So just clarifying, you are allowed to not like male wrestlers, but not liking a specific female wrestler is a terrible thing and makes you a sexist right, that's how this works?
When you're you, almost certainly, friendo.
So just clarifying, you are allowed to not like male wrestlers, but not liking a specific female wrestler is a terrible thing and makes you a sexist right, that's how this works?
She still impressed me. Sad she ended up how she did in the ring but glad she's not too banged up in retirement, or at least I think she is.
WWE Live on in about 8 hours! Can't wait. Ambrose vs Wyatt and Kane sounds pretty damn amazing, but i'm probably more in the mood for Ziggler vs Cesaro. This is gonna be fun~!
When you're you, almost certainly, friendo.
Man, it's a shame that female wrestling on the main roster is so uninteresting and we have AJ and Paige there...Oh, I totally agree with you. I was totally on the Candice train leading up to that injury. I was excited for her to get back, but it never really worked out unfortunately.
Hard to hate a guy that takes time out for the kids.
'Never give up!' John Cena encourages young fan to 'keep fighting' through health issues
The only good thing from Paige/AJ is it has allowed Paige to show some personality and get better at talking and generally being an asshole.
On the other hand, it has revealed how stale and annoying as shit AJ has become and how nothing she does in the ring looks good because she has Yukes level impact on all moves due to being a mosquito.
Thanks for the Naruto spoilers guys, seriously fuck you.
Thanks for the Naruto spoilers guys, seriously fuck you.
I love this GIF.
TAZ ✔ @OfficialTAZ
.@HeymanHustle @JoeyStyles @WWENetwork I guess for a movement/company that SO MANY bashed, ripped & laughed at...still is relevant. 2 Funny.
The irony is it comes from a TNA employee that recently is trying to sponge off of ECW as much as possible....Paul Heyman ✔ @HeymanHustle
. @OfficialTAZ HUGE difference between "relevant" and "exploited," which I'll be happy to explain Monday night. @JoeyStyles @WWENetwork @WWE
3:05 PM - 6 Nov 2014
I still want Punk to come back. He was entertaining as fuckwhen he wasn't saddled with stories he didnt care about
I would fuck you, friend. I would take it seriously.
John Cena covering the little boy's eyes.
The guy on far right. Lol
Quixkly skimmed the top of the ghread and thought best Candice was injured. Went back a page and all is well.
La Parka punching a dude in the face trying to pull his mask off:
Someone should make a better GIF or that than the one that's there.
Cena still sucks.
But John Cena is the only person in the WWE who cares about cancer!
What if Thanos starred in an 80s situational comedy?