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No Man's Sky - August 9, 2016


I'm not worried yet, but if the game gets delayed again I will be very concerned about the state it is released for the ps4.


According to Sean's Twitter, the date wasn't finalized til late last night. Probably why they didn't say anything til then, they wanted a new date locked down before delivering the bad news


PRoblem with reddit is the shitty subreddits tend to bleed into the other subreddits. ANd gaming subreddits in general have people from the shitkotakusays subreddit (or whatever it's called, pretty much gamergate's subreddit) all over beacuse that subreddit is full of people who like games (as witnessed by the fact they care, good or bad, about a gaming website). So they bleed into all the other gaming subreddits. Some of the subreddits are worse than others about it (the Fallout one seems to have less of them for whatever reason). And in general they usually aren't too focused anymore on the gamergate stuff unless it gets brought up. For example Kotaku saying something they don't like and then they come out of the woodwork. WHich is what is seems happened a lot in the NMS subreddit. Kotaku said something that upset NMS fans and the gamergate people saw Kotaku and a chance to attack them again. Which is why NMS looked pretty chill until Kotaku said something that upset hte fans and then the gamergate ones had a reason to be all shitty towards Kotaku again (and a reason to try to foment more resentment towards Kotaku).

I mean you could see it happening if you were on the subreddit a day or two ago. Kotaku says something and all the sudden you get the usual, "Oh, it's Kotaku. They're shit reporting/Click baiters/they're irresponsible game journalism!". You could tell a lot of comments were from the usual group that already hates Kotaku anyways and I give you 2 guesses which group that is....

That hasnt been my experience at all, there are so many subreddits that making categorical statements about the entire population of the platform is laughable, especially when you maintain that the majority of the platform's users are racist, sexist paedophiles. It's like arguing that everyone who uses twitter is a racist, sexist paedophile.
New comments from Sean on Twitter:

New release date for NMS got finalised late last night. It's been a tough decision, but its the right one

We're happy with progress, but we need this time to make the game you guys deserve
We couldn't be working harder than we are right now

The Sony Blog post going live at 1am surprised us, but we wanted to let people know as soon as we could. Things are moving quite quickly

New dates apply for PC and PS4. We're running around trying to get all the official pages updated

updated with newer tweets:

Sorry I haven't been able to say anything til now. With retail games, there are legal/external reasons why you can't talk freely about dates

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive. Apologies to anyone who feels hurt by this. We'll try make it up to you with a good game

I have received loads of death threats this week, but don't worry, Hello Games now looks like the house from Home Alone #pillowfort

Tell me when its safe to remove the marbles and oil from the stairs. It's getting really cumbersome, and I need the toilet


Another tweet a tad hidden inbetween the replies:
Sorry I haven't been able to say anything til now. With retail games, there are legal/external reasons why you can't talk freely about dates


I think this game will turn out alright. It's basically an exploration/survival game so if there are some interesting items to make, it might make up for its simplistic combat.


They do leave it to the publisher a lot of times. Ubisoft is revealing a new IP this E3. Guess who could spoil it for just for shits and giggles if they wanted to?

But news is news. A hotly anticipated game being delayed is news. We see people posting all over GAF and other places across the internet saying how they already have scheduled time off work or planned to do so. His responsibility is to inform them, not wait around for Sony or Hello Games.

It's so strange to me that people get bothered when journalists go outside what publishers want them to do. The only harm and confusion inflicted here came not from Jason but from salty little manchildren with zero perspective on video games.

I have argued before that sometimes leaking things is just hurting devs and publishers without that much gain for the audience so Im glad to read that he also thinks about that. Some big news might be okay to spoil but for others just let people do their job and announce stuff in the best way possible.


That hasnt been my experience at all, there are so many subreddits that making categorical statements about the entire population of the platform is laughable, especially when you maintain that the majority of the platform's users are racist, sexist paedophiles. It's like arguing that everyone who uses twitter is a racist, sexist paedophile.

Did I say they all were? I said there is a group that tends to bleed into the other subreddits and when you hit one of their hot buttons they tend to come out pretty strong (They in general have quieted down until a hot button is pressed, such as Kotaku doing something they don't like). Kotaku is mentioned, they hate Kotaku, they see a chance to get other people to hate Kotaku, they start yammering about how horrible Kotaku is especially as it's upsetting news to that subreddit and it means they can get more people to listen (oh, it's just a bad news site, this can't really be bad news, right?).

You can't deny tehre is an undercurrent of MRA/gamergate stuff in reddit. That doesn't mean everyone is, but it means there is a strong presence of it and it does have a tendency to bleed into other subreddits.

(luckily there also is some push back too. But for example I'm much more open about talking about feminism here than there cause I half the time expect to get at the least downvoted to some one bitching about me being an SJW or whatnot).


Sean Murray ‏@NoMansSky 37s38 seconds ago
I have received loads of death threats this week, but don't worry, Hello Games now looks like the house from Home Alone #pillowfort

Sean Murray ‏@NoMansSky 52s52 seconds ago
Tell me when its safe to remove the marbles and oil from the stairs. It's getting really cumbersome, and I need the toilet
Well, at least they take it well

So negative press delayed the game or am l missing something?

You're THAT guy that arrives at the party after everyone left already at 5 am in the morning.


According to Sean's Twitter, the date wasn't finalized til late last night. Probably why they didn't say anything til then, they wanted a new date locked down before delivering the bad news

I still maintain since it's so close to launch they could have at least warned us it wasn't coming out June 21rst and that there would be a few months maybe less (just so people get pleasantly surprised when they announce overestimate) delay. I'm sure they had an idea of around what time they needed so they could at least give a general idea to calm people down and let people who had plans around the launch date know ASAP that they needed to change/cancel them at least.


Did I say they all were? I said there is a group that tends to bleed into the other subreddits and when you hit one of their hot buttons they tend to come out pretty strong. Kotaku is mentioned, they hate Kotaku, they see a chance to get other people to hate Kotaku, they start yammering about how horrible Kotaku is especially as it's upsetting news to that subreddit and it means they can get more people to listen (oh, it's just a bad news site, this can't really be bad news, right?).

Someone said all of them were, I said no they all arent, you responded to my post by saying "PRoblem with reddit is the shitty subreddits tend to bleed into the other subreddits." So, as you referenced all of them I assumed that yes, you were in fact talking about all of them. Apparently you werent, sorry for misunderstanding.

Man, they can't delay it any more. The more they show this at trade shows the more tired of it people will be. I'm already tired of it.

I really hope its only demoed on the floor at E3, could not be less interested in seeing another trailer in Sony's conference.
In terms of development, how much can actually be accomplished in a few weeks?

I gonna take a wild guess and assume they will rewrite tables for an existing game system to give them more future-flexibility and possibly widen it's scope to handle CPU processing more efficiently.

I doubt they will add anything new to the game now.


The Birthday Skeleton
I think it's insane that Sean received death threats. The game is his creation and he's very passionate about it. The one who did this must have a very twisted mind.


Someone said all of them were, I said no they all arent, you responded to my post by saying "PRoblem with reddit is the shitty subreddits tend to bleed into the other subreddits." So, as you referenced all of them I assumed that yes, you were in fact talking about all of them. Apparently you werent, sorry for misunderstanding.

I'm not sure how you read that I was saying everyone at reddit was like that, but ok. I mean look at the second part of that sentence you quoted which tends to imply that I think it's caused by some shitty subreddits (but that it bleeds into all of reddit as a site so you see it almost everywhere in reddit the site). It is a problem of reddit the site (not everyone in reddit, but the site reddit). Just cause it's the members of some subreddits that are the problem doesn't mean they contain themselves only in that subreddit, they have other interests and go to other subreddits (I surely don't stay in just one subreddit though I may focus on one or the other depending on what I'm most interested at the moment. Right now it's NMS and Fallout).
I thought the dude from Kotaku is the one whose life and family were threatened with murder.

Sean tweeted that he's "received loads of death threats this week". I don't understand how a game of this sort could attract people who would threaten the creator, but I guess they're in every fanbase.

Sean tweeted that he's "received loads of death threats this week". I don't understand how a game of this sort could attract people who would threaten the creator, but I guess they're in every fanbase.

Holy fucking shit. What is wrong with people. I am stunned. At least he is taking it in stride. But this shouldn't be part of their development journey. Completely fucked


Sean tweeted that he's "received loads of death threats this week". I don't understand how a game of this sort could attract people who would threaten the creator, but I guess they're in every fanbase.

Hopefully my tinfoil hat doesnt ruin my hair, but I think there are elements online that would happily send out anonymous death threats to game developers with next to no justification. While some certainly are fans of the game others are likely doing it using the delay as a convenient excuse.
Who are these losers? Freaking worst. Ruins the community entirely. Death threats is absolutely insane. I hope they're just dumb kids at least.

I'm sure there's always been people like this in the history of videogames. But in the old days you had to mail in a letter. Now you can find the guy making the game in 30 seconds and send a death threat over Twitter or email. And these types of people can congregate in certain areas of the internet where likeminded people work each other into a frenzy of toxic hate.

The internet has enabled developers to easily reach out to fans directly, both to increase interest and to develop a community, but it also allows the reverse, for assholes to reach out to developers easily and without much consequence.
Anybody who's sending death threats over a game's release date being pushed back deserves to be put in time out no matter how old they are.


Sean tweeted that he's "received loads of death threats this week". I don't understand how a game of this sort could attract people who would threaten the creator, but I guess they're in every fanbase.

wtf seriously, putting these guys through even more stress than they are probably even going through. I feel bad for Hello games and Schreier having to put up with that bullshit all because of a delay.


Membero Americo
Receiving death threats because of a delay.

Just imagine the kind of abuse Nintendo is receiving for delaying Zelda UNX for a year.


Gamers are a mistake. The Internet was a mistake. Everything is trash.
Anybody who's sending death threats over a game's release date being pushed back deserves to be put in time out no matter how old they are.

I want to know if charges will be laid. Death threat is a death threat I don't care if it's in person, a phone call, a tweet or via fucking carrier pigeon.
I'm sorry, did people actually issue death threats to the reporter who broke this story AND the developer of the game? Really? Do these fucking assholes issue death threats for basically everything now?


I still maintain since it's so close to launch they could have at least warned us it wasn't coming out June 21rst and that there would be a few months maybe less (just so people get pleasantly surprised when they announce overestimate) delay. I'm sure they had an idea of around what time they needed so they could at least give a general idea to calm people down and let people who had plans around the launch date know ASAP that they needed to change/cancel them at least.

Read the tweet about legals when dealing with retail launches - it isn't something they can do.

I don't really think it's recumbent on HG to clam a bunch of idiot children down either. If a delay on a gane means you react by sending people death threats you need to take a long, hard look at the tragic wreck your life is and get some fucking perspective.


Death threats to Hello Games. Sick mother fuckers. They're like the cutest indie studio in existence. They dont deserve that shit at all.
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