traveler said:They have? Where?
Capcom- RE4. Enough said. Might have an outside shot at a million sold worldwide.
SE- DQS in Japan- will get to 500K.
Ubisoft- Red Steel and Rayman
Activision- no cluse
traveler said:They have? Where?
It will be third this season in the US no shock but I believe you will find it the 2nd best seller in both other territories (first Christmas in Europe as well).Ether_Snake said:I can't imagine how awful it will do this holiday compared to the 360/Wii, they have NOTHING for it.
PS3forums said:130K is a ton. I honestly expected it to fall below 100K in August, I figured the July buzz was all but gone.
schuelma said:Sonycowboy- interested in Tiger Woods breakdown and RE4 sales if available!
Not bad for four days. Information travels slowly through the Wii browser.Drinky Crow said:200K ninthings bought metroid prime 3? that's a pretty poor turnout, even for the faithful.
traveler said:I think they're referring to the quality of the lineup, not its sales. Why one would care more about the latter than the former is beyond me.
Ubisoft, Atlus, Square Enix, Capcom, SEGA, SNK Playmore etc. have already succeeded.MobiusPigeon said:if EA cant do well on wii i dont see anyone else doing well.
schuelma said:Capcom- RE4. Enough said. Might have an outside shot at a million sold worldwide.
SE- DQS in Japan- will get to 500K.
Ubisoft- Red Steel and Rayman
Activision- no cluse
DKIIDKII said:Looks like that banned sales website was almost spot on again
Zerodoppler said:So people still aren't buying Wii games. I guess third party developers made the right choice when they decided to stay the hell away. At least for now.
Oblivion said:I've been saying this for months. QFT and all that.
titiklabingapat said:Buy MP:3 and tell me that the Wii's prowess sucks ass![]()
DeaconKnowledge said:Who are you? Cobra Commander?
besada said:How does 50k in sales look good for Lair, one of those games that was going to turn the tide? It's underselling launch titles, yes? For Warhawk, it's impossible to say until Sony mentions some numbers about the PSN. I'd think it's at least half and half, so maybe 100-130K for Warhawk, which IS respectable.
Drinky Crow said:200K ninthings bought metroid prime 3? that's a pretty poor turnout for a 'hardcore' game in a well-known fan franchise in its first appearance on a new platform, even among the faithful.
titiklabingapat said:Activision can.
And so has Capcom, SE and Ubisoft.
AirBrian said:I wonder the same thing. Wii Sports, I guess.
neptunes said:how many million sellers (WW) does the 360 have? 10-13 or what?
besada said:How does 50k in sales look good for Lair, one of those games that was going to turn the tide? It's underselling launch titles, yes? For Warhawk, it's impossible to say until Sony mentions some numbers about the PSN. I'd think it's at least half and half, so maybe 100-130K for Warhawk, which IS respectable.
HomShaBom said:GIFs aren't banned people.
traveler said:I was talking about quality games, not sales, as I assumed Mobius- the one who was being quoted- was. (Not that RE4 sucks- it's just a port)
Doesn't change the fact that they are....selling/sold well/will sell well...uh...yeah, that's it.MobiusPigeon said:guitar hero suites wii. thats a no brainer. hasnt there only been 1 capcom wii game? ubi was there for launch. all 3 notions STRUCK DOWN. :lol
Jtyettis said:Higher
Threi said:Well what quality 3rd party games are there (that actually get ANY type of advertising)?
Opus Angelorum said:PS3 Lair = 46.5K
Warhawk w/headset= 58.6K
Not bad at all, but I think the negativity surrounding Lair has all but condemned it.
I'd figure sales would be the primary concern when worried about what third parties think of the Wii business.traveler said:I was talking about quality games, not sales, as I assumed Mobius- the one who was being quoted- was. (Not that RE4 sucks- it's just a port)
sonycowboy said:LAIR wasn't supposed to be released during the month. It hit stores on Thursday and stores started selling it and Sony OK'd it apparently So, like 2 1/2 days of sales, with most folks unaware it hit or hadn't picked it up yet.
Neither are great, but given the lowered expectations I've had for both of those games for several months, inline with my expectations.
neptunes said:how many million sellers (WW) does the 360 have? 10-13 or what?
Ether_Snake said:Ok to those who were saying I was wrong about Japanese games selling PS3s here, here is the deal:
Ratchet, Uncharted, and Killzone won't do shit to bring the PS3 ahead of the 360, they won't move a lot of systems to begin with, that's for sure.
There are currently a LOT of PS2-only owners that have yet to buy a PS3 (like me). Why? Because the games they like have been on PS2 and PSP only, and the ones to come on PS3 are too far from release yet.
To name a few:
Ace Combat
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
Grand Turismo
A bunch of random RPGs like Nippon Ichi's, etc.
Some Dynasty Warrior games.
Shadow of the Colossus-like game
And more.
Basically, the PS3 doesn't feel like a successor to the PS2 when you look at its current lineup or its soon-to-be-released games, so a strong part of its hardcore userbase hasn't made the jump to PS3, and as the time passes the 360 is starting to look more and more like the PS2's successor lineup-wise (with many of the above to be released on it, add to this Dead Rising and Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, etc.).
So yes, if the PS3 had a much more Japan-oriented lineup with former PS2 big-names being released for it now, exclusively in at least a few cases, it would have made a huge difference. The camp would have remained divided as they were last gen, with the MS brand being mostly Western/PC games and the PS brand with mostly Japanese games (then add sports games to both consoles).
Sony made a huge mistake by not trying to keep at least the Japanese exclusives for its console.
I can't imagine how awful it will do this holiday compared to the 360/Wii, they have NOTHING for it.
siamesedreamer said:According to my calculations, the X360 is at 6,230,000 LTD.
It did 2,120,000 September-December last year. If it has the same sales, then that would be a total of 8,350,000 LTD.
The question is - will Halo 3 and the price drop be able to push it to 10,000,000 by the end of the year? That would necessitate a 78% increase in sales over the same period last year.
I don't think it'll come close, but it should end up around 9,200,000 LTD through December.
ksamedi said:Didn't it only have like 4 days? I think it will easily outsell Bioshock.
do you know how much and which titles specififcally?Jtyettis said:Higher
wii play > metroid prime 3 is dumb too
Segata Sanshiro said:I'd figure sales would be the primary concern when worried about what third parties think of the Wii business.
neptunes said:do you know how much and which titles specififcally?
all I know is
Ether_Snake said:Err those numbers are ATROCIOUS.
MobiusPigeon said:if EA cant do well on wii i dont see anyone else doing well. honestly its not a fault of the developers either. the wii is unique in the way that yeah it has this awesome new control scheme but the hardware holds it back when compared to the other 2. you cant port from ps360 and add waggle and last gen is done with. whats left for them to do if at this point games arent selling? its a risk and all that will lead to is junk. not saying there wont be those who take risks but meh. Nintendo will always do well because it's their baby.
DeaconKnowledge said:Who are you? Cobra Commander?
_leech_ said:Warhawk was out on the 28th.
Ether_Snake said:Err those numbers are ATROCIOUS.
neptunes said:do you know how much and which titles specififcally?
all I know is