Final couple of charts from me.
Wow, this one really illustrates what a ridiculous outlier last generation really was.
Final couple of charts from me.
Final couple of charts from me.
One showing 2014 vs 2015 sales for PS4 and X1 in the USA and the second graph shows annual sell through for each generation for the first 10 years.
You can click to make larger.
When PS4 leads, its unstoppable, the superior console, best value, but when XB1 leads, its only because of promotions and deals.
What's your thought process here? Why do you see the demand increasing further in the absence of a new bundle debut or trade in discount advantages? At the very least I don't see how XB1 would take June with the Batman Bundle selling remarkably well. Seems to me that bundle will inflate PS4 demand in June by a significant margin and lead to record sales.
What happens February 2016?
When PS4 leads, its unstoppable, the superior console, best value, but when XB1 leads, its only because of promotions and deals.
Wow, this one really illustrates what a ridiculous outlier the Wii really was.
This post only makes sense if you have zero understanding of context.
So this is likely the peak year for Gen 8?
Fixed. 360 and PS3 were relatively normal until the Kinect gave the 360 its second wind.
Fixed. 360 and PS3 were relatively normal until the Kinect gave the 360 its second wind.
Not even close to true. Neither the 360 nor PS3 followed the path of any sort of console before them both being significantly more back loaded than the front loaded consoles of Yesteryear.
Yeah I said maybe with the exception of June. While the Batman Bundle will definitely give the PS4 a boost, I don't think it'll be at the level of Destiny last year. I don't think people have that great an impression of Batman right now after Origins (yes it wasn't RockSteady, but nobody outside of GAF knows or cares) and people have a poor opinion of the Batman vs. Superman teasers. I think MS will have a great E3 this year because I think they can sense that they can perhaps take the overall lead back from Sony in the US, and will therefore throw everything they've got at the Xbone. The deals offered by MS won't end with what they had in April, which while big, was not widespread among retailers.
As E3 emphasizes the greatness of the holiday lineup, I think more and more Americans will be going for the Xbone to prepare for all those big games after seeing that Sony doesn't have anything for the latter half of this year. My prediction is based on my assumption that MS will continue to give great deals, possibly even better than what we've yet seen.
My thinking on this is just that the boost Xbone will get from the amazing holiday lineup should cool down a bit by then and UC4 should be releasing sometime near there, so that hype will maybe end the Xbone sales lead from the holidays.
You have different taste. Is that clear? It doesn't mean that Toukiden or Tomorrow Children or NMS are less attractive games cuz they aren't Halo or Tomb Raider caliber. Right? Right.
MS won April cuz trade-in deals.
Here : ( minus Ratchet & Clank and you can add GeOW if you want ) GIVE ME SHOOTERS
Not in this world. This won't be the first generation where production costs go down. If you want to compete for mega dollars in this market, your cost has gone up. Way up. The type of executable you're compiling on your middleware won't change that. Indies being around and lively (especially on PC and mobile) doesn't change that either.
It really seems like your prediction is based on Sony announcing absolutely nothing than MS continuing to have good deals.
What is this blasphemy?
Which is why I think Sony will fall on its face this E3. If they had games to talk about they would do so to avoid the above issues with current sales. The only thing they are announcing is Game Delays.
I'm not saying Sony will be announcing nothing, but they won't be announcing anything of real significance for this holiday. There's only approximately 6 months left. I think most everyone agrees that that is definitely not enough time for the first reveal for a big, marketed game. If they did, you know how big of a disservice Sony would be doing to that developer? I mean, I can't believe a big game, that the dev's been spending 2 or 3 years at least to develop, being mentioned for the very first time 6 months before the game is going to launch is going to make any dev very happy.
The best I think we can hope for is something like an LBP3. Do you consider that a game that would affect my prediction in any way?
Wow, this one really illustrates what a ridiculous outlier last generation really was.
Love that you incorporated this chart into your stable since last month, it's really fun to see for me![]()
Lol. I love that you put the No Dreamcast at the bottom. Amazing work as always Zhuge.
What is this blasphemy?
Zhuge is clearly showing his PlayStation fanboyism here, by trying to wipe any record of the Dreamcast from the history books. When will these Sony shills ever stop?
So this is likely the peak year for Gen 8?
You make a cogent argument there, sir.
I suppose I should have seen this coming when Sony announced that 30 minutes of their E3 conference would be spent discussing the games they're postponing until 2016, but it's perfectly clear now. Thank you.
When PS4 leads, its unstoppable, the superior console, best value, but when XB1 leads, its only because of promotions and deals.
I originally believed Ps4 could make it to 25 million by e3. I no longer believe that.
Do you still believe 1% of China will buy the PS4?
Do you still think I'm a troll?Do you still believe 1% of China will buy the PS4?
Do you still believe 1% of China will buy the PS4?
For folks suggesting E3 price drops, I'd ask whether you believe that's ever happened before. I think the number of E3 price drops is almost nil. Model launches (Xbox 360 S) -- ok, but that's not a price drop, it's a value change.
Sony has tended to do price drops around GamesCom. Not sure what they're planning this year.
Microsoft -- well, their price cut history is kind of not clear. They've done a lot of seasonal deals and bundles (remember the college/school bundling a few summers ago?) and service packages (remember the "buy Live for two years, get console for $99"?). I don't see any precedent for a price drop announcement at E3.
Edit: Not to mention, with the exception of MGS3 bundle, I don't think there's any history of giant hardware sales movements in the summer months. If I were one of these companies, I'd lay low and suffer through June-July-August and then hit hard in September. See: Microsoft and Xbox/Halo history.
Wii U has sold/is selling so little, that I don't think a price drop will really help at all. Nintendo's making the right move here because, as Gamecube showed, the lower price is not going to help much.
However, I do think 3DS, especially with New 3DS, does have some room for growth, and a price drop is necessary. At the very least, they can get more of the 3/2DS/XL base to upgrade, increasing the actual active userbase. Even if they don't necessarily attract new owners, getting current owners to get new hardware and games would definitely help.
The last few pages have had some interesting discussions surprisingly. Someone mentioned this before, but it'll be interesting to see how these successful indies take their talents to the next level. The Wii U's retail software ecosystem has been completely barren, but their eShop has been doing pretty well all things considered. That, plus the generally large uptake of digital games across all current-gen platforms seems to show that there is SOME growth to partly counteract the decline in retail. Maybe the smaller publishers like Deep Silver can step in like they've done with Mighty No.9 so far, and start serving these underserved demographics with smaller/medium retail titles that started off as digital titles. Like I could definitely see Playtonic as a group that could turn into a larger studio, even producing retail games and the like. They definitely have mentioned making multiple games in their universe, so they could also create a following that way purely digitally as well. Will be interesting to seeHell yeah there is. And every time a Dying Light, a Bloodborne, or even a Mortal Kombat sets some type of sales record in a particular month or for a particular genre, that message is delivered. As it is when a game like Hardline comes out and struggles... while these other "niche" titles sell incredibly well, the message is reinforced. Some (maybe one) publisher "gets" that right now. I think others are learning with every sales announcement or NPD release.
Make some gawdammed games, publishers. What the hell are you people doing??
For folks suggesting E3 price drops, I'd ask whether you believe that's ever happened before. I think the number of E3 price drops is almost nil. Model launches (Xbox 360 S) -- ok, but that's not a price drop, it's a value change.
Sony has tended to do price drops around GamesCom. Not sure what they're planning this year.
Microsoft -- well, their price cut history is kind of not clear. They've done a lot of seasonal deals and bundles (remember the college/school bundling a few summers ago?) and service packages (remember the "buy Live for two years, get console for $99"?). I don't see any precedent for a price drop announcement at E3.
Edit: Not to mention, with the exception of MGS3 bundle, I don't think there's any history of giant hardware sales movements in the summer months. If I were one of these companies, I'd lay low and suffer through June-July-August and then hit hard in September. See: Microsoft and Xbox/Halo history.
Do you still believe 1% of China will buy the PS4?
Do you still think I'm a troll?
Wow. I would ask if you're serious but I find no hints of sarcasm in your post.No games announced for PS4 this fall, X1 has had Halo,Forza,Tomb Raider. PS4 has Godzilla and a God of War remake, A Final Fantasy game. If I'm undecided PS4 could have a shit ton of games coming out in Fall, but if you don't know about them it's hard to make a decision about buying one.
Which is why I think Sony will fall on its face this E3. If they had games to talk about they would do so to avoid the above issues with current sales. The only thing they are announcing is Game Delays. Ratchet and Clank the most recent one. The lack of content is a direct result of Sony's financial troubles. They are turning it around now which I'm happy about. But these games take time to develop, which Sony didn't really have a ton of cash. Also just because PS4 is making money doesn't mean they are getting that money back. Sony I'm sure is allocating that some money to help some other struggling areas.
Um... not exactly haha. Here, please take a look-
USA - Wii U - ~3.95m, GC LTD - 11.8m
Hm, cool to hearHalo master chief collection hardware bundle killing it. Up big MoM. Likely due to the halo 5 TV campaign with the bundle In the end tag, and their big reveals and pushes recently for that title. Well planned on their part.
My thinking on this is just that the boost Xbone will get from the amazing holiday lineup should cool down a bit by then and UC4 should be releasing sometime near there, so that hype will maybe end the Xbone sales lead from the holidays.
Hell, the PS3 outsold the PS4 this very month, its 10th April on the Market.
No it didn't. Launch aligned, the PS3 had a better second April.Indeed.
Hell, the PS3 outsold the PS4 this very month, its 10th April on the Market.
Looks like the Wii U will finally reach 4M in the US this summer (aka it only needs 50K more right, so possibly in May)? While it's taken absolutely forever to get there, a milestone is a milestone I guess. I guess an eventual 5M LTD in the US isn't completely out of reach (assuming 500K this holiday...) And thanks for the work Zhuge!.
What happened to Bloodborne?
Digital sales >>>> physical?
Let's say:
May 2015 - 4M
December 31, 2015 - 4.6M
December 31, 2016 - 5.35M
November 2017 - 5.8M (Supposed NX release this month)
And maybe 6M in the whole cycle.
This is what I've been saying, but people tell me I'm wrong because Sony did like 12/13 years ago with the PS2. Oh well, glad someone seems to agree with the reasoning at least.
Holiday makes a lot more sense for obvious reasons, they will have first party software, big bundles with Star Wars and others probably, I can't see them deciding to do it for the summer when there aren't any big releases and a drop could have a bigger impact on the market
Niche title with tons of hype. It was never going to have a tail, let alone a long one. If someone didn't buy in early, the tons of impressions about it being hard as hell, constant dying, and long load times after each death meant that this was a game for the committed.
It's a great game, but I never believed it was a good investment by Sony to move consoles. The Order may have been a swing and a miss, but at least it the type of game that could attract a larger audience.
Niche title with tons of hype. It was never going to have a tail, let alone a long one. If someone didn't buy in early, the tons of impressions about it being hard as hell, constant dying, and long load times after each death meant that this was a game for the committed.
It's a great game, but I never believed it was a good investment by Sony to move consoles. The Order may have been a swing and a miss, but at least it the type of game that could attract a larger audience.