GT5 = 1 Platform. NFS = all platforms?
lawblob said:His best friend is a chubby, self deprecating janitor, with a VERY sassy and opinionated wife.
Episode 7 is very special, Butler helps him overcome his diabetes with Move exercise games.
Darkgran said:![]()
Almost there Sony....Almost there.
Ah. Yeah.CozMick said:GT5 and DKCR.
EviLore said:08. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) SONY**
Road said:- PS3: 530k.
lawblob said:With Jesus
TheListener said:GT5 = 1 Platform. NFS = all platforms?
VideoMan said:
Lol.Stumpokapow said:This is as silly as when people try to marginalize Wii Play on account of the fact that "it's a game bundled with a controller! Of course it sold well!" You don't get to point out your competitors successes and say "Those don't count. We could have done those!"
The figures are what they are. If it's that easy for Nintendo to magically double their sales by "re-launching" or changing their form factor, why can't they do it or why haven't they done it?
- And Ps3 didn't sold less than half than everyone else.CozMick said:STOP!
Using logic in this thread is prohibited.
GT5 didn't only have 3 days with no advertising.
And NFS IS only on one platform.
2 Minutes Turkish said:Fixed that for slightly more accuracy.
What?Kafel said:PSP ?
CozMick said:STOP!
Using logic in this thread is prohibited.
GT5 didn't only have 3 days with no advertising.
And NFS IS only on one platform.
Aren't you tired with all these excuses? It had Black Friday.CozMick said:STOP!
Using logic in this thread is prohibited.
GT5 didn't only have 3 days with no advertising.
And NFS IS only on one platform.
Anasui Kishibe said:I'm sure it's been asked, but where's the PSP?
:lol :lollawblob said:With Jesus
Boney said:It is.
Who the fuck is buying this!
Fable III is probably my favorite of the lot and I'm a big fan of 1 and 2.Ushojax said:Not bad at all for such a terrible mess of a game. I guess people really liked Fable 2. Amazing that's it's beaten DKCR, GT5 and NFS.
DefectiveReject said:And why haven't nintendo done it? They've had the two fastest selling games devices. Why would they need to.
Microsoft need to and did, nintendo did nothing, absolute square root of nothing and is keeping up.
UraMallas said:Fable III is probably my favorite of the lot and I'm a big fan of 1 and 2.
CozMick said:STOP!
Using logic in this thread is prohibited.
GT5 didn't only have 3 days with no advertising.
And NFS IS only on one platform.
Chris1964 said:Aren't you tired with all these excuses? It had Black Friday.
Take GT4 numbers again
GT4 February 22, 2005 - 620k
Empty said:
01. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, Wii, PC, NDS) ACTIVISION BLIZZARD ** - 8.4 Million
02. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360, PS3) UBISOFT **
03. Just Dance 2 (Wii) UBISOFT
04. Madden NFL 11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP) ELECTRONIC ARTS
05. Fable III (360) MICROSOFT**
06. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) NINTENDO
07. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3, 360, Wii, PC) ELECTRONIC ARTS
08. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) SONY**
09. NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP,PC) TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE
10. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) NINTENDO**
Lesson to publishers from consumers: yeah baby. yearly sequels. fuck yeah
i'm still trying to wrap my head around how well fable iii is doing. it's weird.
Lonely1 said:- And Ps3 didn't sold less than half than everyone else.
Stumpokapow said:Nintendo is down YOY. Why on earth would they wait until they're losing to act? You're proposing that "rest on your laurels" is a good business strategy.
A.R.K said:does MS fucking go buy their own games in bulk from retailers or what? its disgusting when crap like this sell and quality games struggle...I have to salute the xbox community though, they fucking buy every piece of crap that comes out on the 360 no matter the quality...thats loyalty!
DefectiveReject said:Lol.
I own all consoles, handhelds, mac, a pc. I hold no favour. And like I said I play the others more than wii, plus sales mean nothing when you give up fanboy status. Only here to say, it ain't that big of a deal.
And why haven't nintendo done it? They've had the two fastest selling games devices. Why would they need to.
Microsoft need to and did, nintendo did nothing, absolute square root of nothing and is keeping up.
Can someone put the real numbers either overlaid or side-by-side?ICallItFutile said:![]()
Never forget.
I assume they meant that near the end of life, that owners would be putting them away in the closet or something. If it's not actively used, can you really count it as part of the installed base?Souldriver said:I think the chart where the Wii sells negative numbers at the end of its life is still the awesomeremest one of them all. :lol
New franchises are more likely to be launched early in a console lifecycle.Empty said:Lesson to publishers from consumers: yeah baby. yearly sequels. fuck yeah
Empty said:
01. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, Wii, PC, NDS) ACTIVISION BLIZZARD ** - 8.4 Million
02. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360, PS3) UBISOFT **
03. Just Dance 2 (Wii) UBISOFT
04. Madden NFL 11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP) ELECTRONIC ARTS
05. Fable III (360) MICROSOFT**
06. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) NINTENDO
07. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3, 360, Wii, PC) ELECTRONIC ARTS
08. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) SONY**
09. NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP,PC) TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE
10. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) NINTENDO**
Lesson to publishers from consumers: yeah baby. yearly sequels. fuck yeah
i'm still trying to wrap my head around how well fable iii is doing. it's weird.
I'll bet not many people would have predicted NFS to outsell GT5, platforms combined or not.TheListener said:GT5 = 1 Platform. NFS = all platforms?
A.R.K said:does MS fucking go buy their own games in bulk from retailers or what? its disgusting when crap like this sell and quality games struggle...I have to salute the xbox community though, they fucking buy every piece of crap that comes out on the 360 no matter the quality...thats loyalty!
that is. amazing!Souldriver said:Found it!
A.R.K said:does MS fucking go buy their own games in bulk from retailers or what? its disgusting when crap like this sell and quality games struggle...I have to salute the xbox community though, they fucking buy every piece of crap that comes out on the 360 no matter the quality...thats loyalty!
BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. What a disgraceful swipe at an entire userbase. Feels like the good old days.
I sense so much anger in this post.A.R.K said:does MS fucking go buy their own games in bulk from retailers or what? its disgusting when crap like this sell and quality games struggle...I have to salute the xbox community though, they fucking buy every piece of crap that comes out on the 360 no matter the quality...thats loyalty!
beat said:I assume they meant that near the end of life, that owners would be putting them away in the closet or something. If it's not actively used, can you really count it as part of the installed base?
You are right. That's why GT5 sells better than GT4 in Europe.TheBranca18 said:Yeah uh, the PS3 isn't the PS2. That's clear is it not?
Empty said:
01. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, Wii, PC, NDS) ACTIVISION BLIZZARD ** - 8.4 Million
02. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360, PS3) UBISOFT **
03. Just Dance 2 (Wii) UBISOFT
04. Madden NFL 11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP) ELECTRONIC ARTS
05. Fable III (360) MICROSOFT**
06. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) NINTENDO
07. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3, 360, Wii, PC) ELECTRONIC ARTS
08. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) SONY**
09. NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP,PC) TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE
10. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) NINTENDO**
Lesson to publishers from consumers: yeah baby. yearly sequels. fuck yeah
i'm still trying to wrap my head around how well fable iii is doing. it's weird.
Ashes1396 said:You mean go multiplatform?
ps. name a yearly sequel that isn't multiplatform....