I expect a meltdown from the Sony-GAF folk and a ticker-tape parade from the Xbox-GAF.
Guys, don't let me down. I'll be back in a few pages.![]()
Didnt one of the retailers have a trade in promotion of US$175 trade in towards an XBO?
Edit: forgot how fast these threads move
Clearly the New 3DS didn't reinvigorate the platform like Nintendo expected it to.
Sony shouldn't worry, but I wish they did: the sooner they release 14nm $299 PS4 slim the better (for me)
Bloodborne seems to be front loaded, interesting, good exclusive from Sony.
didn't PS4 have the $125 deal the week prior?
didn't PS4 have the $125 deal the week prior?
What happened that made Xbox spike in sales?
The PS4 install base is higher.
Congrats Xbox.
Also I'm back!
Xbox One had a $125 credit trade-in deal for last gen consoles, a bunch of gift-card/free game/free controller/free XBL bundles across multiple retailers. It's not terribly surprising it won.
Xbox One - 187k
Wii U - 43k
3DS - 114k
didn't PS4 have the $125 deal the week prior?
What happened?
didn't PS4 have the $125 deal the week prior?
sony got way too cocky with the ps4 honestly, doesn't surprise me
What bumped Smash I wonder, the dlc?
Can a franchise that consistently sells 2m+ units be considered niche?
Unexpected. Could this be due to the batman bundle coming next month?
So.... Are we back to agreeing Bloodborne and Souls in general are niche games despite selling 1-2 million?
Hm, the effect Bloodborne was shorter than I thought. Sony ought to think again about releasing first party titles in Fall if they want to sell more than the competition in the US as Black Friday's big there.
With the major stuff like Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, Street Fighter V and their VR headset all releasing early 2016 and Until Dawn, The Tomorrow Children, Journey and God of War in the summer, that's a lot of releases that won't hit during the holiday rush.
I'm cool with it as there's still Persona 5 hopefully and a lot of 3rd party releases anyway but from their perspective this will likely spur some reaction over the next month leading into E3. Which is great!
didn't PS4 have the $125 deal the week prior?
This is also true of Bayonetta, which is definitely a niche product.Not so sure in my opinion.
1- Critical Acclaim, even by Mass media outlets
2- PS4 sales had a nice bump MoM in March, almost (but not quite) keeping up with the bump provided by Ground Zeroes in March '14
Absolutely shocked Xbox pulled a W for April and utterly disappointed Bloodborne already dropped out of top 10. What an odd NPD month.
We already have two NPD threads. Why is this needed?
No offence.
I think what this indicates is a dead heat in the US among PS4 and XB1 in regards to demand. WHich makes sense as MS for the most part has tried to bring the heat(outside of that preseason BS) These two consoles are gonna bob up and down over each other i think, sometimes XB1 will win, probably most of the time PS4 will win.
Glad they are doing well too. But its kind of surprising to see PS4 with the most sold games in April considering the higher sales of the XB1