I don't think we know who's doing the port. I hope it's Tantalus though.
I checked again, you are right. We only know it's by an external developer. So most likely Tantalus as we know they are porting something to Switch already.
I don't think we know who's doing the port. I hope it's Tantalus though.
That would be...extremely disappointing.
Those are titles we know about placed ob the calebdar, nothing more .
Mario/Splatoon- launch
Mario Kart- May
Zelda- June
Xenoblade- July
Smash- September
Pokemon- November
Emily Rogers said:@ArcadeGirl64 3D Mario + Zelda + Pokemon + Mario Kart + Splatoon + New IP + Retro Studios game + Pikmin 4...that's first 12 months of Switch
Am I missing something? Isn't all of this unofficial? Why are people treating it like it's reality?
Am I missing something? Isn't all of this unofficial? Why are people treating it like it's reality?
Because it looks bad and everybody thinks Nintendo is leaded by a bunch of idiots who believe that they dont need new software for their new system.
In 2 weeks we will be preordering this thing like there is no tomorrow
It's happened in the past, which is what worries people. No one (or extremely few people) in this thread is hating just to hate in here.
You forgot Super Mario Maker, which was also on the list that Laura put out.Mario/Splatoon- launch
Mario Kart- May
Zelda- June
Xenoblade- July
Smash- September
Pokemon- November
I already preordered and will only pay 250 EUR for the premium edition (if it's retailing for 300 EUR)![]()
If it was, it would have cannibalized Skyrim (which is also said to be a launch title), which would have had adverse effects on the Switch's long-term third party support. That plus the game likely needs time for proper testing & whatnot.Damn wish zelda was a launch title, but June will come quick enough..
Why? They don't have the resources to work on Nintendo games in addition to the NASCAR titles.
Guys, the notion of Switch handling big video game VR in ANY SHAPE OR FORM is ludicrous. A VR viewer for new Pikmin shorts? Sure. But VR in a PS VR/Vive/Oculus sense? No.
As mentioned before, Nintendo doesn't really have the third party support to justify making us pay for online.What does everyone think will be Nintendo's "online strategy" for the Nintendo Switch?
Will they follow Sony and MS and now charge for multiplayer/online? What would Nintendo have to offer you to "buy in" on the service? Free games like MS and Sony do every month along with discounted prices on select games for members? Does Nintendo stay the course and continue to *NOT* charge for online services/multiplayer?
Personally, I think if Nintendo is going to remain free for online/multiplayer, it should be a HUGE marketing point for them. Thoughts?
I would expect a few 3rd Party announcements at the January event too.Marvel vs Capcom Infinite!
They have a multiyear deal to develop Nascar games and are like twenty people in total. Source: Common Sense
It was Oregano, and the quoted text implies that Monster will never again work with Nintendo. "No longer working with Nintendo" is a huge leap from "not currently available to work with Nintendo".
For the foreseeable future they won't be working together though.
Do people buy these Nascar games though ? I don't know if it's a really safe deal for the future to work on these games.
Media Markt. They sold gift cards at a discount before Christmas.
Online or in store?
In stores. So I had someone buy gift cards for 250 which have a value of 300. Then I preordered online.
We can already preorder?
I think its easy to predict the launch lineup:
Launch games:
1 big AAA IP -> Mario switch or Zelda BOTW
1 Wii U Port -> Splatoon or Mario Kart
1 experimental game -> the rumored crazy new IP
Launch window (3 months):
1 big AAA IP -> Mario switch or Zelda BOTW, I expect Zelda to launch at the end of May similiar to Mario Kart 8 2014 and Splatoon 2015.
1 Wii U port -> once more Splatoon or Mario Kart, Nintendo will definitively spread their Wii U ports
1 filler title -> probably Pikmin 4
August - holiday season:
Xenoblade X could be an August title
Retro´s game is a wildcard, should be ready in 2017, maybe holiday 2017, announced at E3 2017
Pokemon Stars is going to be their big holiday title, no doubts
Smash should be holiday 2017 aswell but it´s going to be a meaty upgrade and have 6-8 new playable characters
Next Level Games worked on a Wii U game according to insiders. This is a switch title now.
2-3 more games from EPD and 2nd party partners in 2017.
Doubt they will port Mario Maker once more. I´m betting on Mario Maker 2 in late 2018.
3rd party exclusives at launch/launch window:
Mario Rabbid crossover
MH XX switch (Japan), 6 months later in the west
One more
Yes. For quite some time already. Check the MediaSaturn websites!
980 is very tempting.
Alright, as long as they adjust the price. Ordered.Placeholder price. You don't pay now.
Alright, as long as they adjust the price. Ordered.
I'm wondering what people here think would be the absolute most monstrous bombshell announcement Nintendo could make at the Switch event (short of going third party of course)?
Some thoughts of mine-
Exclusive RDR2 trailer
Metroid Prime 4
Mother 4
TES VI announced
Exclusive FROM game (Nintendo's own Bloodborne)
Switch has a 1440p screen, VR built in
SCD for 4k rendering available day 1
I'm wondering what people here think would be the absolute most monstrous bombshell announcement Nintendo could make at the Switch event (short of going third party of course)?
As mentioned before, I'm of the impression that, aside from Retro & Monolith's new projects as well as Nintendo's mystery new IP that Emily Rogers mentioned, most of the January 12th presentation was already leaked.
Half-Life 3 announcement.
I forgot to mention "from a first party games perspective", which I've since added. That said, I'm not expecting much concerning major western third party support for the Switch.No third party support confirmed.
Well we wil, see who is right in 12 days.
- Laura Kate Dale kinda already said that Smash 4 Switch's upgrades are gonna be more minimal than Mario Kart 8's upgrades, with Source Gaming hearing of 2 additional characters & a bunch of 3DS content for Smash 4 Switch from their sources.
- As for Super Mario Maker. Laura Kate Dale did indeed hear about it getting ported to the Switch within the first year, hence it being on her list from not too long ago.
- There's also the fact that Emily Rogers, Laura Kate Dale, & Eurogamer all heard that Super Mario Switch is gonna be at launch, with Zelda coming later (Laura heard June).
- Splatoon, at least according to Laura, is gonna be the only Wii U port at launch, bundled with the Deluxe version, while Mario Kart 8's port will supposedly be out within the first 3 months.
As mentioned before, I'm of the impression that, aside from Retro & Monolith's new projects as well as Nintendo's mystery new IP that Emily Rogers mentioned, most of the January 12th presentation was already leaked.
NOTE: I'm not asking at all for realistic predictions, just asking what people think would be by far the biggest announcements they could possibly make.
We shall. Though the 3 leakers mentioned (Eurogamer, Laura Kate Dale, & Emily Rogers) have pretty solid track records as far as Switch info goes, so going against them now is kind of setting yourself up for disappointment. Source Gaming, while I respect them as a news site, it kinda iffy on their sources due to how unproven they are as of this post (& Laura's definition of "minimal" depends on what she sees as major upgrades & what upgrades MK8 has in store as a metric of comparison).Well we wil, see who is right in 12 days.
I'm wondering what people here think would be the absolute most monstrous bombshell announcement Nintendo could make at the Switch event (short of going third party of course)?
Some thoughts of mine-
- Exclusive RDR2 trailer
- Metroid Prime 4
- Mother 4
- TES VI announced
- Exclusive FROM game (Nintendo's own Bloodborne)
- Switch has a 1440p screen, VR built in
- SCD for 4k rendering available day 1
NOTE: I'm not asking at all for realistic predictions, just asking what people think would be by far the biggest announcements they could possibly make.
I'm wondering what people here think would be the absolute most monstrous bombshell announcement Nintendo could make at the Switch event (short of going third party of course)?
Some thoughts of mine-
- Exclusive RDR2 trailer
- Metroid Prime 4
- Mother 4
- TES VI announced
- Exclusive FROM game (Nintendo's own Bloodborne)
- Switch has a 1440p screen, VR built in
- SCD for 4k rendering available day 1
NOTE: I'm not asking at all for realistic predictions, just asking what people think would be by far the biggest announcements they could possibly make.
I forgot to mention "from a first party games perspective", which I've since added. That said, I'm not expecting a ton of major western third party support for the Switch.