Eternal Darkness fills a niche that Nintendo doesn't really have much of, especially if Resident Evil misses their platform. Geist would be an interesting choice too as it's their best FPS IP.
I still think StarTropics as a Tomb Raider/Uncharted type game would be the most impactful "western" style game they could make. It's a genre Nintendo really doesn't have at all.
Yep. I agree with this thoughbobviously Nintendo wouldn't want to compete with Uncharted

and the gameplay systems are incredibly mundane.
About ED. i still haven't seen a good reason why Nintendo would want to resurrect that ip, the fills the gap point falls apart when you realize they are more interested in having the platforming genre on lock than in diversifying more their lineup.
Then i just dont see what makes ED a good fit for Retro. Wich specializes in minimalistic storytelling,fps action,platforming etc. And MPC was not exactly a good argument they are good at making typical stories.
Is that only because they are western studios?
Finally. ED was an experiment (no different from W101),it sold poorly,the original team is a mess and most importantly. It isn,t even known for having good gameplay!