintendoland/wii sport like game.
They are clearly not going at this crowd, OR they will do it later to not hurt their primary audience, but then they'l miss it.
This comparisons makes no sense, since they are very limited scenes. Thing is, you have to understand High wont be console settings. There are compromises already made
and even more when the game will push the higher end hardwares.
Yea I did. Just looking at their previous console to portable roadmap. It's the first thing that hit me when I bought the 3ds, "Nintendo's next portable will be their first into hd space, and going by their past portables, it will likely play Wii u like games". And that made me also realize since both their consoles will be in HD, there's a chance they might release one console to accommodate both portable and home. And even though the idea was intriguing, I didn't want to believe the chances of it happening, simply because I still wanted my separate home console and didn't want that unity hampering it.
And how's unlocked switch more like a portable PS4/Xbox? The gflops are closer to Wii u.
It's plain obvious he's hypothesizing.If he does know something, he certainly wouldn't be talking about it publicly, or he would no longer be a Ubisoft developer.
Thus, when it comes to the Switch specs, he's probably strictly in hypotheticals. If he does know something, then he's literally risking his job saying what he is saying. Thus the fact he's a verified developer just brings more doubt to what he is saying TBH, as there is no way he's allowed to talk about actual Switch performance publicly right now.
I haven't seen it here yet but someone on Reddit made some rough comparisons using the UE4 settings found the other day:
I believe for the UT example (image 2) the high setting corresponds to Switch docked and medium setting corresponds to undocked, though at 1080p still.
Obviously these are just rough and unoptomized but it shows off the type of downgrades you'd expect when changing settings like these. Doesn't look bad at all honestly.
I'll definitely agree to disagree with you here. By your logic, the audience they want already owns a console and Nintendo wants to be their second device. I have no doubt that people in that scenario will buy a Switch, but I'm fully convinced the Switch will live or die based on the audience I mentioned.
The primary audience of the WiiU were 100 million wii owners... and with the tablet you could add 150 million DS owners...Why a secondary device ?
The primary audience of the switch is 60 millions 3ds owners and some WiiU owners (who are not in the former group, pretty rare)
Their primary goal is to maximize the upgrade of that market.
RMC put it up, apparently it's just advertising-related?
Edit: Beaten.![]()
Raw gflops as a measure in isolation are pretty meaningless. In terms of raw gflops Vita is closer to PS2 than it is PS3. Hell, it's technically closer to PS1 than PS3. Now between PS1, PS2 and PS3 which console would you consider Vita's overall performance as coming closest to?And how's unlocked switch more like a portable PS4/Xbox? The gflops are closer to Wii u.
I haven't seen it here yet but someone on Reddit made some rough comparisons using the UE4 settings found the other day:
I believe for the UT example (image 2) the high setting corresponds to Switch docked and medium setting corresponds to undocked, though at 1080p still.
Obviously these are just rough and unoptomized but it shows off the type of downgrades you'd expect when changing settings like these. Doesn't look bad at all honestly.
I pre-ordered last year...The opening of BoTW preorders and how Nintendo has been marketing it really make me think the game is going to be available at launch.
I pre-ordered last year...
Why a secondary device ?
The primary audience of the switch is 60 millions 3ds owners and some WiiU owners (who are not in the former group, pretty rare)
Their primary goal is to maximize the upgrade of that market.
Right but there is a difference between putting your name down on a list, which is what you did, and Nintendo taking official preorders.
For those who can't watch, he's basically saying that GameStop stores will get their advertising materials (posters, boxes, etc.) next week and there is no embargo on when they can put them up, so expect them to be up next week.
Also official BotW preorders open "soon".
The opening of BoTW preorders and how Nintendo has been marketing it really make me think the game is going to be available at launch.
Hmmm, promotional material might spoil some games we didn't know about previously? Or maybe stuff we have known about for a while.
Maybe it's simply meant to ease you into the fact that it won't be available at launch.
Oh well, at least I'll have new Mario and it's coming out in three months.
That sort of thinking.
There may be new artworks of Mario, due to the new game being at launch for Switch.
I'll definitely agree to disagree with you here. One thing I would definitely point out is that they chose Zelda for Fallon because it's a known quantity for people like us. They've been adamant that they won't talk more details about the Switch until January, and Fallon was them sticking to that claim. If they don't have a Nintendoland/Wii Sports type of game at launch, I will be genuinely surprised. That's just not something that you need to hype for months on end.