Xbone is closing the gap.
Seriously though, those numbers are dire. I wonder just how long Sony will sustain a no price drop attitude.
if they lose the next couple months you can bet your ass they're dropping the price
Xbone is closing the gap.
Seriously though, those numbers are dire. I wonder just how long Sony will sustain a no price drop attitude.
It's an impact but not enough to win entire monthly NPD's. With Walmart, Bestbuy, Amazon, etc., I highly doubt not even a majority of purchasers (over 50%) used that promotion that was only by one retailer. Most people probably just picked up a MCC bundle at whatever store they happened to be at. In fact according to your chart, if you take the other retailers, there is plenty of more dealings other than Gamestop. Walmart is 25%, Target 15%, Bestbuy 12%, Amazon 6% - these retailers did not hold a trade-in Xbox One promotion and make substantial sales.
if they lose the next couple months you can bet your ass they're dropping the price
No way. They are leading Worldwide 1.75:1 and they are the more expensive console.if they lose the next couple months you can bet your ass they're dropping the price
It's a risky strategy they're taking. If they actually care about market share that is. Sony does seem to carry a cavalier attitude. Compared to Microsoft who seem aggressive. There's hardly any response from Sony it seems - especially considering they position Playstation at the heart of their future success.
This is amazing. Definitely will make life easier. :OOne of those explosive threads. My chrome extension to the rescue
Does positive reception of a platform on E3 affect sales visibly? It will be exciting to follow sales leading to and after E3.
if they lose the next couple months you can bet your ass they're dropping the price
Yes, they'll just stick to the original plan and drop the price for the holidays.No way. They are leading Worldwide 1.75:1 and they are the more expensive console.
Xbone is closing the gap.
Seriously though, those numbers are dire. I wonder just how long Sony will sustain a no price drop attitude.
No way. They are leading Worldwide 1.75:1 and they are the more expensive console.
The actual take away is that everyone this month did numbers that are really not good for anyone. These are not monthly numbers we want to see for a console in its second year.
Consoles are still on a decent trajectory overall, but it's months like these that make one wonder just how strong these numbers really are or if it's still a bit inflated from how long the past generation was and if we're still going to see major growth contraction even ignoring the Wii.
Wait what? They beat Sony in a month no one expected, they haven't had any good games come out in a long while, yet still beat SonyLater this year at the Paris event or TGS would be my guess. But they don't even need to do that.
Xbox One out-sold them by 13k? That's not really great news for MS.
It's a risky strategy they're taking. If they actually care about market share that is. Sony does seem to carry a cavalier attitude. Compared to Microsoft who seem aggressive. There's hardly any response from Sony it seems - especially considering they position Playstation at the heart of their future success.
spekkeh said:I dunno, I'm probably putting the cart before the horse here, but it kind of seems like the console warriorism is one of the few reasons the Xbox One is still selling. There's very little reason to buy an Xbox One other than prior allegiance. Wii U ostensibly has a better value proposition, but doesn't sell, also because it was met with global apathy. Nobody's talking about it, hence nobody's buying it. Outside of the US, the Xbone is just as dead as the Wii U, because it's met with the same apathy. People wanting a console buy a PS4, but not in the insane numbers to offset anything.
spekkeh said:Competition is probably a good thing right now. The PS4 is not like the PS2 where it has massive casual appeal for its DVD player and can go on to sell 150 million. It doesn't have that value proposition.
They are going to drop the price this year, and I still don't know what this means. Sony cares about marketshare - which is why they still have more sales in North America and a super significantly larger marketshare in the rest of the world. PS4 basically has double XBO sales worldwide.
It's not a "cavalier" attitude, it's simply a company that understands it can't take the financial risks it used to and is riding the price point for as long as possible until it's no longer tenable. It's still tenable.
You may be waiting for a while.Now we have to wait for Sony response.
I really disagree with this entire notion. Obviously people want the XBO in the US; nobody is going to spend $349.99 for "console warriorism."
So Xbox is leading but both consoles sold under 200k.
I guess we can call it April, but that seems pretty low to me.
Wait what? They beat Sony in a month no one expected, they haven't had any good games come out in a long while, yet still beat Sony
I'm pretty sure they are looking at yesterday as a great victory
Somewhat of a head scratcher, did Microsoft drop something last month in order to garner this victory?
Bundles? Last game I purchased on there was Ori?
Never winter? Goat simulator?
Obviously those things play a part, but a lot of decisions are based on emotion and not (or just as much as) on rationality, and our biases direct our perception. Do we really want FH2, or do we want what our peers consider is something good. Or even that we are led to believe they consider as good. Saying we buy it for console warriorism is just a silly as saying someone is intrinsically driven to buy FH2 based on some kind of wholly rational deduction process. Rather, it's a decision based on a myriad of encapsulated prior experiences, identification and self-efficacy, and group pressures.I really disagree with this entire notion. Obviously people want the XBO in the US; nobody is going to spend $349.99 for "console warriorism." Even if we could find a person that would, that section of the market would be so tiny as to essentially be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. People want the XBO because it has a decent price proposition versus the competition and it has games people do want, like Forza Horizon 2, Ori, Sunset Overdrive and more. It's not because of some magical voodoo or anything.
Sure, but for us a big games market is generally in line with our interests.Competition is just competition, it doesn't have a value as good or bad![]()
"A great victory"?
I'm sure they're glad they didn't lose even more ground in U.S. That happiness might be short-lived considering the situation they're in.
If MS isn't happy with the state of things WW, then they just don't need to win. They need to win by a whole lot in their main territories to make up for what's happening in the rest of the world. I don't see how this is an offensive notion or news??
My main point is, I don't think losing by 13k is enough to push Sony towards a reactionary price cut. I think that price cut was already planned for just before the holidays this year.
This is great news for Xbox owners and gamers in general. It shows that the console industry is healthy and alive.
Now we have to wait for Sony response.
I'm really surprised Xbox One got a month that wasn't part of the holidays.
Easter is a holiday
Later this year at the Paris event or TGS would be my guess. But they don't even need to do that.
Xbox One out-sold them by 13k? That's not really great news for MS. They really do need to dominate NA and UK to have a shot of not drowning WW.
If Sony continues to win or keep it close in those areas while pulling away RotW, I don't see MS being happy about that at all.
What happened in May 2014 ???
(Or was this the month where they announced the 399 SKU but it was noch available yet ?)
This good for everyone but the fanboys. I'm really surprised Xbox One got a month that wasn't part of the holidays.
Like I said in the other thread, honestly surprised that Xbox pulled this off so close to the bloodborne release. That game should have had more sales momentum imo. No idea what happened there.
So this results are interesting in terms of US while WW it changes absolutely nothing.
I fail to see how this is "good" for anyone except Microsoft fanboys. They get a talking point.
Everyone else is faced with what can be described as mediocre sales at best.
Xbox one is already close to 299. If Sony drops the price to 299, Microsoft needs to drop the price to 249 at least to be competitive IMO.Both consoles will be 299.99$ at e3, almost guaranteed.
The whole "winning" this is quite pointless, I'd say. They are selling lots of console and are most probably happy with that.
It is Sony which is selling at a extraordinary pace, yet, I don't think Microsoft is in a bad situation with XB1.
On the contrary, MS not doing anything remarkable, with no big release and coming on top for this month is probably being met favourably in Seattle. They didnt push for it this month it seems.
They'll do what they did last year to dominate later, with the added bonus of heavy hitters. Fully expect them to do the biggest numbers for consoles during xmas period.
Of course will not matter WW, but i believe MS key markets are US/UK which looks like theyre still investing a lot of effort in.
Nope, guaranteed.Both consoles will be 299.99$ at e3, almost guaranteed.
Amazing the PS4 was only slightly behind this month and still sells for $50 more.
Fuck Konami
Even if Xbox One had a year head start, it would still be in 2nd. Consumers decided the winner when the Xbox One was revealed. Too big of a hole to dig out of.
If every Generation was 2 or 3 years long, then I would 100% agree. When they are 7-10, anything can happen. Its not like MS are doing terribly, so there is certainly room for them to improve.