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No Man's Sky Endurance Free Update Announced

I’ve been an on and off player of NMS and I don’t see why you’re annoyed.

I agree that the game would benefit from more varied combat and a better story. Because it would.

In fact, those two things are often cited by people who don’t stick with the game.

You jumping someone’s shit for stating so is ridiculous.

It's hard to tell these days who is being genuine with their opinions or is looking to bait people on purpose. I give some hot takes too such as saying that MGS is a overrated franchise in the other thread, but I did end up explaining myself to why I think that.

Quite frankly, I also think Skyrim is also overrated but I do understand why it's loved by many. Starfield however, is a brand new IP and takes place in space and is done by Bethesda, hence why i am ao intrugued by it.

I feel like if someone is going to make a statement that is rather controversial or is a bit a polar opposite of what most people think then please give a thorough explanation to why you feel that I way.

I try to explain as much as I could to why I don't like something or why I disagree with something, but most people will throw in a one liner and then expect to get a good conversation out of it or some sort validation, when they have done absolutely nothing to earn it.
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The developer has done an amazing job at supporting their title. Its not often you see a company taking full responsibility for a title that is lacking when first released. The game looks incredible and vast.

Having said that, I'm a gamer that needs a story line. I need a reason to enjoy myself. I can spend dozens of hours exploring but it has to be between missions. I spent so much time exploring every single detail of every world in Mass Effect 1. But realistically, if It didn't have a story, I probably would have walked away after an hour or two.

I tried No man's sky a couple of times, and each time, I walked away because of lack of story. Maybe I'm wrong here. Perhaps I missed an enhancement that added a story. I'm not even looking for Skyrim type of story. I'd be happy with some basic story with some type of human interaction.
It's hard to tell these days who is being genuine with their opinions or is looking to bait people on purpose.

The way I see it is...

If he was being genuine with his opinions then your reaction is so blown out of proportion to the point it's weird. It's a really bizarre reaction to his genuine opinion.

If he was looking to bait someone, well, this fuckin guy just caught a whale damn son.
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The developer has done an amazing job at supporting their title. Its not often you see a company taking full responsibility for a title that is lacking when first released. The game looks incredible and vast.

Having said that, I'm a gamer that needs a story line. I need a reason to enjoy myself. I can spend dozens of hours exploring but it has to be between missions. I spent so much time exploring every single detail of every world in Mass Effect 1. But realistically, if It didn't have a story, I probably would have walked away after an hour or two.

I tried No man's sky a couple of times, and each time, I walked away because of lack of story. Maybe I'm wrong here. Perhaps I missed an enhancement that added a story. I'm not even looking for Skyrim type of story. I'd be happy with some basic story with some type of human interaction.
Isn't the whole story is about getting to the center of the galaxy/universe?

No Man's Sky is not for everyone just like a heavy story based isn't for everyone either. I think it's simply not for you. The game is more about freedom and exploration, some people enjoy that aspect as it is a fantasy of making your own adventure.

Sea of Thieves actually is a perfect example of freedom with a guided story line. There are many characters that are tied to lore and seasonal events. And then there are tall tales which are guided experiences as well that act as single player/co-op story missions.

I've spent close to a 1000 or more hours in Sea of Thieves and had some of the best memories in gaming. Thanks to the game's emergent gameplay and freedom. I had an amazing time with friends.

I feel that if Hello Games were to make another update or create No Man's Sky 2 (although I don't see a reason for a sequel with these huge updates) they would need to start adding some more lore elements and introudce short but interesting missions. The issue is with that is that the whole game is procedural and everything is random unlike Sea of Thieves that already has pre-made islands, their unique names, Sea ports, Tavern placements and outposts. When everything already exists, it's easier to create a purpose for such worlds and game locations. No Man's Sky is not like that, the planets are all random. There is no set location of anything as far as I am. I haven't played in ages, so maybe that has changed so feel free to correct me.

They would need to find a way to pre-made missions into a procedural world and I believe that is the hard part.
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Another update, another trailer of the player character running past stuff. The concept is amazing and HG are working hard on supporting the game but I'd love to see them work on something new with the support of a big studio


All the added features are appealing, but I still can't get motivated to buy this game because one central element still looks horrible to me in all the shots I've seen: the planets.

I love good procedural generation, but everything I've seen of NMS landscapes looks like we never learned anything from Minecraft or prior games. There's no sense of organization or coherent biomes, it just looks like an endless pile of random junk. It reminds me most of the ugly randomized planets in Lego Worlds.

I don't know, I just don't see any genuine sense of mystery to the worlds, no desire to explore for deep interesting cave structures etc. But I'm only judging based on movies / screenshots. Maybe the good planets haven't been shown.
You’ll come across some interesting ones, but if you don’t like the basic style, you won’t like the variations. The underwater base building and biome are cool, but there’s been nothing like that for caves..


Hopefully the space combat improves with this update, I know Starfields looks exactly the same too but there’s gotta be a better way.
I think they refreshed it a couple of updates ago. Traversal and ground combat still feel off to me, but I know that’s probably stylized on purpose, it’s not an action game.
Isn't the whole story is about getting to the center of the galaxy/universe?

No Man's Sky is not for everyone just like a heavy story based isn't for everyone either. I think it's simply not for you. The game is more about freedom and exploration, some people enjoy that aspect as it is a fantasy of making your own adventure.

Sea of Thieves actually is a perfect example of freedom with a guided story line. There are many characters that are tied to lore and seasonal events. And then there are tall tales which are guided experiences as well that act as single player/co-op story missions.

I've spent close to a 1000 or more hours in Sea of Thieves and had some of the best memories in gaming. Thanks to the game's emergent gameplay and freedom. I had an amazing time with friends.

I feel that if Hello Games were to make another update or create No Man's Sky 2 (although I don't see a reason for a sequel with these huge updates) they would need to start adding some more lore elements and introudce short but interesting missions. The issue is with that is that the whole game is procedural and everything is random unlike Sea of Thieves that already has pre-made islands, their unique names, Sea ports, Tavern placements and outposts. When everything already exists, it's easier to create a purpose for such worlds and game locations. No Man's Sky is not like that, the planets are all random. There is no set location of anything as far as I am. I haven't played in ages, so maybe that has changed so feel free to correct me.

They would need to find a way to pre-made missions into a procedural world and I believe that is the hard part.

Those are good points. Basically, two games that I personally would spend hundreds of hours on. If only one had a story and the other a single player mode.

I hadn't really considered the procedural and randomness of No Man's Sky and how difficult it would be to write a story around that. So yes, it's likely that it will never be what I wish it was. Which I guess is why I'm so excited about Starfield.

The Sea of Thieves comparison is interesting because its also another game I wish I could get into. And truth is, I didn't even realize it had such deep lore and story line. Unfortunately, getting my friends to play will never happen. Its too bad, I wish Rare would add a single player component to this game.


Tbh they should stop now and focus on NMS2. They've done an excellent job with nothing left to prove.

If I could trade the Bungie acquisition for anything else it would be these guys. Sony should have acquired these guys after the first few updates.
Those are good points. Basically, two games that I personally would spend hundreds of hours on. If only one had a story and the other a single player mode.

I hadn't really considered the procedural and randomness of No Man's Sky and how difficult it would be to write a story around that. So yes, it's likely that it will never be what I wish it was. Which I guess is why I'm so excited about Starfield.

The Sea of Thieves comparison is interesting because its also another game I wish I could get into. And truth is, I didn't even realize it had such deep lore and story line. Unfortunately, getting my friends to play will never happen. Its too bad, I wish Rare would add a single player component to this game.

Another game worth mentioning is Warframe. It's a free 2 play title with amazing updates that I believe should be paid for. Game has a great monetization model as well.

Warframe is also interesting because it is purely a grinding game where you grind procedural generated environments by picking missions. There are a variety of different mission types as well, some are boss missions where you have to kill a boss to progress through the star chart and some are getting through an environment withiut causing an alarm for extra points.

When the game launched, there wasn't much lore and game was alot more barebones on systems. However, the gunplay and high quality production values is what carried the game. Digital Extremes eventually started making dedicated cinematic story based missions where you play as different factions from the universe. They have cinematic ingame cut scenes, awesome plot twists and incredible artwork and music that you rarely ever see from some fully paid titles today.

They eventually also introduced 2 different open world planets with MMO elements. This game has incredible gunplay, beautiful visuals, half of the game is procedurally generated and the other half also has story based missions that are pre-made just like the open worlds are. You can even control an entire space ship as well, it's called railjak that you may as well upgrade and fight in space. Quite insane what a free 2 play game was able to achieve.

The issue with warframe is that it's a game all about repeating same missions over and over again to build and craft newer guns and other frames. The game also has many convoluted crafting/modding/gearing systems and can they can be seen as very daunting and overwhelming for new players.

Think of it as Monster Hunter but in space and much more faster paced with satisfying combat that is similar to the gunplay in Destiny 2 but in 3rd person.

But again, there are a lot of people that enjoy that, so it works for them. Game also has fantastic lore, great music and consistent engine upgrades. Super excited for their new upcoming medieval Warframe counterpart title that they are making next.
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Small team handed hundreds of millions from opening sales... even if you pay everyone 100k a year that's going to last awhile...

No shareholders to answer too. Effectively this GAAS is not to keep servers or content moving, its to be able to make someone who's very rich even richer much quicker. Games can support titles for years if they where successfull enough to start with and the money is directed towards the game.

It's not really a GAAS game like most think it is.... considering the game makes nothing other than the initial purchase. The game has zero Microtransactions
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It's not really a GAAS game like most think it is.... considering the game makes nothing other than the initial purchase. The game has zero Microtransactions
You would be 100% correct. I don't know why people think just cause a game gets frequent updates that it is GaaS.

A game cannot be GaaS if you are not spending any kind of money on it or choose not to spend money on it even if it gives you the ability to do so.

Here are some examples of solid titles that are Games as a Service

Sea of Thieves - Game Pass/Buy as well - does contain a ton of micro-transactions that are purely cosmetic, including seasonal battle passes. However, provides free content updates on frequent basis and also you cannot spend money on power. Everything is purely cosmetic. This is an example of a good GaaS title.

Halo Infinite - Free to play Multiplayer/Paid Campaign/Game Pass - plenty of options. Releases content during different seasons such as maps, modes and new battle passes. Does NOT contain any player power for money. Again, purely cosmetic micro-transactions. This is another example of a good GaaS title with the only issue being that the updates are a tad slow. But the game does give people plenty of options on how they want to play it, either through Game Pass for the campaign, multiplayer is free regardless, or if you want to support the devs you can buy the game as well, but at the end of the day most play it for free or at a very small cost.

Fortnite - Phenomenal updates, brings new gameplay mechanics/ideas every season, absolutely insane cross-promotional events/skins/characters/themes. This is the best example of the best title that is game as a service and is 100% free to play with no strings attached.

Warframe - This is also another game as service, with amazing free content updates both for lore lovers and people who like to see new game systems and things to do. Does contain a bit of pay for power, but in all honesty you can progress in this game for free at a very decent pace. There are so many things to craft and level up that take time anyway. By the time your new frame is done building (usually takes 72 hours, or you can speed it up with platinum) you'll still won't have maxed out your other guns levels or frames. Basically, the more you unlock in this game, the more time you'll be spending leveling everything up to the point where that waiting for a new frame to be built doesn't matter at all.

Also, while there is PvP in this game, it is very bad and no one plays it for PvP anyway so there is no real advantage either. Digital Extremes never focused on making it good and no one really wants it anyways. The game carries itself with great visuals, music, lore and in-depth game systems and addicting gameplay. Also, there is no thing as the best Frame in the game, you don't need to craft anything super specific to be good at the game. You can just pick the Excalibur frame at the beginning and his good around all the game systems/missions. There are some frames that are better than others at certain things, but you get them with time so it won't matter and it's not like you can't progress without them.
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Tbh they should stop now and focus on NMS2. They've done an excellent job with nothing left to prove.

If I could trade the Bungie acquisition for anything else it would be these guys. Sony should have acquired these guys after the first few updates.
Another update, another trailer of the player character running past stuff. The concept is amazing and HG are working hard on supporting the game but I'd love to see them work on something new with the support of a big studio
They are working on a new big project that Sean Murray and his team are really excited about. There was a thread here that had the news, but the OP of that thread decided to clickbait everyone into thinking that Sean was being a snake oil salesman and hyping a game up again, when the very next paragraph in the article he spoke about all of the harsh lessons they've learned from No Mans Sky and not to repeat those same mistakes. He said after that article they're going silent and will reveal the game when it's ready, instead of doing what they did with NMS.

Kev Kev

50% off right now on PSN. Bought and installed. Be jumping between Stray and this tonight. Never played at launch after the horror stories but I have always wanted to play it.

Looks like it’s finally worth £20, I’m sure I will get many dozens of hours of enjoyment…… or I’ll play it for a bit, then stop and then spend more money on games and add to my stupid backlog. I love video games 😂
stick with it. i found it a bit slow at first trying to get off the starter planet. but the gameplay loop and base building is mega fun. ive put hundreds of hours into it and everytime i play the gameplay loop sucks me back in for another 100 hours. in VR its one of the best games of all time for me.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
stick with it. i found it a bit slow at first trying to get off the starter planet. but the gameplay loop and base building is mega fun. ive put hundreds of hours into it and everytime i play the gameplay loop sucks me back in for another 100 hours. in VR its one of the best games of all time for me.

I am really looking forward to seeing what this looks like in PSVR2!!!


Gold Member
I bought this game day 1 and I have definitely received my money's worth. The creative mode is such a relaxing experience. I'm surprised they're still enhancing it after all this time.


You know that GIF from the Simpsons, "Stop, stop, he's already dead?". I feel like we need one for the opposite, somehow. "Stop, stop, you've done enough already!".


I bought this game day 1 and I have definitely received my money's worth. The creative mode is such a relaxing experience. I'm surprised they're still enhancing it after all this time.

I received my moneys worth even when it was "One Man's Lie" or whatever the memes were at the time. Yes, there wasn't much direction for the game at launch and once the thrill of mining shit went away you were left with a kind of. . .what now, sense. Definitely a game that should have utilized the EA system - but going physical disc with SONY's backing made that not an option.

. . .the state of the game at present has honestly just been gravy.

Nice! I wonder how much money Shawn has gone though with all this work that has been done on the game.

Games pretty much printing paper at this point I feel. It always shoots to the top of the STEAM charts with a new update (okay, the sale price that coincides with these updates usually helps) and I feel it is usually in the Top 100 of games when off-sale as well. Game has more legs than a Victoria's Secret show.


I played a couple hours and while I’m not sure how much that came in this update the freighter stuff is great, feels like a game within a game to manage your freighter base and frigates.


The developer has done an amazing job at supporting their title. Its not often you see a company taking full responsibility for a title that is lacking when first released. The game looks incredible and vast.

Having said that, I'm a gamer that needs a story line. I need a reason to enjoy myself. I can spend dozens of hours exploring but it has to be between missions. I spent so much time exploring every single detail of every world in Mass Effect 1. But realistically, if It didn't have a story, I probably would have walked away after an hour or two.

I tried No man's sky a couple of times, and each time, I walked away because of lack of story. Maybe I'm wrong here. Perhaps I missed an enhancement that added a story. I'm not even looking for Skyrim type of story. I'd be happy with some basic story with some type of human interaction.
There is a 30h campaign for you to do.


Found a pic showing the updates so far, some are game changing updates other devs would no doubt have you paying for, with No Man’s Sky every update is free.


How are they still making money? This game keeps giving like crazy. Seems like they’d need to charge something someday.


More asteroids = more shit hitting your face when you pulse ?

I wish they going for a more realistic approach like lower density and more view distance .


How are they still making money?
People just decide to buy the game, based on the features. That's literally it.

It's said to have now sold on par with many AAA games, though what that means is somewhat up in the air.

While he won’t release sales figures, Murray said that “last year we sold the kind of numbers a AAA game would be happy with at launch,” using the industry jargon for big budget games


I'm one of them. It's this and sea of thieves. I don't play out of principle, fuk em
If everyone thought like you then the developers would have no incentive to make it right.

You would rather send the message that no matter what you do, even though you screwed up years ago at launch, even after 20 free updates, you would rather say I'm not playing your game because of 'principles'.

Developers should be allowed to make it right. Hello Games have made it right. They have clearly learnt from their screw up. The principle should be 'if you screw up, you learn from that and you make it right'. Not 'if you screw up, that's it no chance of redemption'.


If the game launched with all this content the gameplay loop and systems would probably be a lot more streamlined. I've probably put a hundred hours into it over the years and it's never felt like anything more than a tutorial for a really cool game that never really starts.


If everyone thought like you then the developers would have no incentive to make it right.

You would rather send the message that no matter what you do, even though you screwed up years ago at launch, even after 20 free updates, you would rather say I'm not playing your game because of 'principles'.

Developers should be allowed to make it right. Hello Games have made it right. They have clearly learnt from their screw up. The principle should be 'if you screw up, you learn from that and you make it right'. Not 'if you screw up, that's it no chance of redemption'.
I need more thumbs. 👍👍


People just decide to buy the game, based on the features. That's literally it.

It's said to have now sold on par with many AAA games, though what that means is somewhat up in the air.

Hello Games is a really small development team. At launch they had like 14 devs. They've made A TON of money at launch and much more over the years with ervery new free update. They have more than enough to support themselves for life if they wanted to.


If everyone thought like you then the developers would have no incentive to make it right.

You would rather send the message that no matter what you do, even though you screwed up years ago at launch, even after 20 free updates, you would rather say I'm not playing your game because of 'principles'.

Developers should be allowed to make it right. Hello Games have made it right. They have clearly learnt from their screw up. The principle should be 'if you screw up, you learn from that and you make it right'. Not 'if you screw up, that's it no chance of redemption'.


Wow... downloaded this on my PS5 to give it a try again, the only frame rate settings are either locked 30fps or unlocked?? The unlocked frame rate feels AWFUL, super choppy and inconsistent. Locked 30fps feels even worse. Am I missing something?


Wow... downloaded this on my PS5 to give it a try again, the only frame rate settings are either locked 30fps or unlocked?? The unlocked frame rate feels AWFUL, super choppy and inconsistent. Locked 30fps feels even worse. Am I missing something?

The game is locked at 60, I don't get it.. maybe you're playing PS4 version on PS5? I tried it days ago, and it was fine idk


The game is locked at 60, I don't get it.. maybe you're playing PS4 version on PS5? I tried it days ago, and it was fine idk
I'm playing the PS5 version and it's definitely not a locked 60fps. If I'm just standing around, sure it's 60fps, but if I start exploring or flying around a planet it drops into the 40's.


It’s pretty stellar in VR, though I would recommend it on PC with an RTX card for DLSS. It makes a world of difference.
If they will adapt their procedural engine to use foveated rendering on PSVR2, it will shine, on VR, with the best next gen version.

Still, adapting a procedural engine for FR may be more difficult than a regular engine. It may be complex to procedurally generate separate areas from the whole. But man, I really hope they will do it.
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