Branduil said:I'm not sure why NOA has done such a poor job marketing Brain Age. You'd think the success of Wii Sports, Nintendogs, and other games would clue them in.
Xisiqomelir said:I love you, NPD day.
Space reserved for chartage
VALIS said:Which seems odd since America adored the PS1 and PS2.
But it's not odd because the truth is what people have been saying for two years now: PRICE IS KING.
Sony really needs a $400 model for the holidays just so third parties don't start bailing in '08 and beyond.
MobiusPigeon said:the 360 will be the destination for gamers who want a well rounded pick of choice titles from both 1st and 3rd parties with exclusives thrown in for good measure and also make 3rd party devs happy with $$$. i mean come on the original xbox version of madden outsold the wii version and boogie is nowhere. :lol i just dont see the wii changing from the wiisports/nintendo hardcore machine.
I have to the end of the year to enjoy ;DHaunted One said:oh, and as expected, felipeko is done for.![]()
Raw64life said:Some approximate Nintendo LTDs...
Pokemon D/P - 3,250,000
Wii Play - 1,950,000
Mario Party 8 - 1,155,000
Super Mario Strikers - 250,000
...Mario Party 8 joins the million seller club in the US.
I still think permbans are stupid. What's the point of a ban-bet if you can't rub the wrong prediction into the face of the loser when he comes back?felipeko said:I have to the end of the year to enjoy ;D
traveler said:Fixed. The Halo surge is next month.
Plenty of time to register your joke account.felipeko said:I have to the end of the year to enjoy ;D
Lobster said:Sad at 4 days of numbers? 4 days and it should be happy.
Lobster said:So just an estimate.
360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K
2134K Units of Madden sold.
capslock said:Wii isn't doing much to disprove the age old 'third party titles don't sell' argument.
Just saying.
mildewproduction said:This is what makes me laugh. What people don't get is that Xbox 360 is eating up all of the people willing to spend $300-$400 on a next gen console. Haven't you all been seeing the 360's number slowly dwindle? It's because the market for those willing to drop $300-$400 on a next gen console isn't unlimited.
When Sony finally drops to $400, Microsoft will own most of those towing the line and drop down to < $300. Who will buy the PS3 at $400? Those that are extremely Playstation brand loyal who won't pay over $400. And I'll tell you the Playstation brand loyal isn't as big as those brand loyal to certain games that made the PS2 a hit.
So when GTAIV hits are the GTA lovers going to buy the <$300 XBOX 360 or the PS3?
CLIFFNOTES: When PS3 finally drops to $400, it will be too late and everyone will be saying if only they could get a $300 verstion.
Incentive is that it will sell better than a rush job.Son of Godzilla said:Obviously not, but if every multi-platform release sells poorest on the Wii what exactly is the incentive to even make a non-rush job Wii release? I mean, it might turn out decent overall with spin-off games exclusive to the system, but as much as Nintendo is positioning itself to make non-games, the Wii is being limited to them by the huge difference between it's competition.
What I'm saying is, that PS360 vs Wii chart is closer to reality than it is to a joke.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolnightside said:omg..:lol
i just saw the last entry on sony defence force:lol
mildewproduction said:This is what makes me laugh. What people don't get is that Xbox 360 is eating up all of the people willing to spend $300-$400 on a next gen console. Haven't you all been seeing the 360's number slowly dwindle? It's because the market for those willing to drop $300-$400 on a next gen console isn't unlimited.
When Sony finally drops to $400, Microsoft will own most of those towing the line and drop down to < $300. Who will buy the PS3 at $400? Those that are extremely Playstation brand loyal who won't pay over $400. And I'll tell you the Playstation brand loyal isn't as big as those brand loyal to certain games that made the PS2 a hit.
So when GTAIV hits are the GTA lovers going to buy the <$300 XBOX 360 or the PS3?
CLIFFNOTES: When PS3 finally drops to $400, it will be too late and everyone will be saying if only they could get a $300 verstion.
Stinkles said:Even if that were to happen, there's no way to measure a surge in HW based on a game during a price cut window.
baseball and rocket race on Forge
MassiveAttack said:PS3 is widely expected to drop to $399 this year.
Are you seriously using Boogie to make your wii third party argument? Pathetic.MobiusPigeon said:the 360 will be the destination for gamers who want a well rounded pick of choice titles from both 1st and 3rd parties with exclusives thrown in for good measure and also make 3rd party devs happy with $$$. i mean come on the original xbox version of madden outsold the wii version and boogie is nowhere. :lol i just dont see the wii changing from the wiisports/nintendo hardcore machine.
Zzoram said:Only Halo 3 could beat that for first month sales.
360 BIOSHOCK 490.9K
MassiveAttack said:PS3 is widely expected to drop to $399 this year.
nightside said:omg..:lol
i just saw the last entry on sony defence force:lol
That's what I suspected. A few restless nights at EA?sonycowboy said:PSP did much better than that. Of course, Madden only had 5 days of sales last year vs 19 this month. So, I'm thinking folks are going to be down on those sales.
Oblivion said:Btw, I guess if it's any consolation, Madden Wii probably sold more than Ninja Gaiden Sigma, at least.
?HolyStar said:I'm curious to see what the sales will be like in September. The Xbox360 is out selling the PS3 2:1 and after a $100 price drop.
:lolLivin_Lovin said:TWO FUCKIN' WORLDS?!
Amused_To_Death said:How much did Bioshock CE sell?
MightyHedgehog said:?
X360 only dropped $50 for the premium/pro and less for other SKUs.
sonycowboy said:NPD Thoughts:
360 - Now this is what a price drop is supposed to do for you, and people were grumbling at the $20, $30, and $50 price drops. Clearly a huge momentum shift for the 360.
Imagine if it would have hit 300K with the impending release of Halo 3. Regardless, still performed exceptionally for what it is: a $350 - $450 (not factoring in the "Core" as it's not sold ANYWHERE that I've seen as of late) high-definition console.
PS3 - Sales fall down to just about in-between pre and post price drop levels. And still no HW pushing SW on the horizon. Can they ride it out until March 2008?
No, I don't believe they can ride it out until March 2008 -- they have excellent software from their high-profile developers that has released/will release soon. Either Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, and/or LBP make a splash or Sony is "screwed" for this generation. This holiday season will be the determining element in how things will progress from here. If the aforementioned first-party titles can't drive hardware sales, Sony will need to bundle their console with the second coming of Christ in order for it to sell.
Wii - What can be said. A phenomenon and it's still very hard to get your hands on one 10 months after release.
This bastard shows no signs of slowing down. I doubt the coming months will contradict this pattern in sales
DS - Nintendo has so many golden eggs, they have got to be coming to work with permanent smiles on their face at this point.
ditto (from Wii)
PS2 - SW sales dropped 33%, no more huge SW on the horizon. But, still the $99 drop in their pocket.
PS2's going to start winding down, as evidenced by this month. It will still sell better than the PS3 for some time to come, but give it another year and you'll see it drop off of the NPD like the xbox.
08/30/07Opus Angelorum said:It has to.
No Lair numbers?
Branduil said:I'm not sure why NOA has done such a poor job marketing Brain Age. You'd think the success of Wii Sports, Nintendogs, and other games would clue them in.
Didn't Lair just come out this month?Opus Angelorum said:It has to.
No Lair numbers?