Has someone locked-up Rainbow 6 yet?
I think MS got it.
Has someone locked-up Rainbow 6 yet?
Not bad. Those are some pretty decent deals.SO far the prevailing thoughts are that it was a combination of a weekly GameStop promotion offering $125 off an XB1 with trade in of a PS3 or 360 along with the initial sales boost that accompanied the MCC bundle's release. Those are really the only two sales drivers that occurred for XB1 in April outside of some retailer specific ACU bundles as far as anyone seems to know. Please do correct me if I am mistaken though.
Edit: Apparently there was also a BestBuy trade in discount
How much is it down YoY on the month? I doubt its more than anything outside of statistical noise unless it did really well (for WiiU) last year. That said, the system is in a weird place now despite its stronger library, so it slowly slipping isn't surprising and when the MK8 month rolls around, it will really plummet.
The 3DS is more interesting to track right now because its interesting to see how well or not the N3DS will keep the baseline up, and as of so far its seemingly do its job as intended.
Has someone locked-up Rainbow 6 yet? I'd consider that bigger than Mad Max
Is rooting for a console/company really that different from rooting for a sports team in the grand scheme of things though? I never understood either but I can't really see much difference between the two. Its not like you get anything in return for rooting for a team/company in either case.
I guess it is so low that it would be considered a joke but no, that is literally what they sold this week.
If you haven't been following, yeah, the XB1 is deader than dead in Japan. There was a week or two where it dropped to the double digits.
Who cares about Raibow Six when Halo 5, Black Ops 3 and Battlefront will be available?
I'd expect more people to know what Halo, Tomb Raider, Forza, and Gears are than would know any of those titles, except maybe Godzilla because it had a movie last year. At least stateside, XB1's announced fall lineup has much broader appeal than PS4's does currently, barring any E3 megatons.Except for Persona 5, Godzilla, Dragon Quest Heroes, NMS, Grim Fandango, Hotline Miami 2, and almost all JRPGs being brought to the states, yeah, you're right.
Apparently brand loyalty is more akin to religion than rooting for a sports team. I read an article once about how people's brains respond similarly to favorite company logos as to religious iconsIs rooting for a console/company really that different from rooting for a sports team in the grand scheme of things though? I never understood either but I can't really see much difference between the two. Its not like you get anything in return for rooting for a team/company in either case.
I'm a Sony fan with no intent right now to purchase and XBOX 1 but even I can see the tide in the USA slowing turning. I mean news of no no big releases until next year with another horrible fall lineup can't be helping Sony PR in the USA. Sony is going to need a price cut to even compete with XBOX 1 this fall in the states. They might be forced to cut it by a temporary $100 at least during BF with a $50 permanent price decrease after or just before that.
I suppose rooting for a console is a bit better, because a console's success does impact the support it gets, which impacts anyone who owns the console. Whereas although I follow some sports teams, even though the result of the game has no actual impact on me.
Today is a good day.
Holy balls the LTD for XB1 is 51k? That's terrible
and who cares about those game when Just cause 3 coming out!?Who cares about Raibow Six when Halo 5, Black Ops 3 and Battlefront will be available?
Ubisoft does.
3DS is at ~115k vs last year's 106k, it totally did not do its job (and unlike Japan, the original baseline isn't even decent)
Nintendo 7th gen vs 8th gen sales comparison.
April 2009 vs April 2015
Nintendo Wii - 340,000
Nintendo Wii U - 43,000 (-87,35%)
Nintendo DS (DSi launch month) - 1,040,000
Nintendo 3DS - 116,000 (-88,85%)
In constrast, the 360 sold 61k in its first week, and the original Xbox sold twice that.
The 3DS is old. The N3DS is doing exactly its job of not letting the baseline crash any further.
Xbox 360 sold way more than PS3 in US, so I assume a good amount of people see Xbox One as a natural choice.
Ubisoft will send Rainbow Six to die, will be 3rd shooter option for PS4 owners and 4th for Xbox one owners on holidays.
Ubisoft will send Rainbow Six to die, will be 3rd shooter option for PS4 owners and 4th for Xbox One owners on holidays.
Nintendo 7th gen vs 8th gen sales comparison.
April 2009 vs April 2015
Nintendo Wii - 340,000
Nintendo Wii U - 43,000 (-87,35%)
Nintendo DS (DSi launch month) - 1,040,000
Nintendo 3DS - 116,000 (-88,85%)
There isn't much XB1 footage out there, as opposed to the PS4.
Even all the reviews were of the PS4 version.
I wouldn't be surprised if TW3 sold more on the PS4.
Nintendo 7th gen vs 8th gen sales comparison.
April 2009 vs April 2015
Nintendo Wii - 340,000
Nintendo Wii U - 43,000 (-87,35%)
Nintendo DS (DSi launch month) - 1,040,000
Nintendo 3DS - 116,000 (-88,85%)
What are you talking about 40 minutes was put up today on youtube?
And it was being streamed on twitch for xbox one?
Has someone locked-up Rainbow 6 yet? I'd consider that bigger than Mad Max
Yeah, they were smart to hold off until after the movie released. It's going to thrust Mad Max back into the public consciousness at just the right time. Hopefully the game is as good as the movie.Brand power wise I agree!
But mad max will be a surprise hit like sleeping dogs, only I think because of how well the movie is being received, it will get a huge boost.
Unless XB1 pulls ahead in May, I'm not seeing much "tide turning".
Gap is now below 700k
Zhuge make the graph![]()
regardless, Splatoon predictions?![]()
Anybody post how much BB sold in April?
Mind blown that MK is still relevant...
Mind blown that MK is still relevant...
you don't know that, it could easily dip even more
regardless, Splatoon predictions?![]()