I'm glad that the third JEAN CENAR/WYATT match is on that list. I really dug that match.
Good match that told a story but the finish just deflated the whole thing. And then their gimmick matches after just watered everything down...
I'm glad that the third JEAN CENAR/WYATT match is on that list. I really dug that match.
After this week, I'd probably give the promos from his HHH feud a watch, just to see the mannerisms and wonder when they were legit pissed, or if they were pissed the entire time.
Fair enough. The complaints could also be levelled at WCW Saturday Night before Nitro existed and TNA while they were in Orlando as well. Do you consider those periods of each company not pro wrestling?
The way you phrased it though makes me wish Lucha Underground episode 2 was a best of showLike Animated Clerks
I said i was done talking with you.
That's the dude that crippled him.im clearly missing something. why is DLo Brown the picture?
im clearly missing something. why is DLo Brown the picture?
Then stop replying to me. You can't make me to stop talking to you. The forum has an ignore feature if you want to go ahead and use it.
Some of your points literally made me laugh out loud. There's no reason for me not to respond to them with, you know, facts and stuff.
This is real heat boys, we've got to run with it, let it fly. This is ratings.
I'm dealing with a typical OTer. "Lol you stoopid because i hav factz. Wake up."
I'm dealing with a typical OTer. "Lol you stoopid because i hav factz. Wake up." Then proceeds argue for 200 pages, even if the other person doesn't want to argue, And never SHUTS THE HELL UP.
Guys, let's not fight. Some of us really enjoy LU and some of us simply don't. It's cool. It happens.
Because if there's one thing I'm really well known for, it's predominantly posting in OT.
You do realize that all you need to do for me to agree to disagree with you is say something like "Okay, I'll admit that Lucha Underground is wrestling. Terrible terrible wrestling." I mean, if you want to keep doubling down on the stupidness like 'It's shot in a sound stage!" go ahead, but I'm going to reply to you when you do, even if you tell me to stop or to fuck off.
Seriously, the ball is entirely in your court.
I don't see why Carnby is so mad. Makes no sense at all.
Its shot in a sound stage.
I'm dealing with a typical OTer. "Lol you stoopid because i hav factz. Wake up." Then proceeds argue for 200 pages, even if the other person doesn't want to argue, And never SHUTS THE HELL UP.
Real talk, what? This doesn't make sense. You just bow out a thread if you don't want to argue.
He's probably not that mad at all. I'm sure it's one of those things where people are reading the other 'sides' posts as if they're shouting in an annoying voice, and reading their own and those of people who agree with them, as if they're talking calmly and reasonably.
Yes. Like literally thousands of other hours of wrestling it was shot in a sound stage.
It's the reason I can't stand OT. Pages and pages of bickering over the stupidest shit in the world. Just like arguing over a "wrestling" show shot on a sound stages in front of fake fans.
It's the reason I can't stand OT. Pages and pages of bickering over the stupidest shit in the world. Just like arguing over a "wrestling" show shot on a sound stages in front of fake fans.
When every match is more scripted than a Randy Savage match and it's taped in front of a bunch of plants, it's NOT pro wrestling.
like wrestling ain't stupid shit, c'mon now
That's the dude that crippled him.
DLo was the one who paralyzed him.
damn it dlo
i liked you man
no wonder why his ass is in TNA
well, since the xfinity website doesn't want to stream me any more "Lucha Underground Not Wrestling Because Carnby Has Special Knowledge Telling Him That There Isn't a Single Real Fan In The Crowd and Because It's Shot on a Sound Stage" I'm going to turn in for the night.
And you can all resume your normal whatever you do when I'm not around.
Oh, and Carnby, one final little shot I wanted to send your way. You can't understand how anyone could like Lucha Underground. Let me tell you about that.
That's your deficiency, not everyone else's. People do like it. Your inability to comprehend it is just that. Your inability. Like your inability to understand that you don't get to really have an opinion on what words mean.
Peace out homes.
"I can't stand other people's opinions! Waaaah waahhhh."
My final thought. LU is not wrestling. It's a fucking joke that appeals to the smarkiest smarks. There's nothing else to understand.
Sooooo, is that your final final thought, or is it another "fuck off" or are you "done talking".
It's an artform godammit. It can't be sullied by sound stages and plant crowds.
Can you really blame him?
Lets look at it from his perspective:
- Punk depicts him as one of two things
- Bumbling idiot who doesn't know the companies schedule
- Egomaniacal overlord who books the product to boost his ego
- He abounded the company that made him rich during its weakest moment in decades
- Punk admits he wasn't the best to work with towards the end
- Punk politicizing himself in the main event is almost never a good thing for a promotion
- I'm sure in Hunter's eyes he has seen others sacrifice and be happy with half of what Punk has achieved
- Punk waited to release the interview when the product is at its weakest
- The interview shadows over the company even after a memorable PPV
- Punk's statements combined could lead to a complete change of management or at worse the elimination of the company.
- How is the company going to succeed the most or 2nd most popular person in wrestling left the company?
- Say what you want about HHH but he loves wrestling. How can he respect a man who's who gimmick was he was the best at it and loved it when he stops caring?
- Plus more shit we don't know.
That being said the company is at fault for most of if not everything that happened.
Their health policy drove what should have been a Hall of Famer into somebody who hates wrestling.
The hardest thing for the company has been growing new talent and not relying on older names. Right now that system is dedicated on pushing 1 person who is over with kids and the entire company is dependent on him being over.
Plus the company gives off a Jonestown feeling:
I'm sure Vince is considering a Punk documentary on the network that trashes him.
This is a damn good post. Plus i'm really looking forward to the Worst in the World: rise and fall of Philip Brooks network special.
Stro or Sunny should screencap this exchange about Lucha Underground as "The Self-Destruction of Carnby When He Gets Called Out on His Trolling About Lucha Underground."
Are you new around here? To you this was worth screen caping. For me it was Saturday night.
I'll be here all night with the same response. Just ask for it.
Well played, Bison.
So what's the deal with the talk of Cesaro someways back in the thread? What has he done in the past months that screams "FIRE ME" other than re-tweeting Colt's podcast?
Are you new around here? To you this was worth screen caping. For me it was Saturday night.