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Now Bluepoint are intimately familiar with Demon's Souls, would you give them a shot at a sequel?


Gold Member
When they get their chance to make something completely new and original I'd rather see the studio do something that's 100% Bluepoint instead of having them work on an existing IP with an established style, lore and gameplay.

With that said, if Sony could get both Bluepoint and FROM to work together on Bloodborne 2 that could be cool. Let FROM do the art direction, level design, enemy design, story, bosses, etc and have Bluepoint handle the tech so it looks nice and runs smoothly
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I could see them collaborating with From. But I don't know about them developing from scratch. Besides, I don't know if From would let that happen. I feel like they treat each of their Souls/Souls-like titles with such love and care.


I’d say just let them continue their collaboration with Japan Studios. Japan Studious does the creative side while Bluepoint does their magic on the technical side.


Just take a moment and imagine WTF Kojima is cooking now after that eye-melting graphics of Death Stranding!
Hopefully a bigger budget too and something more enticing for the masses (not saying that necesseraly for me but he was disappointed with sales numbers)


Short answer is no. I think they need to work with a good game developer in a supportive role to get exposure to good game design before expanding their team and making their own game.


They are a talented studio for sure...but there is a big difference between remaking games and building one from the ground up,particularly games as beloved as the Souls ones.
Maybe a collab with Japan Studio could be successful,but honestly I'd be more than happy with them just being the studio that brought back classic Sony games from the past.
No. Remastering a game and making an innovative sequel aren't even slightly the same thing. It makes sense for Sony to have a studio that works exclusively on remasters. I just wish they'd grace us with a Resistance trilogy remaster next...


No. I think that Bluepoint are great at building from a template. And there's nothing wrong with that. They should stick at remaking games or be in a supportive role where another studio directs them. Maybe they could support SIE Japan Studio?
What I really want to see is Bluepoint make MotorStorm: Apocalypse Remake. Seeing cities getting destroyed around while racing in PS5 is gonna be a site to see.

Don't put that false hope in my head

Just fucking remake MGS already, Jesus titty fucking Christ.

Aight I'm out

Someone insinuating them redoing KOTOR for Bioware or something and I might have a mild aneurysm
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I don't go to Maaco and ask them to design and build me a car.

Bluepoint is good at what they do. Maybe they would make a good game, but as of now there is no evidence that they have that capability.
No. Let Demon's Souls be as it is.

BluePoint? I'd let them do what they want to do. If that involves bringing older games to life on a modern platform? Sure by all means. If they want to flex their creativity and make their own game? I'd let them do that too.


lol no, making a remake and a sequel for demons are 2 wildly different things.

I'm more curious about a new IP from them.
Nope. From Software should be the only ones making fresh Souls games. I love what Bluepoint have done, but the writing, gameplay and style should all come from Miyazaki and From. Western developers wouldn’t do the same job.

It never works when western devs take over Japanese IP.
That is how I feel about it too


I think they can. Just take the framework of what Demon's Souls is and build upon it. If they don't have the talent, hire it.
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The giants archstone would've been a great opportunity to show what they are capable of. But I understand they wanted to keep the game completely authentic as well. Do they deserve a shot at an own project? Absolutely. They've done great work so far.


Only if Miyazki was at the Top. Souls games aren’t the same without him.

Plenty of other remakes they can do.

MGS ( with Kojima )
Castlevania SOTN
KillZone 2
Syphon Filter


No. Don't think they are ready yet unless it is a collaboration with Japan studio. Very much possible.

Maybe hire designers from FS.


I honestly can't think of a tougher challenge for any studio, let alone one that hasn't made a new game in over a decade.


No, please. As much as I don't want bloodborne 2.

It's fine as it is, let them either remake something different and be excellent as well or start something new.

But building on froms legacy just feels/seems wrong.


Gold Member
So been thinking about this, they've basically been working from the raw source code, they've ported all the A.I. and logic over as-is, and redoing the animations will give them proper context for how attacks are paced and balanced per weapon. There are already rumours of a Sony buyout, so if push came to shove and Sony brought them in as first party would you feel comfortable giving them the reigns to completely have a shot at bringing a unique sequel?
Absolutely not.

If it doesn't come from Miyasaki then I don't wanna hear it. It's one thing to beautify a game. It's a whole nother challenge to create one in the spirit of a beloved franchise.

I'm looking at you 343 Industries.
Eventually they need to make their own stuff. Relying on remakes and remasters is like a slow death. At this stage, they are mainly technical team. No original art, no original design. That is not good for a studio specially in the long run.


Maybe a Souls like game, it doesn't need to be Demons 2. Would be cool if From would come in and codevelop with them

They have a lot of talent and have pretty much tutored themselves on some of the best and most unique games the industry has - MGS, God of War, Demons Souls, SOTC

I think they are in a unique position to take their learnings and apply it to something really fresh



They made an amazing remake of Shadow of the Colossus, but they are not Fumito Ueda and his team. They are not From Software and can never be From Software. This does not mean they cannot make a great game of their own, but it cannot be Demon’s Souls 2 without From or Miyazaki.

They should make their own IP or continue to be the best remake/remaster studio out there.
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