Ditto...BTW, I think you might have my favorite scribble, its so freaking cute!Volcynika said:Yessssssssssssss can't wait for that. Can't believe it's finally here.
GitarooMan said::lol Talk about shifting the goalposts, people making those predictions knew the release date and knew the number of NPD days. They weren't making them based on a full 30 day window.
The fact is nobody can ever call anything a bomb or a hit here because everyone has their own criteria. I bet Sega is disappointed though (although I'm sure some Sega PR will somewhere down the line say through gritted teeth "we were happy with sales of The Conudit" and people will grasp onto that as though it holds some weight).
The Faceless Master said:people say this all the time, but 99% of the time, second month is worse.
in the past year, iirc, the only games with a second month higher than the first that were released outside of october/november are wiifit and infamous.
even with 2-4 days of sales for the month, most games just sell the most at launch.
Pureauthor said:I believe most of those who actually made predictions were aware of the amount of days that would be counted within NPD.
Oliver.S said:Yes. I rather bought me some Art Style and Hanabi Festival VC games (Pulseman is fantastic) for less money. In the moment, I am swimming in good to great games for my Wii and DS (in Europe). No need to buy a stopgag, a few days before Wii Sports Resort.
Sad to see some of the same guys, who once enjoyed masterpieces like Golden Eye and Perfect Dark, now defending a average shooter. Clarification: I don't want to see it bomb.
How did the PS3 sell at launch?Dra-Q said:Any predictions how the PSP GO will sell in this market-situation?
NimbusD said:Wii Motion+ bomba? Seriously why the hell isn't it selling like hotcakes... also it mentions it doesn't include numbers for TW10 that includes hardware... does that mean it doesn't include the Wii+ sales?
Badly. What's more important is that it disrupts the cycle of annual upgrades. I think if you teach people that a new, improved model will come out next year, every year (for the same price too), they start to wait it out. That's not what Sony wants. The PSP Go will get a lot of formerly hesitant people off the fence, but the PSP Go itself is not what they will end up buying.Dra-Q said:Any predictions how the PSP GO will sell in this market-situation?
idofriar1313 said:All in all, pretty much what I suspected in terms of hardware. The coming months should be interesting seeing as they're devoid of any BIG releases.
billy.sea said:Would be interesting to see July NPD.
NCAA vs Wii Sports Resort. I don't think NCAA or Madden ever lose their top debut spot every year.
AniHawk said:You mean aside from Wii Sports Resort (July) and Halo 3 ODST (September)?
dammitmattt said:And the biggest franchise in gaming, Madden
Accident said:There is no way to tell if a game is missing, we don't even know if the numbers are real.
Totals from the leaked numbers.
360: 2.51M
Accident said:152 games in the leak, all over 20k
idofriar1313 said:All in all, pretty much what I suspected in terms of hardware. The coming months should be interesting seeing as they're devoid of any BIG releases.
AniHawk said:You mean aside from Wii Sports Resort (July) and Halo 3 ODST (September)?
yoopoo said:You Conduit fanboys should thank KillZone 2, if it wasn't for that game Conduit would be considered dud of the generation.
There is little weirdness about systems with half the install base selling half the amount of games.Crisco said:The PS3 software situation is just abysmal. How much worse is it's software sales compared to the 360 when it's installed base was about the same as the PS3 is now? Seems like it's way worse. Also, is there any data on PSN sales? Stuff like Flower and Pixeljunk games? You can't even pirate games for the fucking thing, so it either means everyone with a PS3 has gamefly or people just don't buy games for it.
idofriar1313 said:Wow, thanks Anihawk for making me feel stupid.
OK, so it's obvious. Wii Sports at #1 for July. Madden #1 August. Perhaps I'm more interested in whats at those 2-10 spots....
I got nothing..
AniHawk said:Not even close.
EDIT: Okay, it's definitely top ten, probably top five material. I just said that to be dramatic.
AniHawk said:PS3: 55% of BB sales
360: 45% of BB sales
Wikipedia says 8th biggest for whatever that's worth. It's probably much higher if you only count the US though, and if we're talking about NPD numbers you are.dammitmattt said:And the biggest franchise in gaming, Madden, in what looks like a banner year.
That's a lot of qualifiers, and the "on a yearly basis" bit is kinda unfair. It's at least the "biggest franchise in the US that is released yearly". "Biggest franchise in gaming" is too dramatic.dammitmattt said:What other franchise has been this dominant on a yearly bases for 20 years? Remember, this is an NPD thread, so if you just look at US sales numbers, Madden is ALWAYS in the top five and is often the best-selling title of the year.
AniHawk said:Batman: Dark Asylum, Beatles Rock Band, Guitar Hero 5, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Wolfenstein (maybe), and Metroid Prime Trilogy (depends how/if it's marketed).
dammitmattt said:What other franchise has been this dominant on a yearly bases for 20 years? Remember, this is an NPD thread, so if you just look at US sales numbers, Madden is ALWAYS in the top five and is often the best-selling title of the year.
It's also got more mainstream/casual appeal than anything this side of Wii Sports AND it has had its own TV show for years on ESPN. What more proof do you need?![]()
bcn-ron said:There is little weirdness about systems with half the install base selling half the amount of games.
If we can count all things football, FIFA is really close. I wouldn't be suprised if it's slightly ahead actually. Wikipedia lists 65 million total for FIFA citing an article from 07 and Madden at 70 million citing an article from 08.AniHawk said:Biggest football franchise? Definitely.
Fredescu said:Wikipedia says 8th biggest for whatever that's worth. It's probably much higher if you only count the US though, and if we're talking about NPD numbers you are.
Accident said:152 games in the leak, all over 20k
Accident said:Totals from the leaked numbers.
360: 2.51M
MightyHedgehog said:Is that all tracked current titles that sit over 20k? If so, holy crap at the Playstation family, in terms of software sales, in the US. Moribund is a pretty good adjective for PSP and PS3.
EatChildren said:What disappointments me about The Conduit's sales is mostly to do with the size of the installbase. Yeah, 9 days compared to 3 weeks, and average reviews potentially damaging sales via word-of-mouth, but the Wii's installbase is so damn high you expect some kind of guarenty.
And sadly, The Conduit really hasn't 'proven' a point either way. It could have legs like CoD:WaW and prove that an installbase is there, one that was wary of quality, or it could prove that the fabled 'core' installbase just doesn't exist in a way that will guaranty high sales for these kinds of games.
By the end of the year it will be interesting to see sales of games like Red Steel 2 and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I don't really expect the latter to sell all that well, considering it's genre and diminishing fanbase, but I am interested in its sales comparisons to something like Homecoming and Origins.
KirmiziBeyaz said:Doesn't matter if its not a great game..
Didn't stop Killzone or Carnival Games.
Who argues about that it's easily Wendy's, but McDonald's has better fries, duh.Zuhzuhzombie!! said:Oh man.
The Prototype Infamous fallout is gold.
It's like arguing over who has the better hamburger.
McDonald's or Wendy's.
Without going into too much detail, I believe Sony, EA, and Activision are the primary companies publishing on the PSP. They are probably the only ones making much money there.xbhaskarx said:Wow, so those 12 PSP games had average sales of 30k. That is really low (for comparison it's 78k for the 32 X360 games).
Knowing very little about the PSP, my question is: Why does any company besides Sony make PSP games? I don't get it, can the games really be profitable with these kind of sales numbers? Even if they are, why would a company not make their game for the 360, Wii, or DS instead? The opportunity cost of releasing a PSP game seems huge given the lack of sales relative to other platforms...
You are completely fucking delusional.Mr.Potato Head said:I said last year during Wii's onslaught of monthly sales that 360 would stay solid, maintain composer and at the end of the fight *end of this gen* 360 has a VERY GOOD chance at being the #1 selling console after all thats said and done...and this could be the beginning of that happening
Being used to IR pointer aiming, analog stick aiming feels as dated as it made d-pad aiming feel when it first came around.speculawyer said:People need to let it go. If you are a fan of FPS games, then pick up a 360 or PS3.
Sales across the top 152 games does not necessarily reflect total software sales.Opiate said:This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is.
Note that if the UK numbers are true, Wii actually increased in the rest of Europe to make up for it. Total sales in Europe during the first 17 weeks are flat YoY.Opiate said:There is definitely a worldwide decline in Wii demand.
yoopoo said:You Conduit fanboys should thank KillZone 2, if it wasn't for that game Conduit would be considered dud of the generation.
jvm said:Without going into too much detail, I believe Sony, EA, and Activision are the primary companies publishing on the PSP. They are probably the only ones making much money there.
damisa said:Why does everyone say "only 9 days" or even "7 days" for conduit?
It was out for 12 days
AniHawk said:Batman: Dark Asylum, Beatles Rock Band, Guitar Hero 5, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Wolfenstein (maybe), and Metroid Prime Trilogy (depends how/if it's marketed).