Sony extending that lead, wow.
Hmm...Seeing the headline PS+ subscriptions have doubled since Destiny's launch certainly makes all the issues PSN has been having as late make a lot more sense.
Why would you compare the tail end, when the PS2 was dirt cheap?
Anyone who lends credence to the soccer moms and grandpas that bought Wii's last gen as "growing the market" will obviously see this generation's sales as a supreme contraction. Fact is those customers were a temporary blip in the console market. How is this generation performing compared to the PS2/GCN/OG Xbox numbers during the same timeframe? Because that's a better indicator of core console gamers. Or a comparison to ONLY PS360 sales for last gen. It is my view that the Wii market in general skewed the entire market to unrealistic expectations for the following generation, especially when it became obvious that the additional market quickly ditched their waggle fad.
And MLB.
If everything is according to the plan2015 first half will be insane with retail releases.
MLB, Bloodborne, The Order and Ratchet.
Yep, not for a "market leader."
When they showed it they went out of their way to explain it was actually in game, so I'd assumed it was only a year off release.
I used this already but....
Sony be like....
MS be like....
I used this already but....
Sony be like....
MS be like....
Isn't the fact that the XB1 versions of most of the top 10 games are the worst selling console versions big news? I thought Madden was typically an Xbox game, but XB1 is even outsold by PS3, let alone PS4 and 360.
Anyone who lends credence to the soccer moms and grandpas that bought Wii's last gen as "growing the market" will obviously see this generation's sales as a supreme contraction. Fact is those customers were a temporary blip in the console market. How is this generation performing compared to the PS2/GCN/OG Xbox numbers during the same timeframe? Because that's a better indicator of core console gamers. Or a comparison to ONLY PS360 sales for last gen. It is my view that the Wii market in general skewed the entire market to unrealistic expectations for the following generation, especially when it became obvious that the additional market quickly ditched their waggle fad.
Nintendo had never seen console sales like the Wii, and it is my view that Nintendo will never again see console sales anywhere close to the Wii.
I used this already but....
Sony be like....
MS be like....
I don't know if anyone though Sony's numbers would be so high, what was the highest guess in the prediction thread?
So I have a question. In regards to the numbers leaks, I realize it's a big risk for the leakers, so in that case wouldn't it be possible for leakers to reveal the numbers via email tags (at least I think that's what's used sometimes to give out codes). That way you have to quote a post to see it, then just make posting the number bannable or something and problem solved no? That way outside news sources can't leak to GAF?
so the viewer is supposed to be microsoft i take it.
I think that this November & December are going to be bloodbaths.
Bang Bang 💥Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
The additional market did not ditch their "waggle fad" at all. And you've already seen enough arguments to show you otherwise, so it's painful to see that same argument thrown into a sales thread.
but in the equivalent time period we're still ~17% behind March 2014!
I would lose my shit if Bloodborne, No Man's Sky, WiLD and U4 released the same year. And that's without The Order and all those amazing looking indies.
PS4 has been underwhelming as the market leader for several months (LTD was always great due to BIG start, so just talking about the monthlies here). Then this month, it blew past what would've been expected from a market leader without a big price cut. Make up for underwhelming months? Flash in the pan? Start of the real next-gen?
This has been a very strange gen, so far (compared to past gens)!
For whom?
The problem is other sites used to quote GAF when numbers were leaked and that can draw the attention of NPD Ninjas.
Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
I used this already but....
Sony be like....
MS be like....
I don't know if anyone though Sony's numbers would be so high, what was the highest guess in the prediction thread?
Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
To their credit, Sony does spread the releases out somewhat. BB and The Order in February seems odd though. Makes me wonder what they have planned for March. April is MLB, right?
Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
Sorry for being away for awhile.
D without bundle:
1 ~ 35%
4 ~ 32%
360 ~ 23%
3 ~1 0%
Total: > 2.5M
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
So how much did Destiny sell (not counting bundles)?
I assume PS4/XB1 are close just like they where in the UK but what kind of numbers are we talking? 500k each? More?
It looked pretty fleshed out to me. Of course they could have just chosen to show parts of the world they'd completed but it was quite extensive and those character animations didn't look like 'work in progress'. I'm think Christmas 2015.
I told you guys the Destiny bundle sold really well.
PS4 bundle ~ 300k
What was the PS2's worldwide sales a year out comparatively?
Are we on pace for another 100+ million console seller or is that not sustainable in the industry anymore?
That's why, if the leaker leaks number via email tag (again, I may be wrong about this), then you'd have to quote their post to see the numbers (otherwise it wouldn't show anything). So only GAF members can see it. That way outside sources can't cite the leakers' posts since only Gaffers would see it, no?