Yep still excellent! Massive success for Neathrealm really. Also biggest launch of 2015 I believe?
Yes, Hardline sold more than 1 million (Less than 1.1m I suppose).
Yep still excellent! Massive success for Neathrealm really. Also biggest launch of 2015 I believe?
So Wii U back to dead status. That sure didn't take long.
BB ~82k is so sweet.
The king... has returned. In this game of thrones, where there can be only one market leader, the market... has spoken. A few years into last generation, the 360 unexpectedly got a boost from a hardware revision, kinect, and a price cut and never looked back, dominating the remainder of the generation. Now, history has repeated itself, but much sooner than anyone could have guessed.
Microsoft didn't need a price cut and they told Sony "you could have those measly third party marketing deals". They said we're gonna win this on the power of our brand alone. Sony underestimated how long it takes to make next-generation games and is left without anything significant to show for this critical holiday season. So they're throwing around what little money they have left in their chauffeurs hoping something sticks.
Now that the DRM fiasco is forgotten and the kinect has become optional, the value proposition has been turned on its head. The masses are flocking back to the Xbox brand in record numbers. Microsoft is one-upping, so to speak, Sony at every turn. You got Plus? We got Gold. You got Bloodborne, yeah we got Scalebound. You got The Order, have some Gears Remastered, what you wish The Order was. They told fans to find the truth, and boy did the fans ever find it. Be prepared... Halo... is... coming.
Sony could spend their efforts trying to win the rest of the world, but Microsoft is perfectly content with dominating the good ole US of A. Win april, check. Win May, no problem. Dominate E3... done and done. Momentum is a funny thing... once it gets going, good luck trying to stop it. I don't envy Sony's position one bit. To build a lead only to see that lead whittled away until it's eventually overtaken. That one poster above may be physically rattled by this news, but the bigger story is how these NPD results have forever, and irreversibly, left Sony, and it's fans, straight shook.
This is good news for the console industry, and for the sake of competition.
Regardless of if Sony drops PS4's price, they'll have to compete harder.
290k including DigitalAnyone remember MP10 last month?
Was there a stock shortage at Sony?
PS4 is now done 3/4 months versus last year, despite having lots of bundles and deals that they didn't have last year at this time. It's falling further and further behind the PS2. Wii sold 721K in it's second April, more than 4X the PS4's number, so there is lots of room for improvement.
People still think there will be no price drop this year?
The reason PS4 needs a price drop has nothing to do with MS outselling them by a small amount.
It needs a price drop because it is down YoY for the entire first quarter. If Sony want to maintain momentum and be up YoY its time to cut price before this holiday.
This + missed Forecast last year.
Missed forecast? They did 400k better than the revised forecast.
Forecast: 17m
Revision: 17.5m
Real: 17.9m
This is good news for the console industry, and for the sake of competition.
Regardless of if Sony drops PS4's price, they'll have to compete harder.
If it still tracks with the Wii and PS2.....great for Sony, the PS4. But I think they would look at month to month, year to year numbers for their current console vs what the Wii and PS2 did.
Some things these companies do does seem like console wars but we have to remember these are businesses first n foremost. Even with the Wii U selling so poorly Nintendo is still making profits with other gaming related things.
Did cream already leaked a graph or something?
Xbox One - 187k
Wii U - 43k
3DS - 116k (Little error in the data)
Glad to see the thread has calmed down. Hopefully rational heads will prevail now that the overreacters and the doomsday men have had their fill.
Was there a stock shortage at Sony?
Why is it that when the Xbox wins for the month people blow it off like it's not important? Whereas if the PS4 had won there would be cheers and tears of joy.
The system is fantastic and it's great to see it doing well and with both systems selling- it's obvious consoles aren't dead.
The pie has been at the table for a few hours now.
That only happened in Amazon, which only has 5-6% of the marketshare.
That only happened in Amazon, which only has 5-6% of the marketshare.
Kill it! Kill this phrase with fire! It's agonizing and completely wrong xD!!This is good news for the console industry, and for the sake of competition.
Regardless of if Sony drops PS4's price, they'll have to compete harder.
Actually didn't happened. Standard console was sold out but The Last of Us bundle was available all the time.
I think that's about 25% higher than Mortal Kombat 9's debut and we're in an age where digital is a major component of launch for a game like this.x > 1.25, 4 ~ 58.7%
2 ~ 105, 4 ~ 51%, 1 ~ 42%
Projecting may, The Witcher 3 marketing is associated to Xbox One, so maybe Microsoft will secure another victory.
I think that's about 25% higher than Mortal Kombat 9's debut and we're in an age where digital is a major component of launch for a game like this.
MKX did better on PS4... it is a fighting game so expected.Kill it! Kill this phrase with fire! It's agonizing and completely wrong xD!!
Seriously though, wasn't expecting XBO at #1. Wonder if MKX had any affect in doing that. It...kinda seems like a game people would associate with the Xbox more imho (and yeash, for something as dumb as having an "X" in its title).
Projecting may, The Witcher 3 marketing is associated to Xbox One, so maybe Microsoft will secure another victory.
Projecting may, The Witcher 3 marketing is associated to Xbox One, so maybe Microsoft will secure another victory.
Gonna be interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox won another close month in May. You never know though PS4 could take it as well.
Really surprised there is no Witcher Xbone bundle. Seems a missed opportunity.
Not sure what that means sorry... At the table?
Maybe it's because they already have 2 bundles on market.
That's very doubtful. Amazon Witcher sales are currently very PS4 centric. In may we have #4 for PS4 and #27 for XB1.
As for console sales in April, Amazon clearly hinted that Xbone will win.
PS4 #41
Ac Unity X1 #42
MCC Xbox One #52
Batman PS4 #96
#42 + #52 beat #41
Projecting may, The Witcher 3 marketing is associated to Xbox One, so maybe Microsoft will secure another victory.
Kill it! Kill this phrase with fire! It's agonizing and completely wrong xD!!
Seriously though, wasn't expecting XBO at #1. Wonder if MKX had any affect in doing that. It...kinda seems like a game people would associate with the Xbox more imho (and yeash, for something as dumb as having an "X" in its title).
That didn't prevent them from announcing The Witcher bundle in Europe.
13kSo anyone know by how much the XBO outsold the PS4?
So anyone know by how much the XBO outsold the PS4?
Amazon was not a good indicator in april because vanilla PS4 was sold out and apparently people take several days to figure out that was a bundle at the same price for purchase.
Abdiel that works at Best Buy said that PS4 sold better in april, I believe Gamestop trade-in is the main factor for Xbox One win.
So anyone know by how much the XBO outsold the PS4?
Wow, not by much.187k vs 174k
PS2.Because it's better for you when it's a close race and both are striving for every little bit to get an edge. If you have no horse in the race, having things close is better for you when it comes to value.
Companies that have no real competition get complacent and boring. That shit sucks.
Lol CBOAT's December prediction rises from the grave.~13k.
There is... digital.There is a bundle in Europe? Didn't know that.